

The thrill and excitement of this new journey pulses through our little group; a journey full of possibilities. However, an air of angst hangs over us all. I can feel it weave its way into the minds of my friends. We're all scared, but the sheer amount of adrenaline rushing through us hides our fear.

We have been running for about an hour now. We are heading for Vancouver, as Fred knows the city. He visited once, on a trip led by the university. We plan to stop at a hotel there for a few days, whilst we plan the next stretch of our trip. None of us know where we will end up. All we know is that Seattle is behind us.

Fred and I run just ahead of Bree and Diego. I have Fred's hand in my tight grasp. I'm still terrified that I'll lose him again. I glance back and can see that Bree and Diego are doing the same. They are both so young. I can't imagine what they must have been through. I've been a vampire for centuries, but this second life is just beginning for them; and what a heck of a start it's been.

Bree notices me looking at them and smiles. Her eyes are full of hope, but there's something else there too; hunger. I look at Diego, and then at Fred. All of their eyes mimic the same deep scarlet that only occurs when a vampire needs blood.

"When did you last hunt?" I say to Fred.

"A few days ago, maybe," he replies.

I frown, trying to think of the best spot to stop and hunt. A horrifying fact washes over me. Fred, Bree and Diego have only ever drunk human blood. This brings about so many complications. We have been fine so far, keeping off of main roads and streets, but what will happen when we got to Vancouver? What will happen in the hotel? Will these three be able to maintain control, long enough for me to hide them in a room? People will notice their eyes, burning red. Maybe we can pass as some kind of gothic cult; the sort that's into odd contacts and unusually pale skin.

I feel Fred's eyes on me and I turn my head to look at him. "What's up, Maia?" His eyes are soft again, full of concern. "There are a few complications I need to iron out," I say. A confused look crosses his face and I know he's full of questions. I smile. His look reminds me of biology lectures, and when Fred would interrogate the professor until he fully understood what he was talking about. Now, he squeezes my hand. "We'll get through this. I promise." His tone is so sincere. It fills me with hope.

"I have a place where we can hunt. The menu will be a little different to what you are used to, though. Is that ok?"

"I trust you." He grins, before turning to Bree and Diego. "You guys ready to hunt? Maia promises us some different cuisine tonight."

Bree laughs. "Ooh, I love oriental!"

I grin. "I can't promise that!"

I look at Diego. He's awfully quiet. "You ok, Diego?"

He looks up. "Yeah; I'm just trying to maintain some self-control. It's hard when there are so many cars full of humans driving past. I'll be fine once we've hunted." I feel Bree's concern, as she stares intently at him. Diego looks down at her and wraps an arm around her slim shoulders. "Bree, I'm fine." She doesn't look convinced. "Honestly, I'm good. I'm just thirsty is all." His attempts to comfort her seem to have worked a little, as she smiles weakly. I can tell she feels the hunger the same as him. Bree is just better at hiding it.

"So, Miss Tour Guide, where will we be dining tonight?" Fred grins a big goofy smile. I missed that so much. I only really understand how much I missed him now that I'm with him.

"Mount Rainier National Park."

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