
Furniture Shopping

"Here we are!"

The three of us stood in front of my mother's favorite furniture shop. With a simple but elegant wood colored exterior, a dark brown front door and a shiny golden bell on the top right of the door.

Pushing open the door, we heard the crisp ring of the bell and the store owner's sweet voice ring out.



Spotting my mother, a gentle looking woman walked out of the store counter with her arms spread out.


Enclosing her in a hug, the woman named Vicky then kissed on the cheek.

"Long time no see. What brings you and your son here?"

Looking at our direction, Vicky smiled at us, bending her knees to meet our height.

"Hello Dan, and - "

Directing her gaze at Oliver, I felt her smile turn a little more subtle.


Nodding our heads and greeting her, my mother then pulled at her hand and explained the reason for our visit.

"Oliver is joining our family, we've come to get some furniture for him."

Hearing this, Vicky didn't show a shocked expression. Instead, the corner of her lips raised and her gentle aura immediately turned sharp. But this sharpness immediately disappeared behind a smile as Vicky gestured for us to follow her.

"Why am I not surprised."

Laughing, Vicky hooked her hand around my mother's and led us deep into her shop.

"If that's the case, I have the perfect set for you."

Walking past various beds, closets, bookshelves and tables, we passed through a cloth screen and entered into what looked like a private area of the shop. Moving past more furniture, we stopped in front of a dark brown wooden door.

Reaching out her hand, Vicky turned the knob and opened it. She then led us inside.

"Vicky? Is there something wrong?"

At the sound of the door opening, another woman's voice called out from within the room.

"Lana, Elaine and her children are looking for some furniture."

Guiding us towards a sofa slightly deeper in the room, we met a woman laying on the sofa with a newspaper in one hand, and a cup in the other.


Showing a confused expression, the woman lifted her head and looked at Vicky. However, after she turned her eyes towards Oliver and I, that confusion cleared up and she gave an enlightened look.

'So the family was your family?"

Placing her cup and newspaper down, she stood up and headed towards us.

"How many pieces do you want?"

Putting her hand around Vicky's waist, she faced my mother and asked.

"I was thinking of getting a single bed, and maybe a larger or longer table and one chair. "

Listing them off one by one, I saw the two women nod their heads according to the number of pieces.

"For the bed, we do have one that is really comfortable and affordable. I recommend it. For the table, we do have several pieces that are bigger or longer then your previous one. The chair is the easiest, just pick whatever you like."

Talking to my mother as they led us deeper into the shop, we finally arrived at what looked like a storeroom with many pieces of furniture strewn around inside.

"This is the bed I was talking about."

Walking towards one of the many beds, the woman patted the mattress with her hand. Pushing down on it, she then let go to show us how soft and comfortable it would be.

"Go on Oliver, try it"

Putting both hands on his shoulders, my mother pushed Oliver towards the bed.

Following the woman, Oliver pushed down on the mattress then let go.

"Do you like it?"

Bending down to talk to us once more, Vicky directed her question towards Oliver.

Nodding his head, Oliver had no expression as he backed away from the bed.

"If that's the case, then we will take this bed."

Moving on from the bed, the two women then showed us three different tables. One was a large square, one was a long rectangle, and the last one was a hybrid between the both of them.

Walking up to the table, my mother pushed the two of us to choose the table we wanted. But considering that this table was most likely going to be shared between Oliver and I, as well as be able to fit in the room, there really was only one choice.

Going up to the long rectangle table, I met Oliver there and we both tried to sit on it. Although the table was longer than the one at home, it was severely thinner, leaving barely any room to work. However, my notes and chalkboard weren't too long, so they should fit.

Visualizing my area of the table in my mind, I mentally noted down where I would place everything and nodded my head when I was certain everything could fit.

Turning my head, I wanted to see what Oliver thought of this table, only to be met with his eyes looking at mine.

"Do you like it?"

Asking me in a small voice, he didn't seem interested in the table but what I thought of it.

"It's alright. I mean as long as it can fit everything, any table is fine.'

Glancing at him, I wanted to ask whether he liked it. But before I could speak, Oliver turned around and nodded his head to the adults.

"Then, we'll take this one."

Pointing at the table, Oliver copied my mother's words and I could see the woman beside Vicky give an amused smile.

"The two of you should discuss first before deciding. We can come back to the tables later."

Moving on from the tables, the woman did a sweeping motion with her hand.

"For the chair, you two can just take a walk around and choose any that you like. The three of us will stay here. Once you decide, you can just tell us."

Making a gesture to shoo us away, the three adults started whispering with each other, leaving Oliver and I to ourselves.

Looking at each other, we chose a random direction and slowly walked, lightly glancing at the furniture on the way.

"...You should properly choose your table and chair. After all, you're going to be using them too."

Sneaking a glance at Oliver, the two of us stopped some distance away from the adults. Far enough that they wouldn't be able to hear us.

Oliver turned his body to face me but his eyes were avoiding mine.

'...I'm fine with any table. Like you said, as long as it can fit your things, it's fine."

Squinting my eyes at him, I sighed and placed my hands on my hips.

"At least look at the table and think about it then. Don't choose based on whether i like it or not. It's your table too!"

Crossing my arms, I glared at Oliver. Seeing the corner of his lips hook up, I glared at him harder.

"What's so funny?"


Finally turning his head to look at me straight in the eye, Oliver showed a genuine smile, and we continued to walk.

"Ok, I'll consider each table carefully later."

Alternating between looking left or right, Oliver suddenly stopped and approached one of the chairs. It was a wooden chair with an asymmetrical back that gave it a homemade feeling. In fact, it would fit right in with the aesthetic of my current room.

Turning to look at him, I gave Oliver a look.

Seeing the words on my face, Oliver smiled and shook his head.

"I really do like this chair. I didn't choose it just because it would look great in your room, although that certainly is a plus."

Raising an eyebrow at Oliver, I looked into his eyes to check whether he was lying just because he felt guilty about being adopted into the family. I heard from my mother that adopted children usually felt out of place or undeserving with their new family, and I didn't want Oliver to have that sort of misunderstanding at all.

Looking at those clear eyes, I finally accepted his reason and the two of us dragged the chair back to the three adults.

"Oh? The two of you are done?"

Noticing us first was the woman. But when she set her eyes on the chair, she raised her eyebrows just like I did and glanced at Oliver.

"I really do like this chair.'

Smiling, Oliver reassured the three adults.

Looking at Oliver, the woman was the first one who sighed and waved her hand.

"As long as you are happy with your choice.'


Calling out the woman's name, Vicky extended a hand to pull on her shirt.

"It's his choice."

Shrugging her shoulders, Sky then brought us back to the tables.

"So, which table are you going to choose?"

Walking up to each of the tables, Oliver looked closed at them and frowned, deep in thought. Glancing at all of them, I saw his eyes jump between each one before landing on the long rectangle one.

"This one is the best."

Smiling, although the answer didn't change in the end, I couldn't help but smile as Oliver actually properly considered our belongings.

"Then, we'll ring up all your furniture and visit your house tomorrow to help you install them."

With a grin, Vicky told my mother as she and Sky led us back to the front of the shop.

"Thank you."

Giving Vicky another hug, the two of them smiled at each other before we bid them goodbye and left the store.

"Alright! Since we are done with furniture shopping, do you two want anything else?"

Looking at us, my mother held Oliver and my hand as we headed towards the market.

"Fish sticks!"

If we were talking about must buy snacks from the Market, Fish sticks were definitely on the top of the list!

Looking over at Oliver, I saw him shake his head at us.

"I haven't been to the Market yet."

Glancing over at me, Oliver gave me a smile.

"Do you have any recommendations?"

Crossing my arms and tilting my head, I thought about the many different snacks offered in the Market. Most of them were delicious, but the real issue was whether Oliver's stomach could take it. The food in Middle street was generally considered more 'dirty' than those in High street.

"How good is your stomach?"

Starting by asking the important question, I turned my head to him. But without even thinking about my question, Oliver answered.

"Pretty strong. My sister and I used to live in Bottom street, remember? And even during the period where we lived off the streets, I didn't fall sick. So I believe my stomach is quite strong."

Nodding my head at his answer, I decided to just pick out my favorite snacks for Oliver to try.

It was incredibly hard to picture the boy in front of me, his back straight, his attitude confident, to have come from Bottom street. Disregarding those who belonged to the gangs, most people on Bottom street were used to either bowing their heads to others or suffered from self-esteem issues due to constantly being oppressed.

Looking up to my mother to tell her what snacks we both were getting, I saw her subtly giving Oliver a concerned gaze.

Oh right. She didn't know much about Oliver's past.

Glancing at Oliver, who was looking at the stores around curiously, I tore my gaze away from him and reached out to pull at my mother's skirt.

"Mom, could we get some Fish sticks, Weed crackers and Stir fried flowers?"

Snapping her gaze to me, she smiled as she reached into her pocket to take out her wallet.

"Ok, dear. Let's go."

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