
The GC      

"I know," Xin said, attempting to explain his side of the story, but Xiaxia was on a roll.

"What the hell? Do you know Seraphina? How did that happen? When did you two get close that you've even ridden with her? What did you do? Explain yourself!"

Xin took a deep breath, trying to find a gap in Xiaxia's barrage of questions. Finally, when he had the chance, he began recounting what had really happened with him and Seraphina.

". . . and that's how it happened. It was just a coincidence. We don't know each other, and it was her father's request that she take me to the administration building," Xin explained, hoping that was enough to sate her questions.

Silence followed on the other end of the line, and Xin could almost feel Xiaxia contemplating her words.

". . . I know it. I know that it's too good to be true. There's no way that someone like Seraphina would fancy you," Xiaxia finally said, her voice softer now, mixed with relief.

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