
A Benevolent Heart

"That Grand Duchess girl... Did you happen to notice it as well? The crimson aura enveloped her like a radiant veil. It is quite unexpected that she would be the one to be involved in this too."

Seated atop the bed, Roksolana gracefully crossed her legs and delicately rested her open palms upon her knees. With a serene expression, she closed her eyes as though preparing for meditation. Meanwhile, Rostan observed his sister's audacious claim on his bed before pivoting and leaning against the pristine window frame. He folded his arms across his chest, contemplating the scene before him.

The accommodations designated for the Imperial twins as guests were situated in the eastern wing of the Main Palace. These chambers afforded them a captivating view, commanding a sweeping perspective of the Imperial Gardens. These gardens, which unfurled across the expansive grounds, were the exclusive domain of the Imperial Family.

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