
The True Power of Clans

Midas and Julio arrived at the Secret Camp at close to 7 p.m. They knew they would be late, so they told the women to have supper without them. But the women refused, so when Midas and Julio arrived, they found them waiting while eating snacks and chatting by the fire.

"The boys are back!" said Amelia with surprise.

"Eyy!!" said Jasmine in a jolly fashion with her arms raised up high.

"We're back, ladies!!" said Julio in happiness which caused the woman to look twice at Julio wondering if there was something happening.

"Someone's in a good mood…" Charlotte probed while allowing Julio to sample some of her Lays Salt and Vinegar Chips. Julio crunched on the Chips and released moans of ecstasy as if they were the greatest things he had ever tasted in his entire life.

The girls stopped paying attention to Julio and looked towards Midas for an explanation. Midas smiled wryly and merely said, "Can't you guys tell… The man is hopelessly in Love~~"

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