
Infrastructure Destroyer

'How do I get there? Fly or swim?'

After learning the location of the secret base with the corpse of my clone, I had an important question before me. It was a long and boring ride, but if I go there in a jet pack and I have problems there, then Marshall will have problems.

I can't fly a jetpack by myself! I need people's help in refueling it and preparing it for flight. And this means that people become my accomplices whenever I fly. They are wasting time and money, and they can only do so with the permission of the Marshal.

If I find out that the base is making my clones again, I will have to destroy it. Therefore, when I fly there on a jetpack, the government will think that it was the Marshal who sent me.

'So it's decided! I will swim like in the old days!' Thinking this, I plunged into the ocean and swam west.

I needed the corpse of my clone for a new ax. I wanted to see if I could make a weapon similar to Kong's. It might not work, but I felt it was a mistake to leave such material in the hands of strangers.

Unfortunately, I didn't have the time and energy to deal with this issue then, so I left it, but now that I was working with metal, I could realize my ideas and I need to rest from the monotonous work of a blacksmith.

My clone's blades didn't look very sharp to use as an axe, but maybe I will could mix bone with metal. The bones don't seem to melt in the fire and turn to ash, so I don't know if that will work. But I don't know anything about it, so I'll try it in practice to see if it's possible, especially since we're talking about the Titan armor.

The road was long as always. Several days of non-stop hand waving. Sometimes on the way I came across various ships, but when they noticed me, they immediately fled at full speed. Apparently their insurance didn't cover the problem after interacting with me.

You would think that with increasing power, speed would also increase, but not everything is so simple. It's hard to move in water, and even if I've gotten stronger, I can only go 10-20% faster. You can cross half the ocean in just a few days if you are not in a big hurry. There is no way to speed it up.

I remember Godzilla using a network of underground passages to shorten the distance. 'Such a strange world of the Monsterverse!' I smiled, remembering the logic of Godzilla's world. There were some portals leading to the center of the earth, maybe Godzilla used them. First he swam to the center of the earth and then through the portal he go to the other side of the planet. Sounds convenient.

It is a pity that there are no such portals in this world.

POV: Unknown laboratory

"Rather! Torterra is coming here! Take all research and leave this base!" There was shouting and rushing at the base. People ran from office to office with various things in their hands. A siren sounded and orange lights flashed throughout the base.

"What? Again? Why is he sailing here again?" One of the main researchers shouted in anger.

"We don't know for sure, but he needs a clone corpse."

"Okay, but how did he know our location?"

"Our sources say Marshall told him."

"Damn it! Damn Marshal! Doesn't he understand how important our work is!" The lead researcher was not happy.

"We are underground, and the corpse of the clone is on the surface in the hangar. Maybe Torterra won't notice us?" A woman in glasses and a white coat approached the chief scientist. She was just an assistant in the laboratory. She took care of the animals on which the experiments were conducted.

"Don't be a fool! He always knows where the Kaiju and clones are. This sense of his is so strong that he is able to sense another Titan thousands of kilometers away. What will happen if he feel our turtle? If he starts digging to us, he will destroy all our research!" The chief scientist shouted even louder.

"And what to do with animals? What to do with the Baby?"

"Leave him here! It is too big to carry. Pack the rest of the animals in containers."

"Yes sir!"

A woman in a white coat immediately ran to the enclosure with the animals. She went inside and started collecting things. Many animals just sat in cages, but some were in special rooms in good conditions with plants. Most of the animals were turtles of various species. But some animals were completely different. There were various reptiles and several mammals.

The work of this institution was to isolate the Titan gene and introduce it to other animals. Some of the workers who worked here had participated in the creation of the first clone that caused the disaster, but most were new hires.

No one knew where the rest of the scientists from that project went, but there were rumors that they were killed for failing.


A noise came from one of the rooms, and the woman came to the door.

"Sorry, kid, but you're staying here. If all goes well, then in a few days I will return to you." The woman put her hand on the door and spoke in a gentle voice. Her voice seemed to calm the beast outside the door and the noises stopped.

The woman pulled out several bags of feed and poured their contents into a special hole in the wall. After pouring out the food, she closed the small door and pressed the green button next to it.


It was heard how some mechanism worked and the food was poured into a large box on the other side of the wall.

"This should last you a few days."

"Do you need help?" Some men in special clothes entered the room.

"Yes! Help put the animals from these rooms into cages, and move the rest of the cages to the transport."

POV: Torterra

'Oh no, not again!' I stood on the bank and looked towards the jungle. But to get there, it was necessary to pass through various roads and buildings. During my entire existence, I had to overcome such obstacles only a few times. And every time I was mentally exhausted.

The hardest part was crossing the Panama Canal. There I really had to sweat to reduce the damage to a minimum.

Gathering myself and concentrating, I took the first step. My foot stopped next to the road, but my weight pushed the ground out from under my feet, the road rose several meters and split into pieces.

'Oops!' It looked more complicated than I thought. Maybe it was necessary to fly to this base? There were many helicopters and jets around me. They did not shoot, but their presence spoke of distrust in me. I felt like I wasn't welcome here. Looking at the rutted road at my feet, I realized I couldn't blame them.

My very existence in the human world is causing destruction. You will have to spend a whole month and a couple of million dollars on repairs alone. That's why I don't like walking around cities. This is really annoying!

Now there was no Kaiju attack and this destruction was not justified. I just wanted to make an ax for myself. I could find my old armor, but I thought it would be worth checking out what people do with a clone corpse.

If the cloning project was under Marshall, I'd be more lenient about it, but it's not. People who clone me have already proven their irresponsibility. They literally avoided responsibility.


'OK! Stop dumbing down. The main thing is that I don't step on anyone, and people will repair the roads and houses.' Thinking this, I began to slowly walk deep into the continent. I knew the approximate location of the military base and let my nose do the rest. It is unlikely that people bother to hide the smell of a clone.

With each step, the entire infrastructure around was destroyed. The tail caused the most damage. He was longer than before, and his weight left a scar on the ground. The trees crunched into sawdust under the Titan's weight. And electric wires created a lot of sparks when they broke.

It was almost impossible to find a piece of land that was not built on. There were roads and wires everywhere. There are so many people that it was impossible for wild animals to reach the ocean without crossing some expressway. I chose the most empty part of the shore anyway.

Even when I went deeper and could no longer see the ocean behind me, it was still difficult for me to move because even deep in the continent everything was built up.

'Where am I? Where should I go next?' Standing in the middle of the rice field, I looked around. Airplanes and helicopters never left me alone. In the distance, I heard the owners of this field shouting something at me.

'Excuse me!' I took a few steps to the side and stood on the road between the fields. The road was dirt and it could not withstand my weight and fell down to 5 meters. The shouts from the field owners got louder after that.

'Fine! Fine! I'm getting out of here.' I thought and went back into the jungle. I will have to make a detour of several kilometers to get around this field. I was already not far. My nose caught the scent of my Clone, so I was sure I was going the right way.


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