
A true bond (8)

"You useless piece of shit!" A man would scream at a woman curled up seeming to protect something.

"Please, stop." The woman whimpered with having tens of purple bruise marks

"Mommy why is daddy doing this?" A child had been revealed under the mothers protection.


the man pushed the mother out of the way as he grabbed the child's shirt and lifting him to eye level. The man proceeded to slap the kids face with no mercy.

"STOP!" The mother pushed the man making him trip

"It's okay sweetie, everything will be okay."

Everything faded to black only to show a 19 year old crossing into a alley

"Found you" a man that seemed to be intoxicated stop the boy

The man reached into his pocket as the boy lifted his hands up above his head

"You and that dead BITCH made me waste my life in prison."

"Turns out that some people never change. murders will always wanna kill huh?"

"You ruined my life." The man said with pure hatred

"And you destroyed mine before I got to even embrace it!"

The man pulled a knife out of pocket charging towards the teen.

With a gasp Egil rose up once again scaring Alae from his sleep.

"So that's what happened before I died."

"It wasn't the ending I wanted but that's all in the past now."

Egil started heading towards the forge to try draconic fusion once again

[skill draconic fusion has succeeded. please complete the equipment within the next 6 hours or the material will once again explode.]

Egil started hammering down like his life depended on it. The shape that the metal took was that of a bow that was thin yet seemed very durable.

"Now to find a good string to use on this. It needs to be thin yet durable but also something that I can get from around here."

A light bulb was shining bright above his head. He then hopped on Alae and flew out of the hidden base.

"Hey system take me to the nearest fire queen."

[received request: head north for approximately 47 minutes and the island will be towards your left]

After making my way I talked to the fire queen and managed to get some of the material that makes her nest.

"System would I be able to use draconic infusion on any material."

[the skill "draconic infusion" can be used on any material that has a solid form.]

"Now just to find another dragon to use draconic infusion with. One that has bow like abilities but also having pinpoint accuracy."

After thinking for some time I came to the conclusion of either finding a nadder or a razor whip. While a nadder has poisoned projectiles. A razor whip has more sturdy and sharp projectiles.

"System would I be able to infuse 2 dragons into one material."

[it depends on the material, to infuse two or more dragons into one it would need diamond like durability. In This case it is no]

"Damn, guess I'll just find a razor whip and get this over with."

I hopped onto Alae flying out of the hidden base almost forgetting to ask the system for directions.

"System where is the nearest razor whip."

[there is currently a adolescent razor whip under you]


Looking down I saw nothing but as soon as I went into the dragon nest there it was.

*Hey sorry to bother you but I need to use one of your tail spike thingys.*

*sure i don't now why you would need it tho.* the razor whip didn't even open its eyes but it was still able to throw one right at my feet, without mowing I was a human.

*I think you should know this because I'm really a human.*

*nice joke* but it opened its eyes to see that it was the truth

As soon as it registers what just happened it jumped back ready to kill.

*hey now I mean no harm to you, And besides shouldn't it be the other way around since your in my home.*

*I guess you have a point, sorry bout that I'll just go back to sleep if that's okay.*

"We'll that was easier than I thought, he didn't even question me or anything. I can talk to him later once he processes it."

Talking to myself I had already arrived at the forge before I even knew it hitting my head on the door


I opened the door and started heating the razor whip spike and the chunk of the fire queens home. Once the spike was red hot I started hammering it down to as thin a wire as I could make. Once that was done I went to the fire queens material and cut a thin strap off and started wrapping the two around each other.

*watch out!* Alae pounced on to me pushing me away for the string I had made

*Alae you just ruined my wor-*

Before I got to finish my sentence a huge explosion destroyed a quarter of the forge while Alae covered me in his wings.

*sorry I yelled at you. You just saved my life and all I did was scream instead of thanking you*

*it's fine, as long as your alive I'm happy*

A slight blush came to my face as I have never seen what it was like to be loved.


Author note: I don't plan on making this a gay romance or anything but you'll just have to wait to see what happens. Also nearly forgot that I showed our mc's backstory, I just had to give him daddy issue's. Thanks for reading and I'll try to get a chapter up in 2 days or so.

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