
Ch 9: Christmas Cheer

Touya wakes up and smells something sweet, looking around he sees ---- is out of bed. Slipping out of bed and putting some pants on he yawns and walks out to see ---- finishing making what looks to be waffles topped with whipped cream and berries. She turns and has a smile on her face, he knows better but doesn't mention anything at the moment.

" Hey babe what are you doing up makin breakfast?" Touya asks.

" I felt better this morning so I woke up to make you breakfast so we can go out and go shopping." ---- nods.

" Ok ok babe, smell great like usual." Touya smiles and sits down.

" I remember what happened, and thank you so much babe." ---- looks at him thoughtfully.

" For what?" Touya asks as he drinks some coffee at the table.

" I vaguely remember you catching me, I don't remember much after that but I woke up feeling no pain anymore and I surprisingly have lots of energy!" ---- tells him.

" You do seem happier babe I'm glad." Touya nods.

' Hmmm her overall happiness is like night and day, was that pod keeping her in a constant state of anxiety and depression? When we go back after the holiday's I'm going to have Shigaraki and Redestro look at the pod.' Touya thinks to himself.

---- brings the waffles over to him, he puts his own syrup on to his liking and the pair eat the crispy, spongy, sweet breakfast.

" Its like eating a cloud, a very sweet cloud." Touya hums.

" My big bro on my team Shaw showed me how to make gourmet breakfasts, his wife was a French chef trained and he learned how to cook from her. Surprisingly it was the first meal I learned how to make, I guess it is my comfort meal." ---- tells him.

" Well you had some pretty cool big bros then." Touya smiles.

" You would of liked them, oh yes I forgot the shopping!" ---- gasps.

" Don't worry babe we will go as soon as we eat and get dressed, I have a plan too. At some point we will seperate and for a while we will shop for eachother, I call you we meet up and go home to drop off our things then.... I will book us a reservation at that nice steak house you have mentioned a few times." Touya chuckles.

" Oooo that Brazilian steak house where they bring the meat to you!? Yum I can wait!" ---- grins.

" But we wont go unless you fuel up now." Touya jests.

Touya watches ---- rapidly consume her food, she finishes and puts her plate away, cleans up, then runs over to kiss his forehead.

" Hurry lets go!" ---- giggles as she rushes to his room.

Touya shakes his head and finishes as well, he puts his plate away and heads in to see ---- getting dressed in some clothing she has brought here in case she is here. She has on cute tight leggings and a long sleeve dress over them that comes up to her thighs. She puts on a fur scarf and her jacket with fur topped boots. She gets dolled up just a little as Touya slips his clothing on, both wear dark colored outfits that almost look like they can match. Finishing up Touya walks over to ---- who is also done, he hugs her from behind and kisses her deeply.

" You ready baby?" Touya asks.

" Yep lets go." ---- nods.

Touya grabs his keys and they head out, they head to the train station to head to the mall. ---- pulls her hood up so no one sees her face, she would rather not be seen while she is trying to relax. The pair pull out their passes and enter, walking to the train they see it arrive and hop on.

" Hey babe what are you thinking about gettin?" Touya asks her.

" No cheating! You will see." ---- sticks her tongue out.

" Brat." Touya growls as he spanks her.

" Hey that's not fair!" ---- giggles.

" Then don't be a brat." Touya grins.

---- pouts as she pulls out her phone, her and Touya read through the news and see a few articles about her. He sees one about himself and ---- shows him with a sideways smirk.

" Mysterious Blue Flame user torched a drug house with 55 people inside, babe isn't that a little much?" ---- asks.

" They had it comin.... such a waste of talent those low lifes." Touya smirks.

" At least you cleaned up the neighborhood." ---- shakes her head.

The train begins to slow down at their stop, ---- and Touya get off and go up to the beautiful and luxurious mall in the high end district.

" Woah this place is huge!" ---- looks in awe.

" Just wait until you see the things inside, we can get some lunch later at the food stalls. Let's go see if you want anything." Touya smiles as he holds ----.

Walking into the mall, they see all the high end stores, book shops and more. ---- is awestruck and Touya can see how excited she is.

" Ok babe, go and shop for me and I'll shop for you ok? I'll come get you when we are done." Touya tells her.

" Heh I can't wait I'll see you later babe!" ---- grins.

---- kisses Touya and runs off to the shops, he smiles and starts to look around himself.

As she looks around she sees her phone go off, its a mass text from everyone at UA looking to see if she is ok.

' HEY ---- ARE YOU OK?!' Kirishima puts in all caps.

' SETTLE DOWN SHITTY HAIR!' Bakugo yells back.

' We are so worried about you ----.' Uraraka messages.

' I'm ok guys lol, Detnerat was able to quell me.... I'm sorry for making you all worry. I am going back on my mission, don't worry it's not intense but it is very important.' ---- replies.

' Are you sure?' Mina texts back.

' Yes I'm ok now, when I get back I have a lot to think about too but Im ok.' ---- reassures.

' We all really miss you, be safe.' Shoto wishes her well.

' I will return soon, I got to go I'll message as soon as I'm able.' ---- finishes the conversation.

Meanwhile Touya has a few gifts already, he quietly walks around and looks over at a high end jewelry store. He stops and looks at the store for a moment, he walks in and decides to take a look around.

" Thank you so much!" ---- thanks the staff who helped her.

---- walks off with many bags full of things for Touya, she goes to a large fountain in the main area and waits. As she does she feels memories start to come back, long forgotten because of the programming and the pod that is now gone from her body. She opens her bag and looks at the pod, it is still functional and is tracking her location, however they don't know that its out yet. Her phone pings off and she looks at it, looking down its Touya.

' Hey babe I'm done shopping where are you at?' He asks.

' I'm at the large fountain in the main area do you need me to come find you?' ---- asks.

' No stay there baby Ill be right there.' Touya tells her.

---- puts her phone away and takes a deep breath, her head is pounding as she remembers a memory from her childhood.

' Hurry Tisha!'

' Hey wait Emily!'

' ---- is so fast come on!'

---- sees flashes of a field in front of her, its nothing special its one she has seen before. It is the one at the base she was sent to here in Japan under the eye of the UN. Turning around she sees them, she sees them both.

' Come on Tisha we are here!'

' I'm coming Emily!'

" Hey baby there you are you ok?" Touya's voice snaps her out of it.

" Hm? Oh hey babe yah I'm ok I was just thinking about tonight I'm excited." ---- tells him.

" Wow you went all out." Touya jests.

" Hey so did you!" ---- giggles.

" Let's get this stuff home and go to the steak house, I have a reservation ready." Touya smiles.

" I can't wait!" ---- grins.

The pair get to a train and head back to his place, they place all the gifts down and Touya brings her to the steak house. The line is huge but he simply walks up and brings her to the front.

" Name sir?" The man asks.

" Touya." Touya tells him.

" Right this way sir." The man nods.

Touya holds ---- arm and the pair walk in together, they look around and see couples and families all enjoying eachothers company.

" Here you are, the executive table sir." The man bows and sets them up.

Touya removes ---- fur trench and he removes his as they sit in the booth, Touya holds her close as he places menus in front of them.

" What can I get started for you two?" The man asks.

" Bring a bottle of your finest vodka and two shot glasses, then have the servers bring over the finest rare steak you got, anything for my princess and her desires." Touya demands.

" Excellent choices sir, may we interest you in any of our finest cigars?" The man asks.

" Got any Cubans?" Touya asks.

" Only the finest Cubans sir." The man nods.

" Ok then I'll take one." Touya nods.

" Excellent choice." The man nods and walks away.

" Huh you can smoke in here?" ---- asks.

" The executive tables can, they have special vents to capture the smoke and vent it outside." Touya nods

" This place is so nice, thank you for bringing me here Touya." ---- smiles.

" Like I told him, I'll do anything for my princess...." Touya croons as he kisses her deeply.

Touya embraces her closely, it is short lived when people approach. A man with an expensive bottle of vodka and 2 shot glasses. A man approaches with the cigar and a cutter for Touya, he places it down and servers come over with plates and large swords with meat on them. They slice off large portions for them and bow kindly as they leave.

" Allow me baby." Touya tells her.

Taking a fork he takes a piece of steak, he puts it to her mouth as she eats it. Touya while she is occupied cuts the cigar and using his quirk lights it up. He puffs it a few times to prime it and it lights perfectly. He takes a large drag off of it and blows the smoke straight up into the vent.

" Shiiiit.... tastes great." Touya hums.

" The steak is amazing too, wonder what the vodka is like." ---- wonders.

---- leans forward and grabs the bottle she pours a shot and is about to pour another before Touya stops her.

" Let's have a little fun baby." Touya purrs.

Touya grabs the shot and puts it in his mouth, he leans forward and holds ---- head still. He opens her mouth and places his lips against hers, he pushes the vodka into her mouth and has her swallow it. ---- moans softly as he leans forward and kisses the center of her neck.

" Fuck I love you so much baby." Touya groans.

" I love you too Touya." ---- moans softly.

" I have a little surprise for you when we get home." Touya chuckles.

" Oh? What did you have in mind?" ---- asks.

" You'll see, for now let's indulge in the food and drinks provided." Touya smirks.

The pair eat and drink the food coming again and again, Touya feels a little buzzed and needs to take a piss.

" I'll be right back, Im full what about you?" Touya asks ----.

" Im very full now thank you." ---- smiles.

" Hey, need the check." Touya commands a waiter.

" Yes sir." The man nods and walks off.

" Be right back baby." Touya whispers to her.

He walks off and goes to the restroom, the check comes and the waiter hands it to ----.

" Here you are pretty lady." He flirts.

" Oh uh thank you sir." ---- smiles kindly.

" What is a beautiful woman like you doing with such a domineering man like that?" He asks about Touya.

" I love him, he has saved me time and time again." ---- just smiles.

" Heh, you deserve so much better." The man puts his hand over hers.

" Oh um...." ---- blushes and doesn't know how to respond.

Touya approaches the man from behind and towers behind him, hatred for the man fills his eyes as he growls.

" You got a lot of balls boy...." Touya growls.

The man's face goes pale as he trips on his own feet to back away, Touya gets up in his face and glares at the man. He sees his eyes and sees blue embers exhale out from his nostrils. The man swallows hard and feels fear crawl up his spine at his deadly gaze.

" Take this.... and leave." Touya threatens.

The man takes the wad of cash and scurries away, Touya grabs his jacket and puts it on. He gets ---- up and puts her jacket on, the pair leave and Touya is silent as they go back to his place. They get comfortable as Touya heads into a secret room for a while. ---- is concerned but doesn't disturb him, she goes to his room and gets into her sleep gown. As she does she hears footsteps and turns, she sees Touya with a soft expression on his face, he is only in sleep pants.

" Hey princess I wanna show you something." Touya tells her.

" Oh ok coming." ---- smiles.

---- walks over to Touya who guides her to his secret room, he covers her eyes and opens the door. Leading her in he closes the door and uncovers her eyes, ---- looks in both shock and awe at the room.

" Let's have some fun baby.... do you like it when other guys flirt with you?" Touya asks.

" What no! Why are you asking such a hurtful question?" ---- asks in shock.

" You said you don't feel pain anymore much right? I wanna go all out with you babe.... the roughest, hardest, most sadistic sex you will ever experience.... only one safe word.... Salvation." Touya croons against her ear.

Touya rips her gown away along with her panties, circling around her he harshly presses his lips against hers. He backs her up towards the bed and grabs soft silk rope nearby.

" Familiar with Shibari?" Touya asks.

" No what is it?" ---- asks him.

" Oohh.... you'll see baby." Touya smirks.

Touya takes a blindfold and ties it tight enough around her eyes, he picks her up and places her on her back on the bed. He starts the process of wrapping her body and tying her wrists together, under her breasts and around her stomach, he finishes and sits back; admiring his work.

" It really is Christmas for me.... must of been a good boy this year because I have the best fuckin present all wrapped up.... just for me." He chuckles.

" Touya.... please...." ---- whines.

" No...." Touya growls.

Touya spanks ---- hard and keeps his heated hand there, as he heats his hand up to a minor burn against her skin he rubs ---- clit in a teasing way.

" You will call me either Dabi, Daddy or Master during this.... call me Touya I'll leave you here tied up and desperate, understood?" Touya tells her.

" Ah!.... O-Ok.... M-Master." ---- whimpers.

" Hmmm good girl." Touya chuckles.

Reaching up he pulls a chain down and attaches it to the ropes at ---- hands, running his hands across her skin he gives her burn a little pinch which makes ---- arch her back and whimper. Touya chuckles and removes his clothing, he is semi hard as he straddles her stomach. Grabbing the chain he pulls it forward and grabs her face roughly, holding his cock he taps her lips with his tip.

" All your power and strength.... and you are taking it like a little fuck hole.... you are my toy tonight slut." Touya groans.

" Yes Master." ---- nods quickly in agreement.

" Good.... you know your place bitch.... Im going to have so much fun with you, now suck." Touya smirks.

Opening her jaw up Touya slides his cock all the way in down her throat. A deep groan eminates from his chest as he begins to roughly fuck the back of ---- throat.

" Fuck.... your slutty little mouth feels so fuckin good.... if I wasn't such a possessive fuck.... shit I'd let someone share you with me." Touya groans as he thrusts deeper.

Wetting a finger as he practically suffocates ---- with his cock, he reaches back and lightly teases her clit. A moan vibrates his cock which makes Touya hiss.

" Fuck.... you dirty fuckin slut.... fuck your mouth and pussy always feel so fuckin good." Touya gasps.

---- moans out and squirms at the slight contact she is recieving, every so often he slightly flicks and barely touches ----. Every inch of her body twitches with need as he edges her relentlessly.

" Fuck.... gonna cum down that slutty throat of your's...." Touya growls as he picks up the pace.

Shoving his entire length down her throat, in and out relentlessly and with no remorse Touya stops deep and cums down her throat. A loud groan rips from his chest as he rides his high, pulling out he sees tears from ---- attempting to mot gag on his fat cock. He smirks and shows a moment of tenderness as he gently caresses her bottom lip and up to her cheek.

" Such a pretty sight, now what do you say after Daddy gave you a good meal?" Touya asks in a low tone.

" T-Thank you Daddy...." ---- moans as she swallows his seed.

" Such a good girl right now.... a small reward is deserved no?" Touya questions with a small chuckle.

---- feels Touya stroke her jawline with his lithe and strong fingers, he flickers a little flame at his fingertips and leaves a scorching path behind.

" Please Daddy...." ---- nods softly.

Touya hums and sits back, ---- can feel him slip toward her feet and soon she feels his hands and arms wrap around her hips and thighs. His hot breath hits her clit which causes ---- hips to buck involuntarily.

" Not even touching you yet and you are this fuckin desperate?" Touya teases.

" Ngh.... please...." ---- rolls her hips and whimpers.

" No begging brat." Touya growls.

Touya uses his quirk on her thighs and gives her slight burns, ---- whimpers and arches her back at the sensation.

" Be good or Ill leave you here desperate and unfilled." Touya threatens.

" I'm sorry.... I'll be good Daddy...." ---- moans softly.

" Good girl, now stay still and you will be rewarded." Touya hums.

Ghosting his lips over her clit, he barely kisses the hood of her clit as he goes to her thighs and kisses them. In a sudden move he bites down hard on her inner thigh, a wave of pain and pleasure surge through her as she tries to stay still. Whimpers and moans fill the air as Touya bites more and more, drawing blood and making claim marks everywhere.

" You look like the finest painting babe...." Touya smirks.

Leaning forward he places his tongue against her clit, slowly he laps up and torturously eats her out at a slow pace. Kissing her lips then going back to sucking on her clit, ---- cries out in desperation as she feels her high.

" S-So good Master...." ---- moans out.

" Uh uh, not yet slut." Touya spanks ---- as he stops.

" N-No! Please don't stop!" ---- cries.

" What did I say about begging?" Touya scolds her.

Flipping her over so on her knees with her face against the bed, Touya rubs ---- ass softly before reeling his hand back with flames covering it. In a flash he spanks ---- as hard as he can, creating an instant mark on her flesh. ---- lets put a sharp moan, wanting more punishment from him. Again and again he spanks her a total of 10 times, ---- is so turned on by this she doesn't know what to do. Touya stops and feels hia cock throb, he can't just watch anymore.

" You better be fuckin ready bitch...." Touya growls.

In one swift thrust he fully hilts himself inside, ---- gasps as all the air leaves her lungs. Gripping her hips hard Touya proceeds to fuck into her brutally, his hips causing brusies on her ass as his fingers dig so deep he draws blood and create a line of bruises.

" Touya!" ---- moans as she feels her high.

" Do not use my name!" Touya growls as he brands his handprint on her thigh.

" Master!" ---- whimpers.

" That's better.... fuck you feel so fuckin good!" Touya roars out feeling his high crest in his lower stomach.

Touya leans back and pulls ---- back with her, using gravity he slams his cock into her deepest depths. ---- nearly screams as she feels her orgasm, Touya can feel this and grabs her hair; pulling back roughly so his lips are close to her ear.

" Your not allowed to cum yet slut, dont you fuckin dare." Touya groans.

Touya can't hold back anymore, grabbing her hips and shoving her back into the bed he slams into her harshly. A deep groan eminates from him as he cums deep into ----, she is so close she wants to cum so bad.... but she wants to impress Touya in this roleplay.

" Good girl.... fuck such a good lil slut." Touya takes a breath.

Reaching over he grabs a butterfly knife, opening it up with expert hands he presses the blade against her flesh over her spine. ---- shivers as her pussy clenches around his cock at the feeling of the cold steel.

" That turned on by a blade to your back? Cute lil masochistic slut." Touya teases.

" Use me Dabi...." ---- begs.

Touya hums as he presses the blade harder, as he does he cuts open her flesh and watches the blood slowly form at the fresh cut. Soon though it heals, he smirks and on her right shoulder blade he carves his name 'Dabi' into her flesh. This time when it heals he still sees the flesh heal but it instead scars over so his name is visible on her flesh.

" Heh, making it so everyone knows who you belong too?" Touya asks.

" Y-Yes Master." ---- nods.

Touya smirks as he flips her over on her back, holding her hips up he again violently slams into her. ---- trembles and gasps as she feels her climax sit at the precipice, her body screaming for release that she is denying it. Touya again drags his knife over her flesh, cutting bloody lines all up and down her stomach and torso. Leaning forward he puts the blade down, his chest pressing against hers, he feels her blood on his skin but he doesn't care. He has the sudden urge to feel closer to ----, wrapping his arms around her he bites into her shoulder roughly and thrusts brutally into her.

" Always such a perfect fuck hole for me.... fuck I love it so much." Touya grunts.

" Im your's.... please Master I need it...." ---- begs him.

" Wanna cum huh? How bad do you want it?" Touya asks.

" It hurts so fucking good.... please I need it so bad Master...." ---- softly begs.

Touya feels his prior anger of ---- being the center of attention again with other men go away. Stopping inside her Touya sits up and removes her blindfold, ---- blinks a few times and looks up to see Touya. His chest, abs, chin and lips are covered in her blood as he looks down at her with lust blown eyes.

" All mine...." Touya growls.

" Yes! I'm all your's!" ---- cries out.

Looking at her face he sees a blissed out smile gracing her lips, Touya fucks into her harder as he feels her orgasm flutter around his cock. Placing his hand over her throat he squeezes and watches her gasp for air.

" You wanna cum slut?" Touya asks her again.

" Please Daddy!" ---- nods in rapid response.

" Then do it! Cum on my fucking cock now!" Touya roars out.

---- nearly screams as her eyes roll back, Touya releases her neck and holds her hips with a hard grip. ---- arches her back and cries out feeling her release, her body trembles violently as Touya feels his quirk activate. Flames travel up his spine and his hands as he grunts and yells out, slamming into her again and again every drop of his seed is pumped into ----. He stops his flames and stills inside of her, his throat is dry and on fire, both are completely blissed out in lust and in eachother.

" Always perfect.... so perfect...." Touya catches his breath.

Touya unties ---- and her arms are finally free, he leans forward and lays his head against her chest. He feels ---- wrap her arms around him as he cuddles against her and peppers small kisses between her breasts.

" I will never leave you Touya, no matter what.... there is no need for the insecurity of me leaving. I want no one else in my life Touya." ---- softly tells him.

He holds her tighter and holds his emotions in check, he simply looks up into ---- eyes and gives her a appreciative smile.

" Trying to get me in my emotions?" Touya teases.

" No, I just see it in your eyes sometimes, just remember that no matter what. I will never leave you, I will always be by your side.... and if you are ever in trouble.... I would kill whoever it is who threatens your life." ---- says in a serious tone.

Touya looks at her in shock but deep down he is not surprised, he knows she will always love him.... but he has a deep insecurity that he will never be good enough. Leaning forward he kisses ---- deeply and just chuckles, he pulls away and looks at her.

" Anyone hurts you.... they will be a pile of ash." Touya smirks.

" You and me against the world?" ---- smiles.

" Wouldn't have it any other way, now let's get cleaned up, at least my sheets are black satin." Touya nods and pulls back.

Picking ---- up he heads to the bathroom and draws a bath, once warm and laced with soap he places her in and slips in behind her. The pair sigh in relief feeling the blood and sweat slip off their skin.

" This feels great." Touya sighs out.

" Its even better with you, oh by the way what are we doing for New Years?" ---- asks him.

" Im thinkin the Meiji Shrine, fireworks, temple bells.... a romantic setting with just the two of us.... I mean yah other idiots will be there but, it will be nice to be out with you." Touya hums.

" I would love that." ---- nods.

Touya wraps his arms around ---- and buries his nose in her hair, he breathes softly as he feels his body and mind relax. There is nothing more in this world he craves more then ---- in his arms.