Hours chase hours. And months and months. Time passed quickly. Kai and Randal were now both trying to learn the Black Thunderbolts, the Dragon Form and the speciality of the King of Kings.
Of course, Kai hadn't become King yet. Therefore, there was no way he could be the King of Kings.
The two of them sat by the fire again. This time they ate fish. Kai now thought that Randal had sneaked out and hunted while he was training.
As they ate in silence, Kai had another thought, but he thought it would have to wait.
"What do you want to ask Kai? You know I can read your thoughts."
"Well, Master, there was another Kingslayer besides you and me. I was just wondering who he was."
Kai's question made Randal feel doubtful. He was torn between telling Kai or not. There was a possibility that it could put Kai in danger. But the truth that came to his mind urged him to tell him. Who would tell Kai after he was gone? Michael? No, how could Michael tell Kai what had happened when he could barely cope with his own pain? Maybe one day Kai's life would be in danger because of it.
"Her name was Mira. She was a very gifted young woman. She was incredibly talented. She probably had the greatest potential of any Kingslayer after me, but she was poisoned. By an insidious serpent."
"At the age of 15, Mira had reached the peak of Purple Lightning. It was then that it became clear that her potential was greater than the other Kingslayers."
"The 6 Guardians were still in spirit form and had lost their ability to think. For 100 years they had been trying to regain their ability to think, and they were very close to succeeding."
"But Era had thought of everything. He always had a backup plan, and he had a backup plan in case he went into mental form. For that, he consumed Pure Hellweed."
"Pure Hellweed is a special herb. It restores the mind and allows enhancers to get rid of illusions. Because of this ability, Era awakened 8 years earlier than the 6 Guardians."
"As soon as he awoke, he entered Mira's body and dragged her into the darkness. Eventually, he trapped her soul and took control of her body, killing all the geniuses of the Red Lightning Academy."
"Wait a minute. What was Mira doing at the Red Lightning Academy?" asked Kai. Randal shook his head from side to side.
"Because Mira was Michael's daughter. And even though Michael specifically avoided the Academy, he thought his child would be safe here."
Kai was stunned by every word he heard. The Red Lightning Academy was indeed a very mysterious place. It seemed to attract trouble.
"Michael didn't know what to do when he lost Eliza and everything with her in the Sky War. Then he threw himself into deep space and travelled the dimensions, despite all the offers. For a long time he struggled to become stronger, and 100 years later Michael was no different than he had been in the past. He was about 35 years old and had become a womanising man. He entered every house he saw and had his way with their women, but this could not go on forever. "
"Eventually one of the women became pregnant. The baby was very strong. So strong that the mother died in childbirth. It was with this baby that Michael came to himself after many years. He remembered and learned to love. He began to spend time with his daughter. He enrolled her in the Red Lightning Academy. But Era was a beast, half a step away from the Opening Sky Level. Their minds were not the same. It was very easy for Era to drag Mira into chaos. "
"Now Mira is probably with the Hunters, trying to get stronger. Of course, Mira was trapped in her own body and Era was using her body. She should be at the top of level 3 by now."
As Kai digested Randal's words, he noticed a problem. Turning his eyes to Randal, he noticed that he was still looking at the fire. The drool dripping from his wrinkled lips made him look more like a hungry old man than a conqueror capable of destroying planets.
"Master, how do you know all this? And... Stop looking at that meat! That's my share!!!"
Randal straightened his hunched back and gave Kai a noble look. Then his look turned sad.
"I... There's a lot you don't know, Kai. In this world, developers can do more than just fight," Randal said. Kai noticed the sadness in Randal's eyes. Something had obviously occurred to him and it had upset him.
Kai sighed when he saw Randal's sadness and held out his fork to take the meat.
Kai looked into the fire and noticed that the meat was gone. He turned his head to Randal and saw a sad looking Randal licking his lips with his tongue.
Meanwhile, Red Lightning City
Months had passed since the start of the tournament. Troops were being formed and the Council was being prepared. The members of the council were 6 legends and Alan.
One expedition after another took place in the Sky Lands, and everyone who returned was greatly rewarded. Kai's friends also benefited from the island. Their development was more difficult in the Green Lightning. But the benefits of the Sky Lands were great, and they all grew stronger each time they travelled there. Most of them had already reached the peak of the Green Lightning. Alvar could now easily defend the title of Emperor. When they moved to the Orange Lightning, the Blood Bond was awakened and the danger was removed.
Everyone became stronger and everyone had a mission. At that moment, a blonde-haired girl sat on one of the city's benches. She looked at the Council building with her blue eyes. Her eyes were filled with concern and curiosity.
When a handsome man with black hair came out of the council building, Sarah immediately jumped up and stopped in front of the man. The worried and excited expression on her face grew even wider.
"Zaheer, what happened? Please tell me they are going to send me on the expedition!"
Zaheer gave her a sad look and handed her the paper in his hand.
"I'm sorry Sarah. We couldn't send you, you've just arrived and everyone needs to get stronger. The names on this paper will go. "
Sarah looked at the paper sadly. The more she read, the angrier she became.
"You're sending Alvar again?!?!!! Come on!!! That bloody selfish baldy can go, why can't I!!!"
Zaheer was expecting this. Of course Alvar's name would be mentioned. It was like the first time he came to Red Lightning City. He never tired of praising himself, and he never failed to give the fourth years a hard time. That's why many students didn't like Alvar.
"No matter how much you talk, Sarah, nothing will change. Alvar is very talented and we need more council members. We must make the city as safe as possible. Powering up in Red Lightning is not as simple as you think. I'm still in the middle of Red Lightning. Jace has moved to the top of the centre. Even if Lena has reached the top, the power of only 4 people is useless. Even if the other Legends are also very talented, they can't stand up to one of the 3 Legends. Alvar can break this limit at the end of this year. If he succeeds, we will guarantee the safety of the city. "
Sarah sighed deeply and handed the paper back to Zaheer.
"I guess I'm doomed to stay behind the others."
Sarah's deep sigh made Zaheer sad. As Sarah turned and walked away, Zaheer grabbed Sarah's shoulder.
"Actually... I can help you," Zaheer said. Sarah continued to look at Zaheer like an idiot.
When Sarah realised that she had heard Zaheer correctly, she could not stop her eyes and ears from opening. From Zaheer's appearance, Sarah looked very cute right now.
"Would you like to learn the Purple Sunflower Art, Sarah?"
Zaheer thought that Sarah would be so excited to hear about this offer and be as happy as before, but instead Sarah started looking at him like he was an idiot.
"Zaheer, I am in the centre of the Green Lightning. I cannot learn an art until I am in the Red Lightning."
What Sarah said was completely true, but there was one thing missing. Some arts had side techniques and body preparation. Michael had trained Emma in this way and made her fit for the Red Lightning Art. The Red Lightning scroll was now in Emma's possession and she would study this art when she switched to Red Lightning.
Zaheer slapped Sarah on the head.
"Don't be stupid! I offer to be your master and you refuse. Do you realise what you've done?"
Sarah hit Zaheer with her other hand, holding her head.
"How many years are you older than me?!? What can you teach me?"
"I'll show you what I found on the expeditions."