
Death Stroke, Batman and Bat Clan (2)

Damien made the first move by slicing his Katana by running towards him which was met with a hammer from right hand. "This is what happens when you're inexperienced brat" said kicking the gut of Robin which made Robin to backflip.

Nightwing appeared with Escrima sticks and Red Robin used Bo Staff. Before hitting him both of them used smoke bombs trying to make themselves invisible and land blows in the smoke.

"Thermal vision"

The Bo Staff appeared near his eye when he bent backwards letting it pass through when a hit to his shoulder happened when Nightwin hit with Escrima Sticks.

"Good. This is fun." said Vishal to himself by jumping back.

"You sound like masochist, host." retarded system.

"You wouldn't understand this if you are not a martial artist, system. I am holding back my power and only using 2% of it because if I launch a Qi based attack I can kill them easily.

That 2% is at Batman's level. These guys landed a hit with combo attacks. If you don't get hit once or twice in martial arts there is no fun." said with Vishal's demeanor turning into wild adrenaline junkie.

"I know the fight won't be so easy as others while holding back a lot. But that's the joy of fighting. I'll beat this brats and Batman too. But I'll have some fun too." said Vishal to system while jumpin onto the duo.

The two of them blocked the hammers but the rebound was hard as Nightwing's right hand went numb. Red Robin adjusted the staff and aimed it onto Vishal's legs which was met by catching the staffing with his leg with enough speed.

Vishal was about to swing hammer on Nightwing when he received kick on his back making him stumble forward. He saw Batman and Death Stroke were the ones who delivered the hit.

"Why am I not surprised?" said Vishal.

Vishal reminisced how when an alien invasion occurs in DC animation other superpowered heroes use their powers and fight while Batman stays back from the fight until he catches enemy off guard and uses his gadgets to somewhat change the situation.

Batman threw 5 batarangs which had two explosives and 3 sleeping gases in it.

Vishal knew this move if he dodged he will give thos guys an opening to launch an attack to his vulnerable spots.

"Theatricality and deception huh." said Vishal.

Vishal caught them quickly and threw it back at them.

Batman and Death Stroke jumped away to avoid the gadgets.

"Cheap parlor tricks are not useful against me Batman." said catching the hand of Nightwing and putting him on an hold and chopped the nerve bundling the neck accurately causing Nightwing to faint.

"Nightwing." shouted Robin as he appeared with his Katana and tried to pierce Vishal from behind but Vishal caught the hand of Damien and increased his strength causing Damien to yell "AAAAAAAGH".

He lifted up Damien with one hand and swing his body to a wall breaking the hip of Damien.

"NOOO" shouted Batman.

Damien lost his consciousness. "Don't worry it's not lethal. I made sure he will recover after a week of rest." said Vishal.

Batman was relieved but he was angry at Vishal for treating Damien like that.

"If you don't use your full capacity it will be boring. I know you're stalling for time for the Police to appear so you should give it your all." said Vishal.

Death Stroke came at him with his staff and this time he was too fast compared to before that the helmet got hit 7 times and his stomach recieved five hits.

As Death Stroke was about to play dirty and tried to aim for nether region, Vishal caught hold of it. "Nope. There are 10 sets of protection in that area. Even then I wouldn't allow someone to target it." said Vishal chopping the staff with brute strength breaking it.

He threw a kick which made Death Stoke fall down. Batman interrupted by a punch which was evaded by rolling and Vishal took back the hammers on the ground.

Batman used acrobatics and put jet thrusters on the back of VIshal made Vishal slam the wall and Batman didn't miss a chance to kick, punch and put an explosive on his body causing him to explode.

Batman sighed in relief as he was able to neutralize the threat without killing him.

"LA LALALA LALA LUMLA." a messy tune appeared from the smoke shwoing the ripped off armor and the helmet half cracked but still not visible.

Batman watched in shock as Vishal was okay. "This is what I am talking about. Bring out your 127 martial arts Batman." said Vishal.

"How?" asked Batman unable to believe.

Red Robin took it as opening and swung his staff to stomach. Batman shouted "Stay away from him" But it was too late.

Vishal turned his body and delivered a powerful kick which broker the robin armor and broke some of the ribs of Tim.

Red Robin fell down and lost his consciousness.

Batman decided not to hold back and stormed at him with all the martial arts he knew.

Their fight covered the entire building jumping from one place to another. Kicking, punching, throwing and chopping. Even wrestling was one of it.

YEAH..YEAH. THIS IS IT." said Vishal fighting Batman evenly.

The fight broke down walls, devices etc causing some structural damage.

After 20 minutes Batman started losing momentum and Vishal was going on wildly like a Lion whose adrenaline asks for more fighting. Slowly Batman got punched, kicked and Vishal broke the handguards with spikes and delivered a kick breaking the chest portion of the suit with a kick.

Batman fell down on the ground exhausted after the intense battle with blood over his nose and mouth. His chest portion is red. "I beat you, Batman." said Vishal as he put his hand on Batman's chest.

"Batman has been defeated."

"STR, DEX, INT, CHARM increased by two ranks." came the system voice.

He looked at Death Stroke who stood there shocked. Vishal appeared and caught his both hand suits and broke them He kneed him in gut and caught one of his hand and twisted it violently and did it same to other.

Vishal heard the Police sirens coming. He hit the chest armor and hit the right chest causing Death Stroke to cough blood.

"Next time, there won't be any mercy." said Vishal.

"STOP" came a wobbly voice.

Vishal saw it was Batman and did not bother flying into air. Batman threw a tracker onto his body which was caught by Vishal. "Really? I am not those guys called rogues to not check for your theatrics." said Vishal crushing the tracker flying away.

"Scan my body. He is intelligent enough to put the scanners while I was fighting." said Vishal to system.

System scanned and found two trackers behind his back body and o his cloak.

He crushed them before going to his house. He already informed his father that he is going out with friends in the alley to a party and it will not be until 2 at night he will not come. The time is about to struck 2. He entered the sewers put back the armor, helmet and gadgets and appeared in normal clothes.

"You're late by 10 minutes." said Ravindra opening the door.

"Sorry, it took longer than expected." said Vishal.

Ravindra let him in and Vishal changed his clothes and went to bed snoring in sleep.

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