
The Tolkien investigate Lin

The colosseum-like facility was so silent you could hear a heartbeat from ten meters away. The man in black withdrew the shadow sword before commenting, "Good to know you lost your interest in fighting. Anyway, I won't be a bother. Apart from Rakshasa, there is another that would be a great help to you. I only brought him since he wouldn't stop nagging me about it." 

He merely glanced at the roof when a shadow portal opened, dropping a crimson-haired figure like a dead fly. "Take care of him." He said to Niall and disappeared. 

Niall stared blankly at where the man once stood. "Akrakus that bastard." He gritted his teeth in annoyance. "He only knows how to create problems and leave without saying anything useful. Tch!" 

Niall looked towards the crimson-haired figure, who slowly rose up with a frown. His anger swelled just by looking at him so much he felt it would poison him. The others, except Rakshasa, were the same. But they could do nothing since defying Akrakus would mean their deaths. 

"Why the hell does he need to involve the Long family in this when everything happening now is their fault in the first place? If only they hadn't done that experiment, there would have been no calamity being to begin with". Niall sighed and spoke to the crimson-haired man. 

"Family Head Long. Please have a seat so we continue with the meeting", Niall said in a not-so-polite tone. "I have a name, Niall, and it's Sung Kang Long. I would appreciate it if you would call me by that", Sung said with a frown. Being addressed as the family head may have sounded honourable for some, but to him, it was nothing more than a burden that reminded him of the past, and Niall was aware of that. 

"Your name is not worth remembering. For a member of the Long family, which caused us trouble all these years, you should be happy I even addressed you as a family head." Niall said indifferently. 

"You know, I have been doing a lot of thinking lately and I realised you guys don't hate me or my family. You are all just looking for someone to blame for something you were equally involved in. You are all just a bunch of hypocrites." 

The faces of the Piora heads turned ashen hearing his unpleasant remarks. Their contorted expressions were enough to relay how unhappy they were about the remarks he made. Unable to hold in his fury, one head vented, hurling insults upon Sung while releasing his aura, seemingly ready to attack an unprepared Sung. The attacker was suddenly covered in sweat when his animosity was met with a glare from Sung. 

Just like him, everyone in the room felt a chill. One so numbing they thought their flesh might fall off their bones. A simple yet mysterious gaze that makes you feel like your soul is being pried into. With such a gaze meeting the attacker's animosity, he shuddered. 

"Soul Gaze? How?! That gaze just now…it can't be… Don't tell me…he is about to reach that realm?" Niall was dumbfounded as he was angry. 

"Let's just get this over with before I get annoyed and murder everyone here." Sung's words were uttered so lightly it could pass as a joke, but to those gathered there, it was a threat they couldn't hope to take lightly, all except one, Rakshasa. 

Unlike the others, this realisation brought him nothing but joy. He glanced at Sung with a smile that screamed, 'Fight me! Fight me! Fight me!'. Sung seemed to understand what he meant and smiled back. The meeting they had planned was already chaotic before it even began. It was going to be a very, very long meeting now. 

"The son of the Long family has appeared. Find him. That was what the message said. But how do I find a single person in these huge territories?" In the Nibiru territory, a dark man with low-cropped black hair and green eyes stood deep in thought. Ekow Tolkien, wing commander of the Tolkien family's air force Fifth Squadron and the seventh son of the family head, was deeply concerned about his father's actions following the appearance of the said son of the Long family. 

"Father loved to keep a low profile, but why is he now suddenly interested in the affairs of the territories? What connection does he have with the Long family to make him go to such lengths to find a single person related to them?" 

"Even if he was worried about their appearance, isn't sending an entire Air Force squadron a bit much? Entering another territory with a squadron is pretty much a declaration of war. This won't end well." 

"Wing Commander", a man called as he walked to Ekow. "Talk to me", Ekow responded, turning to the man. "Sir, we've got news from Coulden. As requested, we ran a background check on everyone in Coulden. At first, everything seemed normal until we came across a scout shop where we found out about a young man and his guardian who used to work as a scout and manager there for a living until a few months ago." 

"The weird thing was, with the information gathered about them, we investigated their background, but there was no record of them in the Coulden database. The town's people said the young man's name was Lin, and like the description given by the family head, he had crimson hair. Most people referred to his guardian as Old Dan." 

"So, someone went through the trouble to hide their past, but why? Though he matches the description given by the family head, there are others out there who fit the same description. We can't say it's him for certain, but their background is strange. Carry on with the investigation. See if you can get any information about their whereabouts." 

"Yes, commander", the man responded and walked away. 

Ekow walked towards an enormous spacecraft and glanced sparingly at a spot not far from the craft with a confused look before boarding it. Behind it were other spacecraft preparing for take-off. A couple of minutes passed, and the spacecraft lifted off, flying into the distance and disappearing from the site. 

In a spot not far from where the crafts had taken off, a man's face manifested and seeing no one around, his entire body did too. He sighed heavily as he stared towards the direction the spacecraft flew. 

"That was close. That guy is quite sharp. I thought I was going to be caught. But what I just found out is going to shake the territories. I need to quickly inform the boss. It's time for Hydra to make their move." 

He manifested a dagger and slashed the air. Space tore open like a gate, and he walked through, closing the gate behind him. 

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