
Chapter 19:- "An Official Partnership: Kabir Ali x Nike"

Kabir was taken aback, utterly speechless as he gazed at the screen displaying a staggering 290 points he had earned from just a single game. The magnitude of this achievement left him astounded, considering that in previous instances it had taken him four or five matches to accumulate such a substantial number of points.

Perplexed by the abundance of points, Kabir pondered over how best to utilize this newfound wealth. Opening his status panel, he delved into a thoughtful contemplation, exploring the various possibilities for investing his hard-earned points.

"Should I consider purchasing a skill?" Kabir wondered, realizing that he had not acquired a single skill since obtaining the system. His primary focus had been on improving his stats, diligently honing his physical attributes and abilities. However, he acknowledged that solely relying on his stats might not always guarantee scoring goals and achieving his ultimate potential.

In Kabir's pursuit of becoming the very best, he recognized the importance of excelling in every aspect of his game. It became evident that a well-rounded skill set was crucial for his continued growth and success.

He deliberated on which specific stat to target for enhancement, weighing the pros and cons of each option. With careful consideration, Kabir concluded that elevating his vision to a remarkable 90 would be a prudent choice. Understanding the significance of superior vision, he realized that it would enable him to create more scoring opportunities, effectively unlocking his potential as a playmaker on the field.

Resolute in his decision, Kabir resolved to allocate the remaining 190 points for future use, recognizing their potential value in further augmenting his skills and abilities. With a renewed sense of purpose and direction, he felt a surge of excitement, eager to witness the impact of his enhanced vision on his gameplay.

[ Name - Kabir Ali

Pace - 90

Dribbling - 91

Pass - 92

Defense - 28

Physique - 91

Vision - 80 → 90

Penalty - 21

Free kick - 19

Long shot - 41

Possession - 37

Header - 40

Preferred foot - Left foot

Skills - [B] Stepover], [A] Zone]

'Perfect. Now let's get some sleep.'



Three days separated Kabir from his next match, affording him and his teammates a well-deserved half-day of rest. Coach recognized the importance of balance and cautioned against pushing themselves too hard during this brief respite. Engaging in light exercises to keep their bodies active, the team then collectively embraced the opportunity to recharge.

Adhering to Coach's strict instructions, the players were forbidden from venturing outside or indulging in unhealthy food choices. The team displayed unwavering discipline, recognizing the significance of maintaining their physical well-being and preserving their competitive edge.

Word of their triumphant victory over Saudi Arabia spread like wildfire among Bangladeshi fans, igniting widespread celebrations throughout the nation. The streets swelled with enthusiastic supporters, their joyous chants echoing through the air. Media outlets unanimously praised Kabir for his extraordinary performance, further cementing his status as a national hero.

Amidst this jubilation, Kabir discovered that his Instagram followers had crossed the momentous milestone of one million. The majority of his followers hailed from Bangladesh, passionately rallying behind him and showing unwavering support for both him and his club, Nottingham. There were also pockets of fans from Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and other Asian countries, a testament to Kabir's growing international appeal.

To Kabir's astonishment, the locker room speech he had delivered to his teammates during halftime had been leaked and swiftly circulated across the internet. A clandestine recording had captured every word, and major sports media outlets eagerly amplified its reach. The impact of his impassioned address resonated deeply with audiences, elevating it to the realm of legend.

Following lunch, Khalid reached out to Kabir, requesting a meeting at the nearest restaurant. Seeking the Coach's permission, Kabir eagerly obliged and soon found himself stepping into the establishment. However, he was taken aback when he discovered two unexpected guests awaiting him. One was a poised woman dressed in a sleek black suit, while the other stood by her side, assuming the role of her secretary. It became evident that these individuals were representatives from Nike, engaged in negotiations with Khalid prior to Kabir's arrival.

"Hello, Mr. Kabir. My name is Annie," the woman introduced herself, extending her hand for a firm handshake. Kabir reciprocated, noticing the elegance and maturity radiating from Annie's middle-aged presence. Her blond hair cascaded gracefully, framing her face, while the presence of a wedding ring indicated her marital status.

Returning the greeting with a polite nod, Kabir took his seat beside Khalid, curious to learn more about the purpose of this unexpected encounter.

"Mr. Kabir, we have prepared a contract for you. We hope it meets your expectations," Annie's secretary, Jimmy, presented a sleek black file, from which Annie extracted a set of papers, passing them to Khalid. Khalid received them with a nod, indicating that the terms they had negotiated had been successfully incorporated into the contract. He then passed the document to Kabir, who began to peruse its contents, carefully considering the implications of each clause.



[Your Name]

[Your Address]

[City, State, ZIP]

[Email Address]

[Phone Number]


Nike Corporation

[Nike Address]

[City, State, ZIP]

Subject: Sponsorship Contract for Kabir Ali

Dear Nike Corporation,

We are pleased to present this sponsorship contract on behalf of Kabir Ali, a talented young football player. Kabir, aged 17, has displayed exceptional skills and immense potential, making him an ideal candidate for a partnership with Nike.

Contract Terms:

1. Duration: This sponsorship contract will be valid for a period of 2 years, commencing on [Start Date]. The agreement will conclude on [End Date].

2. Financial Terms: Nike Corporation agrees to provide Kabir Ali with an annual sponsorship amount of 1.6 Million euros. The total compensation for the duration of this contract will amount to 3.2 Million euros.

3. Exclusive Footwear Partnership: Throughout the contract period, Kabir Ali will exclusively wear Nike boots for every single match he participates in, promoting the Nike brand and its products.

4. Performance-Based Bonuses:

a. Winning the Premier League: In the event that Kabir Ali's team emerges as champions of the Premier League during the contract term, Nike Corporation will provide a bonus payment of 1 million euros.

b. Winning the UEFA Champions League: If Kabir Ali's team secures victory in the UEFA Champions League, a bonus payment of 2 million euros will be awarded.

c. Winning the AFC Asian Cup: In the event of Kabir Ali's team triumphing in the AFC Asian Cup, Nike Corporation will grant an additional bonus payment of 1 million euros.

d. Winning Other Cups: Kabir Ali will receive appropriate bonus payments for winning other notable cups, such as the treble or the Ballon d'Or. The specifics of these bonuses will be negotiated between the parties and incorporated into the contract as addendums.

5. Commercials and Promotional Activities:

a. Nike Corporation agrees to collaborate with Kabir Ali on the production of four commercials within the two-year contract period.

b. Any additional commercials or promotional activities beyond the agreed-upon four commercials must be discussed and negotiated between the parties in good faith.

Please note that this contract is subject to the terms and conditions outlined in the attached agreement. Both parties shall be bound by these terms upon signing.

We appreciate your interest in partnering with Kabir Ali and believe that this sponsorship contract will be mutually beneficial. We kindly request that you review the terms and conditions and respond with your official acceptance by [Acceptance Date]. Should you require any further information or clarification, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. We look forward to a successful collaboration with Nike Corporation.


[Your Name]

[Representing Kabir Ali]



"This is a two-year sponsorship contract," Khalid began, presenting the document to Kabir and Yukina. "Under this agreement, Nike will provide you with an annual payment of 1.6 Million euros. Additionally, Kabir, you will exclusively wear Nike boots for every match throughout these two years."

Kabir carefully reviewed the terms of the contract, nodding his head in agreement. He was excited about the opportunity to partner with Nike and the potential benefits it could bring to his career.

Khalid continued, "In the event that you achieve remarkable feats such as winning the Premier League or the Champions League, or even both trophies in the same season, Nike will reward you with a bonus of 3 Million euros. Specifically, a 1 million euros bonus for winning the Premier League and a 2 million euros bonus for conquering the UEFA Champions League. Furthermore, if you lead your team to victory in the AFC Asian Cup, an additional bonus of 1 Million euros will be granted to you."

Yukina listened intently, impressed by the incentives outlined in the contract. She knew that Kabir's dedication and talent made these bonuses within reach.

Khalid continued, "Over the course of these two years, Nike also plans to collaborate with you on the production of four commercials. Any further commercial engagements beyond this agreed-upon number will require mutual negotiation between both parties."

Kabir, having complete trust in Khalid's negotiation skills, affixed his signature to the contract after carefully reading it. Yukina, being Kabir's agent, also signed on his behalf, signifying their agreement to the terms and conditions.

"Congratulations, Mr. Kabir," Khalid declared with a smile. "You are now an official Nike sponsor. We kindly request that you adhere to the following terms: during these two years, you must exclusively wear Nike boots and refrain from using any rivaling brand's footwear during matches or training sessions."

Kabir nodded, fully aware of the importance of maintaining this exclusivity and representing the Nike brand wholeheartedly.

"We will promptly transfer the agreed-upon amount to your account," Khalid informed Kabir. "If you are available, we would like to shoot a commercial with you today. It should not take more than three hours of your time."

Once the financial transaction was completed, the agreed sum of 1.6 million euros was transferred to Kabir's account. Shortly after, he was whisked away to the nearest stadium for the commercial shoot. Donning his new Nike boots, Kabir showcased his skills and dribbled the ball as instructed by the Nike commercial team.

Upon the conclusion of the shoot, the Nike team departed, but not before leaving Kabir with a remarkable gift. They presented him with seven pairs of custom-designed Nike boots, specially crafted for his upcoming participation in the AFC Asian Cup.

It was evident that Nike had invested considerable effort and thought into making Kabir their sponsored athlete. Given Bangladesh's vast population and Kabir's soaring popularity, Nike aimed to leverage his influence to strengthen their brand presence.

The following day, Khalid returned with the finalized contract. Kabir and Yukina signed the document, officially solidifying their partnership. In a show of gratitude and commitment, Kabir promptly paid Yukina her full year's salary, while Khalid received his well-deserved commission.

As everyone involved celebrated the successful agreement, a sense of satisfaction and contentment filled the air. The foundation for a prosperous future had been laid, and all parties involved were eager to embark on this exciting journey together.

Over the course of the next two days, Kabir dedicated himself entirely to training. Their upcoming match was against Lebanon, and in comparison to their previous opponents, Saudi Arabia and Qatar, Lebanon was perceived as a less formidable team. With a strong performance, victory seemed highly attainable for Bangladesh. The importance of this match extended beyond the immediate outcome, as a win would secure Bangladesh a place in the knockout stages. Such an achievement would mark a historic milestone, as Bangladesh had never before advanced to this stage of the competition.


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