
Classes and Observation

The history of magic taught by professor binns was just as boring as depicted in books i almost slept in the class these class was with Hufflepuff unlike other classes the history of magic class have make all houses to come in mutual agreement which is don't bother each other if someone is sleeping let him sleep, if someone wants to study let them even if its another subject.

As the class ended and i slowly make my way my out still feeling dizzy, the students are given an hour for lunch , which i we did , i have to ask the house elf to cook me some different food i thought with determination .

Dada class was held by an old Irish professor named Mr. Alex darkgreen this class is shared with ravenclaw because by mixing Griffindor and Slytherin in dada were we can duel cast spells at each other is only asking for choas and Hufflepuff will be bullied by the Slytherin so, the ravenclaw is

the best choice for us we have our mutual respect for each other and if some altercation raises it will

be quickly subsided.

The deal is simple ' you don't get in my way, then I don't get in your ' is the best that can happen. professor darkgreen taught us via books which in my opinion was pathetic i mean almost all Slytherin have knowledge about curses more than any house. The only aspect of class was interesting was the duel which only done on Friday's .

I didn't pay much attention in the class and began to think the difference between this world from the books So, i listed out various things i observed untill now which are:

1. i am in my fifth year in at the middle of 3rd month of school.

2. lily and severus relationship broken before expected.

3. The marudars are not acting cause james and sirius because of are out of school for a couple of days in St. mungo because of an quidditch accident probably return after a week or two, which professor said and i heard from someone.

4. i am lone child of my family no siblings unlike my canon counterpart my father past away previous summer cause of illness and my mother died giving birth to me, so it leaves me alone with which is good for my future plans with no more family pressure and no more dark mark my life looks good minus the war and destruction it will bring which at one point i have face, thinking about

my parents gives me aches in my heart.

I quickly shook my head snapping out of my thoughts and continue the list.

5. The black sister's Bellatrix has graduated, Nacrissa is in a grade above me and Andromeda is on my class , having good relationships with Nacrissa, Andromeda and lily will help me in future.

6. There not many notable people here in Hogwarts only Nacrissa, Andromeda and lily, molly , arthur weasley , amelia bones , alice , frank longbottom , amos diggory , barty crouch jr. ,wilkes , mulicber , avery , severus snape and the marudars are the only people who i should keep an eye , people like quirrell and Lockhart can be regarded as low level but you can never be prepared enough.

7. Mulicber,avery and snape are only cannon fodders some mindless brain washed fools , but Wilkes on the other hand is the ring master trying to influence young naive kids of Slytherin luring in his trap , fortunately he is busy for his NEWTs this but his influence is still there strong , he will graduate this year and if my memory serves me right join death eaters .

8.After wilkes is no longer at Hogwarts only then i can taken a hold of Slytherin. Getting stronger is my priority and destroying everything in my way.

9. OWLS are coming and i don't know what to study at all.

Shortly the class ended and i left for my dorm to take a nap , too much boredom for my taste today.

Being prefect in Slytherin means you have your own private room. The room is luxurious, big and comfortable but at the same time quite gloomy and dark , what can you expect from the snakes in the dungeon, not minding the view of room i quickly lay on bed ,hit my head on pillow, and easily drifted to dream land, the darkness somehow brought a distance solace to me making the atmosphere very good for sleeping .

When i wake up the first thing i done is to check the time , 5.30 pm huh dinner is from 8 to 9 after the and from 9 pm to 6.30 am is curfew , still having a couple and half an hour to spare i left for library, i will go to room of requirements at night too much eyes are watching now, on my way

towards the library before going there , i decided to go to the kitchen room.

The kitchen was just as i expected with a bunch of house elves looking nervous and happy to see me and asking me what to do , ready to serve me.

I couldn't help but feel bad for these guys , no wonder everyone takes so much advantage of them and even after that they done for their masters they are beaten, battered , humiliated neglected and abused.

I ask them kindly can they make me a fish fry for dinner which they happily said yes, and ask me if i wanted anything else, feeling a bit guilty i ask them can they make me coffee fruit juice or milkshake and some snacks to eat some time which they happily nodded stating that thet be happy to do so, bidding them farewell and telling them i will come again to meet them some other time soon ,their reaction was the most optimistic one i ever seen in this life's up till now which reminded me of children celebrating their victory in hide n seek or happily playing tag .

Making my out of kitchen, i headed to my original destination the library. The library was full of books as expected of a library, madam pince looks rather young compare to her book version, her most striking physical attributes was looking like an underfed vulture. Her skin was parchment-like,her cheeks were sunken, her face was shrivelled and she had an unflattering hooked-nose.She was also very thin and irritable-looking.

Madam Pince was a short-tempered woman who was overly protective of the Library's books and, as such, quite unpopular among students. She was mainly seen by students as an obstacle to research, but she was professional nonetheless, helping students to check out books and by finding information for them. While she did not appear to be overtly fond of the students, she did not, unlike Argus Filch, appear to outright dislike them either, being strict but by no means demeaning or unpleasant, and only got genuinely angry when they failed to respect the sanctity of the school library by eating there, or by mistreating the books.

The library was pretty much empty the only students here are of 7th or 5th year preparing for their NEWTs and OWLs . I quickly make my towards book shelves and founded a book about advance transfiguration and potion and runes.

My level of transfiguration and potion was above my most of peers but not exceptional so, i can say that my work was only decent the only reason i managed to do the vanishing charm because my former self studied beforehand , i pick them to better understand the subject and runes just manages to pick my curiosity.

I found an empty seat at the corner in back of library and started studying , after quite a while i was getting bored alone , sensing some one coming towards me ,looking up from my book i was greeted with the sight of the brightest witch of our generation with a scowl on her face glaring at me , her arms hugging her book close to her chest.

Feeling perplexed, 'what' i asked her and her response came after sitting besides me what are you doing here she said. what can i possibly be doing in library i asked teasing her , her expression turned furious. That's not what i mean she said frustrated after calming down a bit she told me again you should be inframary right now not in library, but i am bored i told her with childish voice which manages to irritate her more why are you so stubborn, why can't you just go there she almost yelled at me, cause i don't wanna i replied having fun messing with the lioness.

You... you are coming with me now she yelled at me, No i said casually, come with me now or else, she raised her voice threatening me, giving her a smirk i accepted the challenge .

Unfortunately our exchange was stopped by a loud coughing sound , the source of sound came from non other than madam pince who was glaring at us.

You should take care of your health madam pince i told her with a smile plastered in my face .

After that she kicked us out of library and yeah i literally mean it she really kicked us out.

I blame you i said to my red hair companion while standing up from the floor mockingly, she was about to say something but i quickly cut her off ,as much i like to mess and tease her but for now i need to finally say it.

I turned serious let's cut crap here Evans why you want to help me i asked her, professors aske... before she can continue i cut her off again and said ohh... yeah then tell why you go such lengths for it then huh, what do you want , you can't gain possibly anything And don't tell me you are doing it cause professor asked you so. No one will ever go so far for atleast me, i knew you are smart enough, you can just complain to the professor Mcgonagall and i have to do it without any choice .

Her face turned crestfallen her gaze turned to floor

So , tell me why i asked not understanding her at all, i don't know her reply came quietly and short barely audible to most but with my peak human condition i can hear it easily , why i asked again, i don't know she replied again, why i ask again , i don't know she replied again but this time her voiced raised to visible degree,why i ask again,

I SAID I DON'T KNOW DAMNIT she yelled at me raising her face showing me her tear stained face,her voice showed fatigue , angry but empty....

Her reaction alarmed me grealy i expected her to yell at me but not like these. Seeing her like this makes my heart ache, what happened to her i thought, thinking about it i couldn't help but curse my former self he never bothered to notice anything that was not his concern ever, quickly discarding these thoughts i began to think anything possible might happened to her , i remembered things only about these year because being prefect of rival houses we were bound to clash but it didn't happen either , she was alright previous year minus her altercation with severus she was sad for sure but was i don't know that she able to move on or not she was sad but not these much , Something must have have happened this year or at summer i thought,did something happened at her home or something with her friends,she has stopped talking to anyone in class well at what i seen not sure about outside of class , her eyes have bags in them , have constant frown almost all the time, men she is showing signs of depression , not knowing what to do i unconsciously uttered ' but why ' in trance.

I JUST WANT TO HELP YOU , YOU... GIT her yelled mistaking my words snapping me back to reality. Hearing the truth in her voice mix with something i didn't manage to understand , something snapped inside of me on that very moment, why in this suitation.

Hahahahah Hahahahaha Hahahahah Hahahahaha i laughed not at her nor at these suitation either , i just laughed , don't even know why but just laughed.

Knowing my laugh has caused alot of misunderstanding i quickly told her Sorry... sorry i didn't mean to offend you or anything i said gasping for air it's just that i don't even know what to say you at these moment but hear me out will ya i said quickly not giving her any chance to speak up knowing it will only cause the misunderstanding to spread by leaps and bounds.

I don't laugh at you but at myself , not at your words but at my own stupidity , i don't know even now why i laughed but i did , see i don't knew what to say.. but trust me i am being fully honest alright, i paused a bit then said quickly said without hesitation .

If you want to help then I'll be honoured my lady, i said to smiling brightly bending a bit offering her my hand to her to help stand up.

Her face displayed various sets of emotions such as anger, humiliation, embarrassment, guilt and most importantly and noticable sadness, which fortunately turned to shock ,.mild amusement, annoyance and hope... she stared at my hand, hesitant showing me the storm of her mind is still not subsided yet but she slowly silently reached to take my hand and picked herself from the ground, on instinct, her hand was soft and warm .

We both stare each other for how long i don't know but to me it felt like few seconds, noticing her face

stained with tears i used my free hand to wipe her tears away upon my touch she flinched but still unable to respond.

Seeing her face devoid of any emotions.You knew i never said these to anyone so, listen carefully lily i said seriously to her she stared at me confusion in eyes but still held the blank face 'You don't need a drivers licence to hit and run' i told her seriously. And that did the trick her face regained the glow back her expression slowly changed to confusion, her green eyes widen in realising my words , she slowly looks down starts trembling making me worry but apparently it was all for nothing.

Hehe hehe hehee hahaha hahaa haaa haaa,She throwed her head back and started laughing without a care in the world. seeing her laughing for some reason make me happy and i started silently laughing with her .

Her face show a stark contrast of her face devoid of any emotions

Hey, don't laugh i was serious you knew and now you are hurting my feelings i told her in a childish manner, which only makes her laugh louder. Watching her laugh like that was a bliss.

But then again every good things comes to an end.

Madam pince appearance startled us, maybe we were too loud which must have irritated her.

I am glad you're love quarrel is solved but, please try to do it no where near my library she said her eyes twitching clearly showing she was holding boiling anger.

I was about to respond but lily slapped my arm thinking i will say something stupid and quickly said Sorry it want happen again and bolted away embarrassed with a red face which in my opinion looks damn adorable , realisation must have drawn on her that we were just outside of library and some people must have hear us but fortunately no one should have seen us.

Lily was running very fast, unknown to her she still held my hand in her's.

dragging me alongside her.

Sorry for being late but i accidentally ended up deleting the chapter draft i was working on.

arazels_gambit6759creators' thoughts
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