
Kai Lane Chapter 15: Calm Before The Storm

Eye lightning colours ranking

1. Yellow

2. Blue

3. Green


5. Red


Jace said nothing as Kai took Jace's shoulder and walked towards the tree house. He knew what it meant for Kai to kill someone. Ordinary people grew up with taboos. Doing certain things, breaking certain rules, could be like crushing his heart mercilessly.

"Don't worry," Kai said. It was just two word, but it meant a lot. Kai had already accepted it.

"Thanks. " Kai looked at him as Jace suddenly spoke. Jace wasn't even looking at Kai's face. He was just looking at the floor.

Blood oozed from Jace's mouth. Kai sped towards the tree house.

When Kai and Jace reached the tree house, Kevin had somehow managed to get the two of them upstairs. Kai helped Jace up, too. Kai threw himself to the side as Jace lay on the ground. It had been a long time since his eyes had been the same.

But the adrenaline in Kai had just run out and Kai's pain had increased exponentially. Apparently the wounds from the accident hadn't healed completely. Maybe they were wounds that had formed after the accident.

"Do you need help?" Kevin asked. Kai shook his head from side to side.

"No, you look after Jace. I'm fine," Kai said. Kevin must not have realised Kai's pain because he shook his head and started to walk over to where Jace was lying. Kai lay back down and started to think.

"So it's only a matter of time before we face situations like this if we stay out, huh? All the more reason to go to the academy."

He said no more. After a short while, he fell asleep.


Kai woke up in the morning in his tree house. He was covered with a blanket. His parents had given him blankets like this in the past. He used to come here with just Kevin and Jack and their parents had taken precautions so they wouldn't get cold in the cold.

He saw Emma. She looked a little more dishevelled, but she hadn't lost any of her beauty. There was concern in her eyes. Her head was wrapped in a white cloth.

"Are you okay?" Kai asked the first question without giving her a chance. Emma smiled and nodded her head in agreement.

"You? You slept a lot."

'I slept a lot?'

Kai was undoubtedly feeling very good and it didn't even feel like he had slept much, but he had certainly slept soundly.

"How long have you been awake?"

Kai asked with a puzzled look on his face. Emma slowly began to take his fingers.


Emma shook her head to the side and opened two more fingers, laughing. Kai's eyes were wide open.

"Four? I really slept a lot."


Emma opened 2 more fingers and looked at Kai's face. Kai couldn't look at Emma's face. He hung his head in shame. He never thought he would sleep this much.

"By the way, they told me everything."

Kai looked at Emma curiously, but Emma didn't say anything.


Of course, "everything" meant everything Kai could do to arouse his feelings of love. It also meant that Emma knew how Kai felt about her.

"Everything..." she said suggestively. Emma burst out laughing. Kai, fortunately for him, swore and started laughing too. Only then would he be less embarrassed in front of Emma. Only by laughing could he save himself from this embarrassing situation.

As Kai and Emma continued to laugh, step by step, Kevin came up to them. When Kai realised that Emma had stopped laughing, he cursed Kevin inwardly. There were no scars on his body. He didn't have a belly anymore. It was strange. He knew he'd awakened her feelings of love. He'd been weakened when he'd been wounded there to protect them. Maybe it was a side effect of the awakening.

"I'm really hungry, is there anything to eat?" asked Kai. Kevin nodded and turned round and returned a few seconds later. He had bread in his hand. He put the bread in Kai's hand.

"All we have is bread. You don't have any other problems, do you?"

"No, how's Jack? I'm afraid the wound on his arm is serious, it looked pretty bad."

Kevin ran his hand over his face with an exasperated expression, but it was Emma who answered, not him.

"I've stitched it up but it's still a big wound and will definitely need healing and rest."

Emma said. Kai's eyes looking at Emma were filled with surprise.

"I didn't know you knew how to stitch."

"You don't know anything about me."

Kai was embarrassed once more. Not only had he fallen in love with her even though he knew nothing about her, but he had acted as if he knew everything. No doubt it must have been quite uncomfortable.

"I'm sorry."

Emma said nothing. She frowned slightly, but she wasn't really angry. She was just thoughtful about what had happened. Kai's words only affected her to a small degree.

"Did you know she was just like us?"

Came a voice. Kai turned his head and looked at the black-haired boy with a white face. His hair was short and thin. Now that his mask was gone, his handsome face was revealed. There were no signs of acne. His face was like the statues of Greek gods. He was quite beautiful. He was masculine too. Although his eyes were small compared to his face, they were not bad. It gave him a distinction.

His right arm was bandaged. Although he managed to extract the poison, he must have been in a lot of pain and tired.

Emma turned before Kai could ask.

"I've dreamt about you before. I'm a seer. At least Jace said I am."

There was still doubt in her eyes. She'd seen people who looked like terrorists, but nothing supernatural yet. Just a strange dream and miracles like Kevin not being hurt.

Naturally, he didn't believe that Kevin had recovered so quickly. He just thought he wasn't hurt.

Kai was surprised once again. Although Jace called it rare, Kai realised that everyone he knew was a developer.

Jace noticed it too. He felt he owed an explanation.

"Emotions attract each other. To be honest, it's odd in every way that all your friends are developmentalists, but not impossible. Developmentals rely on their instincts to find each other."

"What happened during that fight? You didn't say anything about that," Kai said. He was talking about the lightning flashes in her eyes. Emma, of course, was still hesitant to believe it, but Kevin and Kai were listening intently.

"If you mean your eyes, let me tell you, people like us have colour levels. With 6 colours our power increases. After the 6th colour we gain another emotion, but the colour of the emotion we have goes back to the lowest colour, yellow. However, this is hardly noticeable, as life span, strength and so on increase after each colour. This is not a disadvantage. On the contrary, we call getting the 2nd emotion the 2nd step and they are much stronger than people with one emotion. Their status is high among the developmentalists and they are respected all over the world. "

"At the same time, colours are divided into three parts. In the eye, they form like lightning. The one you have is the lightning base. Then there is the middle degree. This is given when the lightning grows to half its size. Your physical ability is much higher than the base. Finally, there is the peak. When you manage to cross this point, the colour of the feeling you have changes and you become much stronger. "

"I know it's complicated, but we're out of time. Get ready. We're leaving here. "

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