
New home, new disappointment (6)

That's weird, I've never received a quest before.

"System what will be my reward if I complete this?"

[you will obtain a active quest creation. This means that quest will appear whenever their is something challenging to do. Rewards will normally be an increase in level, rarely refined weapons/materials, sometimes even new skills.]

"System can you take me to a island that meets my requirements."

[activating navigation… there is an island that has a freshwater source with wildlife and noninvasive dragon species, approximately a 1.5 day flight]

*Alae, let's take off after we say our goodbyes to everyone.*

After we said farewell to everyone on berk I started navigating toward my new home. Although it was smooth sailing despite some storms that made us land. We made it on the morning of the third day.

*hey Alae you wanna help me start working?*

*ima come just gimme a bit, I wanna check something real quick*

Although he was acting suspicious I just let it pass and went to work. After a while he came and started lifting some heavy logs that I chopped down, and in no time be the 2 floor cabin was done with a kitchen, a living room, a bedroom and another for Alae.

With us being satisfied we slept well and continued work the next day. As time went by more and more of the quest was finished. On the last part of it, the forge, I was bound to finish in a couple of days. Over the month thats went by I have been seeing Alae do more and more suspicious activities like patrolling the island, paying close attention to the cliffs and mountains.

A week later.

I wake up to Alae freaking out and open the cabin door to see all the dragons rushing out from the nest.

*Alae what's going on? Why are all the dragons leaving?*

*let's follow them then I'll explain* Alae said frantically trying to leave quickly

*I'll trust you but it better be important*

As soon as I said that the ground started to cave in with multiple giant sink holes destroying everything that I made.

"No! no no no no no. Why is this happening?"


"Ugh, no point in being mad at it now. System you have a lot of explaining to do."

[due to the infrastructure of the cave and the deep caves and tunnels that go all around and under the island. With a nearby earthquake displacing some caves, it caused a domino like fall of all caves under the island.]

"Then why did you give me that island when this was bound to happen."

[as a apology I will have a preset base of operations ready in a much more convenient placement, you will also receive the quest system and the system privilege "inventory locker". Navigation to this location will not be interrupted also with a temporary buff of infinite stamina on Alae for more convenience.]


Author note: sorry about not uploading I'll try my best to get more motivation when writing. Also for some reason I'm having a lot of good ideas for the future of the story. So be prepared for the new base, and a love interest for our sweet old Mc but I'm not really sure to make it active or just light. And thanks for all the comments I read all or them and they are the only reason I'm continuing.

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