
Lust demon's legacy, lewd incubus!

In your opinion, what's madness and the most dangerous thing?

I'm sure many people will answer differently, such as robbing the money factory, like the CASA DE PAPEL, and living a rich life in Wonderland, unlike them.

Live absolute freedom, like Jefferson Moctavio, who kills who he wants, when he wants, and where he wants in the mafia without punishment. This feeling of being the king of the mafia above the law... this satisfaction has a taste of ecstasy!

Or maybe this good chap Steven Flumard who spends his time f*cking all the beautiful sluts on our little blue planet? Oh, lads! The pleasure of the pulpit is more rhapsodic; many people will tell me that.

And if we venture into fantasies, apocalypse, demons, and all these exciting thin-... Ahem, I meant scary things; it will be quoted by many of you.

In short, you will have understood each has his own definition based on his history and fanfic mind. Wealth, the feeling of being the only king in a world where the laws are more important than condoms, or playboys who bring superstars to his bed as if they were ordinary whores; ah! No matter what we think, life is full of surprises!

As for mine, it's not Pop, no, not at all; believe it or not, I wasn't always like that.

Before you judge me, I will answer the question I asked you instead. The craziest and scariest thing is not the apocalypse nor having hundreds of creatures invade our world and threaten our extinction.

Nah, all these dangers and chaos are nothing compared to the changes they create in human beings.

That's not even a change, but the awakening of their true natures.

It's not for nothing that philosophers said that the human being is the most dangerous creature on our planet.

The best thing is to learn that it is not only philosophers who agree with this statement.

Scientists have proven it with data. Although we are the youngest species on Earth, we almost led the planet to extinction in incalculable numbers. Will you be able to believe it? We humans are more harmful to planet Earth than the most massive extinction of all time of multicellular life; during the Permian period. This statement doesn't come from me.

In short, philosophers, scientists, religious, and even other factions have had the same conclusions.

These changes... have driven everyone crazy, Man is no longer what he is without laws, and if these laws, built and modified for millennia to be perfect, collapse, it's the nature of man and his primitive instinct that advocates everything else.

I'm also one of the victims; even if many people hate me for that... let's say I had been able to adapt to the new society that doesn't tolerate trust, weakness, more important... the old society.

Believe it or not, I'm--no, I was a fucking guy with no history who spent almost 80% of his free time Gaming. You know, these geeks we see in movies who're more social with their PC than with humans who are their peers.

But I wasn't a geek for pleasure; I have friends, no, I had friends.

They hadn't betrayed me or things like tragedies; no, none of that! I had simply broken all contact with my entourage, including my family.

Because, at that time, I was dying.

• • •

I will jump on boring things like why I was dying then.

It all started on this famous day when I conquered the third gods' towers in a banal full-dive game that probably has no more than a hundred thousand players, despite the BOOM of immersive games in our era.

God-like Online is an infamous game, not because of its levels of insurmountable difficulties or its incredulous quests that don't care if the player is a child or not...

...No, none of these, but the personality of its surrealist NPCs who're insane and don't have the slightest common sense. A crazy world to the point that we have nightmares of it after each disconnection.

And as if it were not enough, the game was challenging as when a shy, ugly, asocial, and unsuccessful chap tries to seduce the goddess of high school. In addition to all these factors, it is also classified as an ++adult because of the almost infinite and borderless freedom it demonstrates.

Its nickname? This famous nickname that forced many pro players to play this game was none other than the pro players' battlefield.

But as the founder of the game itself is unknown, and no one was competent enough to hack its servers and stop it completely, it continued to make more victims worldwide.

The others didn't know them, but the players who 'overcame' their traumas knew what made them addicted to this game!


[One year, earlier.]


Sitting alone in his room, a man in his twenties...- No, an unemployed man and a Neet were sitting in front of his computer with wrinkled eyes and pale skin like an undead lad, surfing nonchalantly on the net.

His large room was like a garbage dump because of the garbage bags that stuffed his room.

An orphan? Nah~

A sloth? Yes!

His name? Isaac Jefferson! But he's known worldwide as the pro player of the top twenty with the nickname of Jack the Insane, The shameless cheater, or the lustful Demon. Finally, his pseudo is only Jack; no matter what game he played, he used this pseudonym that became his exclusive brand and left his name in the game in question.

But all these titles he had inherited are only the nicknames players gave him because of his madness and lustful actions in games that cannot even be counted with a calculator.

Parents? Brothers and sisters? Yes, but he lives far from them and is independent because of his hobbies and his constantly rout brain.

If you must look for a fantaspath (a man with a psychotic and fancy mind), overtake this guy, and you won't find one anywhere else.

It was not for lack of talent or inferiority complex that he was nailed to his home, but quite the opposite!

He's rich, probably one of the top three best-known players in the world with stable incomes, and who can do everything rich children do. But he didn't care about this life that he considers to have already come to an end.

"Cough cough!" He coughs like a grandpappy on his deathbed and spits blood into the white Kleenex he throws behind him like the dozens of others who filled the plastic bins.

"Ah shit, again, this damn reaper persists in wanting to recover my soul, huh?" He looks up to the ceiling and looks at the air conditioner he had turned off not to aggravate his 'cold'.

The lights in his room were all off, leaving only that of his computer.


Hearing this familiar sound, he looks at his PC screen in front of him.

[Congratulations on your relentlessness: your maids ask to join you to serve you forever; what will you choose, Y/N?]

"Tss~, what a shitty game. They still want to scam me." He said in a grumpy tone while clicking on Y.

But when he believed everything was over, another notification appeared on his screen.

[Your blood knights have become angry: They want to rebel against you if you do not also invoke them before the destruction of their world. Y/N]

He frowns, frustrated by the notification that appears in front of him.

"What do you mean by the world destruction? Sigh~ An update of the server, I reckon." He murmured by clicking on the Y button once again.

[You don't have enough money.]

"What the fucking scam!? I recharged my account with a million dollars this afternoon! What kind of sodding scam is that!?" His fingers danced on the keyboards as he keyboarded the words he had just said.

[Yes: The more powerful your subordinates are, the more money they will cost you. You must expect such a result given the level of your war servants, who are as strong as players. Not to mention those you have trained to be your own army, captains and generals, etc.]

At the same time, this message appeared before him.

"Tsk! How much money do I have to spend to prevent the update from erasing my kingdom and everything I have built so far?" He asks with dark eyes.

[Speculation: If I understand correctly, you are not only talking about your subordinates but about all their equipment and treasure in your castle? Did I understand your request correctly?]

"Tsk, are you blanked!? Where will I hide all this if my castle is demolished!?" He shouted these words with dark eyes.

[$10 million, non-negotiable! That's the maximum amount and all the discounts offered to you.]

The man's smile became derisory as he whispered for himself. "...What bastards to scam!" He was so immersed in the discussion that he had not noticed the strangest anomaly.

His question that his PC had just answered had not been keyboarded but pronounced aloud.

But despite his frustration, he sent the amount that the Game-masters had asked for as if they were just banal numerical figures.

"Fortunately, I can convert the gold in my treasure room into banknotes to compensate for these stupidities I just committed." He continued leaning on the back of his chair and closed his eyes.


"Huh? What do they still want, these bastards?" He reopened his eyes when he heard another notification from his PC.

[Alert! All the conditions are met! The first major impact will occur now and end in about twenty-four hours. Until then, take care of yourself.]

He frowns once again when he sees this abnormal notification. "Tsss~, more nonsense. It's probably an update, which is rare with this game. I don't remember seeing any announcement when I was in full-dive gaming." His thoughts wandered a little before he went to the other end of the room, where an immersive tube was housed that he used to connect to the game.

But at that moment, a blue window with white text appeared in his visual field without the slightest precaution.

[The N•XXX beta player has just been located!]

"What!? What is..??

[Transmission of character data.]


His whole body became dizzy as he heard the robotic voice and saw the texts before him no matter where he turned his head.

"Haha, more hallucinations, huh?"

[...100% Transmission completed!]

[Transfers of titles acquired during the test. 10....20....60....90... Failure!]

[Impossible to give the player's old titles!]

[Transfusion of the character's genes into the player's original body.]

"Ugh... Fuck, My head!" He stifled his yells as his eyes turned red blood, to testify to the excruciating pain that manifested itself in his head.

[Heritage of the first vampire (SS):....successful!]

[Heritage of the hero Arthur (SSS):....successful!]

[Heritage of the ancestral dragon (SSS+):....successful!]

[Heritage of the Blood Clown (SSS++):....successful!]

[Heritage of the Evil God (Legendary):....successful!]

[Heritage of the twisted reaper (Légendaire):....successful!]




[...Total acquired legacies (50): Have been successfully absorbed by the player.]

[But because of the fragility of the player, only the lust demon's legacy, the lewd incubus, can be awakened; because of its low class among the other legacies.]

[Heritage's rank: A+]

"Shit, am I going crazy!?"

[No, your mind is perfectly synchronous with your neurons, it's your physical health that is threatened!]

"!!...Wait..." Issac's eyes were foggy, and his body was covered with sweat to the bone.

He had moved away from his family to hide the secret of his pancreatic cancer.

His hands trembled because of his weakness, and the vertigo he had because of the hell he had just suffered was even more atrocious because of his weak constitution.

But what makes him even more vulnerable is the excessive loss of blood he suffered when the bloodlines were merged with his blood.

His breathing was irregular, as if he was going to choke the second after.

[...Due to irreversible damage, the player is in danger of death.]

"..." he didn't know what was popping up with him, but his mind was always clear to think seriously to make the right choices.

[Request: Do you wanna activate the lust demon's legacy, the lewd Incubus?]

'...What are my chances of surviving in the face of this process?' He didn't have high expectations when he asked this question in his mind.

On the other hand, he had no other alternatives because his life bar was in the red to such an extent that speaking out loud required an effort rivaling that of pushing a bulldozer using his physical strength.

But to his surprise, the system answered him, even if it was not good news.

[...Your chances of dying are estimated at 70%. But if you don't activate one of the heritages, you will die in the next thirty seconds.]

'...Hahaha...what do I have to lose? I have a 30% chance of survival, a higher percentage than my operation itself.'

[Do you want to start the awakening process?]

'Heh, that's what you feel when you find the hope of escaping your destiny!?' His smile was macabre as he asked himself this question.

[You only have ten seconds left to live!]

'It's perfect! Start this f*cking process!' He shouted in his mind with an insane smile worthy of an antagonist.

[The awakening process of legacy will be initiated in three seconds...2...

[...1! May luck be with you, player N•XXX.]


Before he finished his sentence, he fainted!


Hi everyone, if you have any advice for this author, don't hesitate. I hope to continue the journey with you on board. Before all, Thank you for reading this chapter!!

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