
chapter 8 : the holder of knowledge

Walk into an empty desert, barren and desolate. Make sure no one follows you, otherwise you will end up dead. Be careful what you sing or say as you cross the field. If you hum, a black-haired man will appear. He will sigh and frown at you.

You must remain calm and emotionless at this point, or he will kill you. His eyes were black and misty. You should ask him why his eyes are like that. He won't answer you at first, but he soon gives in and tells you a secret about the underworld. You will now become a god.

If you speak, a brown haired man will appear in front of you. He wouldn't speak or move. You should ask him if he knows any monsters. He will point at himself and then point at you. You can't deny the fact that he showed you.

He will then smile, telling you to go find the necklace in the fields, after which you will become a god. You know nothing but ignorance.

Every path you walk will result in divine powers, but not always in the way you think. If you walk through the fields stealthily, the two men will be at the end of the path. They will join hands and frown at you. The two of them would raise gold and silver colored weapons. They will shoot, but miss the target. The black hair will say that you are a devil. The brunette will point her finger west, saying that your death is there.

You will be forced to walk west, regardless of what you do.

The knowledge of the two men is Object 8 of 2000. This knowledge will give you an indeterminate hell.

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