
Ch 4: Her Own Prison

Day breaks on the Monday morning as ---- wakes up, she sees a folded piece of paper, a glass of water and a cup of pills. ---- yawns and sits up to see Dabi is not around, she smells food as she grabs the note. A sharp pain hits her in her head, she groans and holds her head as she opens the letter.

' Good morning Dollface, sorry I couldn't be here for when you woke up, had an emergency to attend to with my co-workers. I got you some basic meds to help with your hangover and I made you some breakfast, nothing like a greasy breakfast to help with a night of drinking right? Heh.... anyways I'll text you around lunchtime, sorry again for not being there and enjoy your breakfast and when you leave press on the keypad outside this code, 011824, it will lock down my place. Hope your day with the militaries goes well <3. - Dabi'

---- smiles and takes the pills for her head, she gets her shoes and pack on as she heads to the counter, she eats the simple but delicious breakfast. Once done she cleans the plate and utensils and puts them away, organizing her mess quick ---- heads out and punches the code into the keypad. The studio locks down and ---- makes her way back, today she was excused from class for something the UN needed from her. ---- cleans up in her room and puts on her suit, placing her faceplate on the helmet securely. Taking a deep breath she walks out of her room and out of the dorm, outside several blacked out SUVs wait for her. The soldiers lining the way salute her as she walks down fhe row of them, looking at them all she sees patches for 26 no.... 27 different countries. She is going to the UN embassy and going in for a battery of tests, they requested for her to come in so scientists and students can study her in a once in a lifetime opportunity. She is annoyed by this but whatever keeps the military and UN quiet she just goes along with.... for now.

" Commander Drakos, come we are expecting you, it is truly an honor." A UN soldier greets her as she enters the SUV.

---- nods in acknowledgement and sits inside, she is joined by two others who sit on either side of her. She crosses her arms and stays silent on the ride there, she can hear them talking to eachother; wayward conversations that seem to turn to static in the background. Her focus is snapped back when she feels the car park finally, looking out the window ---- can see the embassy and the massive tech building next to it. They get out of the car and head inside the tech building, inside they bring ---- inside a large room and inside are many men and women in white collar attire. ---- rolls her eyes knowing now what is up, its a fucking viewing of her quirks and who can buy her for her abilities.

" Drakos, these people are extremely powerful and important, make a good impression got it?" One of her higher ups whispers to her.

" Yah yah...." ---- groans.

Before he can reprimand ---- a man with a small entourage approaches ---- and her group. He is tall with a slight receding hairline, he is dressed in a pinstripe suit and has a long nose that fits his face. Following him are 4 people, one man looks to be a politician, the other who looks like a blue alien is dressed in reporter like attire, the other two are completely concealed. One being in a light blue and white fur jacket, his face is completely covered, the other is tall and in complete black including his face covering. The tall man in the pinstripe suit looks down at ---- and smiles, putting his hand out he greets her.

" Hello you must be Commander Drakos, the being known as Hydra correct?" The man asks.

" That is correct, to whom do I have the pleasure of speaking to?" ---- nods and shakes his hand.

" My name is Mr. Yotsubashi, Rikiya Yotsubashi, I am the owner of Detnerat. It is a support items company for Hero's like yourself." Mr. Yotsubashi tells her.

" As flattering as that is I do not consider myself a Hero sir.... I would love to stay and chat more but I see the scientists waving me down over there. Mr. Yotsubashi, friends." ---- bows and walks over to the scientists.

---- walks over and she sees a body suit and a changing room, the lead scientist walks over and greets ----.

" Greetings Hydra, if you can please slip on our suit, it will help with measurements while we perform the tests." He tells her.

" Fine but do not mess with my suit." ---- tells him.

" Of course, here you go." He nods.

---- goes into the changing room and removes her clothing, she slips on the suit and tests it quick. Tearing it she watches as it heals from the rip, seeing as its the same material as her own suit she steps out and sees everyone is sitting behind a protective clear wall. The scientists escort her over and start taking measurements, they poke and prod her as they run tests on her physiology.

" Walk away everyone, we need to trigger her fighting state and the words used are highly confidential." A major tells the scientists.

They all walk away and Mr. Yotsubashi looks with intrigue at what is going on, Commander Stark walks over to his group and the other people here for the viewing.

" Words? What exactly can words do to put her in a fighting state?" Mr. Yotsubashi asks.

" What you see now is her docile state, the state in which she has free will and can fight normally on her own. In her fighting state however, the person who issues the state gains control over her, she listens to the master and she becomes an unstoppable fighter. Pain receptors are turned off and her free will goes away, she is the ultimate soldier and fighter. With her duel quirks and body enhancements she recieved from the serum we gave her she is incredibly strong. She is lightweight yet her muscles are super dense, which means she may not look like a power lifter but she can out do one in a head on competition." Commander Stark explains.

They hear yelling and look over to see ---- holding her head, the Major continues to read off the phrases until she stops. Letting her hands drop to her sides ---- gets up and they see her blank stare.

" Scientists you can come back but BE CAREFUL! No sudden or threatening movements around Hydra or myself, it could trigger an attack response and it may prove to be fatal." The Major brings them back over.

The scientists carefully approach and see she is perfectly still like a statue, everyone watches as they look in awe at the change.

" How is this possible?" One of Mr. Yotsubashi's friends asks.

" Along with mental conditioning and training, Hydra has a small pod in her body, it's a tracker, that keeps her in her states and it also helps with her obedience. If she happens to go on a rampage the controller can say a specific command or hit a button provided and the chip inside essentially shuts her off. After a moment she is reset and ready to take commands again.

' Fuck I hate this, these scientists are getting on my nerves!.... they are getting too touchy for my liking....' ---- mind thinks to itself.

" Let us test how much you weight you can hold." The lead scientist tells her.

" Hydra, brace yourself." The Major commands.

---- walks over to the weight station and stands in the middle, looking up the weights slowly come down. ---- holds the weights up and braces herself, the weight is released and the machine starts to increase the weight. ---- struggles a little until she decides to use her bones for support. Thick bone spikes jut out from her calf, thighs and hips, bone surrounds her spine and chest area. The weight continues past 3,000 kilograms, using more bone she makes massive crab like spider legs from bone. She braces the weight and the legs to the ground.

" Incredible, she is holding up over 4,000 kilograms!" One of Mr. Yotsubashi's associates gasps.

" Although strong she prefers to only do this for short bursts, she solely focuses on her brute force through advanced fighting techniques and with her prowess with both her quirks. Her Cell Manipulation is incredibly powerful, but her Water Manipulation is where she is truly terrifying." Commander Stark tells them.

" Remove the weights!" The scientist commands his people.

The weights are removed and ---- goes back to a normal stance, they bring water out which gets ---- attention. She waits for instruction however and looks towards her handler.

" Hydra, start with freezing the water, then turn it to a gaseous form." The Major tells her.

---- with ease turns the water into ice and forms it into a gas, she plays around with it for a moment and shows off her ability.

" Good.... now destabilize the Hydrogen." The Major tells her.

Looking at the water in front of her she places the water in a clear plexiglass container. Putting her hand inside they watch as ---- creates violent explosions with the water. Everyone looks in shock and starts to murmur to one another.

" As you can see she can complete control water, even being able to pull oxygen out of the water and using it in short time spans to breathe from. Hydra is incredibly smart, resourceful and can adapt to anything thrown at her!" Commander Stark laughs.

Prepping for more tests a scientist approaches with a scalpel to take a skin sample. ---- immediately looks at him and treats him like a threat.

' NO NO NO STOP! HE ISN'T GOING TO HURT YOU STOP!' ---- yells to herself.

Hydra however can't stop, she growls and grabs the mans arm, she immediately shatters his arm and everyone is sent in a panic. The scientists grab things to defend with but Hydra sees them all as targets.


They fail to listen, Hydra rushes after the scientists and brutally starts to slaughter them.


" Halt! Calm your rage sweet child! No one here wishes to hurt you!" One of Mr. Yotsubashi's associates calls out.

Hydra halts her rampage and turns to look at him, everyone is shocked that his voice commanded her. The Major in anger glares at the situation and using a remote begins to electrocute her. Her body seizes in a sickening way as she tries to attack him. One of the concealed associates of Mr. Yotsubashi walks to him and whispers to him.

" Have them stop this, we should purchase her contract." The concealed man whispers.

" She is unruly even in this state, she is a dangerous weapon." Mr. Yotsubashi tells him.

" I will take full responsibility if she goes rogue, she will be a great asset to the grand vision." The man tries to convince.

" Hmm, is that so?" Mr. Yotsubashi smiles.

They watch Hydra fight against her punishment but soon drops to her knees from the extreme pain of the electricity going through her body.

" Stop! We wish to purchase her contract for Detnerat!" Mr. Yotsubashi yells to them.

The punishment stops but ---- is still and unmoving Mr. Yotsubashi and his associates approach the Commander.

" We wish to buy her contract for a year, we will talk about extensions later, she will continue with whatever you have her doing but when I need her she will be sent to me." Mr. Yotsubashi tells Commander Stark.

" She isn't cheap sir, it cost us billions to craft her into the weapon she is today." Commander Stark tells him.

" 500 million US dollars now, and if we like her another 500 million for the year." Mr. Yotsubashi tells him.

Commander Stark looks over at the Major and nods his head, the Major walks over and starts to read out commands. Soon ---- takes a deep breath in, she looks around and sees the bodies, holding her head in shame she looks away and stumbles up.

" Drakos, Mr. Yotsubashi has bought your contract for a year, your information will be given to him. If and when he needs you, you will report to him immediately is that clear?" Commander Stark demands.

" Yes sir...." ---- sighs.

" Good, now finish up with the scientists that are still alive then you can leave for the rest of your day at UA." Stark commands.

---- nods and quietly walks away to the scientists who again, poke, prod and inject her with nanobots to watch how her body moves with her quirk. Mr. Yotsubashi's smile fades a little along with the others in his group, he sits away from everyone else and just watches.

" She looks miserable." A woman speaks.

" Yes Curiosity.... that she does." He nods.

" This is the UN's way of making loyal and obedient super soldiers?" The hooded light coated man questions.

" Apparently so Geten, child soldiers trained as toddlers to kill. What are your thoughts on this Dabi?" Mr. Yotsubashi asks.

" Her treatment in the hands on the government is nothing short of abhorrent, I say we just take her." His voice is a low growl.

" I say we take her at some point, she will have a much better life with us. We eventually explain what we stand for and let her choose." The sharp dressed man tells them.

" Yes Trumpet that sounds like a solid idea." Mr. Yotsubashi nods with a smile.

" Hydra.... the face of the Army, Redestro's ultimate weapon against injustice." Curiosity smiles brightly.

" Yes, however this will be done of her free will, no one will force her." Redestro nods.

Dabi has felt sickened this whole time, watching her be used in such a way. He wasn't expecting her to be here at all if he's honest, he was brought to look at new weapons with the others. He isn't surprised now though now that he knows, he watches her saddened expression change every so often. She attempts to smile a little here and a little there, Dabi pulls out his phone and types to ----.

' Hey Doll Face I miss you, so the Japanese Confectionery Festival is down at the Sakura park this Saturday. Wanna go out with me?" Dabi types to her.

Dabi waits and sees after a while she is given a break, she sits down and drinks a bunch of water before looking at her phone. Her expression changes which pleases him, she sits upright and opens up her phone. Immediately Dabi can see her blush intensely, she has a wide grin and he can see her giggle. She bounces playfully as she types and texts Dabi back, his phone quietly pings off and he looks down at it.

' I would love to! I miss you so much! Ugh today sucks! But it could be worse I guess! Gotta stay positive, besides I have you to make me smile!' She replies.

' Well you can tell me about it later, well tell me as much as you're allowed of course. Im sorry your day isn't going well, but the festival has all the goodies I'm going to spoil you with. I hope you have a sweettooth cause I'm getting you everything you want babe.' Dabi texts back.

He watches as she fans herself while reading the text, her cheeks are all completely red as he enjoys watching her giggle like a school girl.

' That sounds so amazing! I can't wait, oh shit they need me again I'll text back later <3.' ---- tells him.

Dabi sees she is approached by some scientists, they finish doing their tests and immediately Commander Stark brings her over.

" Hydra, Detnerat has bought your contract for 1 year." Stark tells her.

At first ---- looks concerned, but soon that concern turns to relief as she repostures herself and looks towards Redestro.

" I am honored to work with you Mr. Yotsubashi." She bows.

" Don't worry it will just be protection detail mainly, you will continue to do what you are doing, and if we need you I will have you come in. Does this sound reasonable?" Redestro asks.

" This is beyond kind, I will be your sentinel." ---- nods.

" Good, now it looks like you are done, go clean up and continue to do what you were set to do at UA." Redestro smiles.

" Yes sir." ---- nods and walks off.

---- walks away and grabs all her gear, she is escorted back to UA and gets in her uniform. Walking to class she still can't get the faces of the university students and scientists she killed out of her mind. Mr. Aizawa notices but doesn't pester her yet, he continues to teach and keeps the class from bothering her.

After what feels like an eternity classes are done, ---- stands and walks out without people bothering her. She pulls out her phone and texts Dabi, her mind races with the images blood splattered in her psyche.

' No stop please!'

' It hurts!'

' Please I have a family!'

' No! I dont want to die!'

' SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP!!!!' ---- screams to herself and the voices.

" ---- are you ok? You're bleeding." Shoto's voice comes from next to her.

---- snaps her eyes open and looks at him, she snaps out of her breakdown and looks at Shoto in confusion. She places 2 fingers under one of her nostrils and feels blood. Quickly ---- covers up her face and tries to play it off.

" Yah sorry my head just really hurts this happens sometimes." ---- brushes off the question.

" Here let me help." Shoto calmly tells her.

Shoto pulls out a soft cloth from his pocket and cleans her hand off from the blood, he then carefully cleans ---- face and hands her the cloth so she can apply her own pressure.

" Thank you, sorry today was a frustrating day." ---- sighs.

" You want to talk about it?" Shoto asks.

" Im not allowed, official business and such sorry." ---- gives a nervous smile.

" It's ok I understand the need for discretion." Shoto nods.

" Im going to go do some homework and unwind, mind telling me when dinner is served tonight?" ---- asks.

" No I don't mind at all, get your rest ----." Shoto nods.

---- waves her friend bye and heads to her room, she goes in and gets on pajamas and does her homework. After she finishes ---- lays on her bed and relaxes, she looks and sees she has a text back from him.

' Hope you are doing better from earlier, sorry I'm busy today but this Saturday is all about you.' Dabi's text reads.

---- smiles to herself, Dabi is so loving and worried about her, it is an odd feeling to be cared for like this.

' I'm doing better now that I'm texting you, you make me feel better Dabi.' ---- admits.

' Im glad you are feeling better, what happened today?' He asks.

---- pauses for a moment and stares at the screen, should she tell him people got hurt because of her.

' I.... some people got hurt today, it was my fault....' ---- tells him.

' What happened? Are you allowed to tell me?'

---- thinks she can, it's going to be all over the news tomorrow, that or it will be some massive cover-up to make her look like the victim.... fuck....

' I was in my state.... a state where I am completely compliant to whoever is my handler.... scientists were studying me today and wanted to take some samples of my tissue. My.... mental programming saw the scalpels near my handler as a threat.... fuck....' ---- feels extreme sadness bear down on her heart.

---- looks and sees the screen is blank, a wave of panic sets into her gut until she sees the dots dance on the screen.

' Can I call you?' He asks.

' Yes please....' ---- takes a sigh of relief.

A few moments later she looks and sees Dabi calling her, she smiles and answers it immediately.

" Hey babe, it's ok.... everything will be ok." Dabi reassures.

" It doesn't feel like it, I'm a monster Dabi.... I have killed so many people...." ---- says in a scared tone.

Dabi immediately hears the fear in her voice, he is shocked to know she can feel something like that with what he saw earlier.

" Babe.... don't worry, everything will be ok ----." Dabi calms her.

" How do you know? Im just their plaything.... they abuse me like a tool and are just waiting for me to break.... I hate this." ---- grumbles.

" Don't worry, I'll help you find a way out then.... you are safe with me ----. You are safe with me, and this weekend will be the best weekend ever for you, I promise." Dabi tells her.

---- giggles softly and a soft smile travels across her face, all her worry goes away at his soothing voice.

" Heh that's what I like to hear, you should rest ---- I'll see you this weekend, its suppose to be chilly so make sure to bring a decent fall coat." Dabi tells her.

" Sounds like the perfect setting for a date, chilly fall day, sweet treats...." ---- giggles cutely.

" I know a cafe that will have a stall there, they sell the best hot chocolate." Dabi grins as he hears her.

" Oh? Then I definitely need to try some then. So a chilly fall day, sweet treats, the best drinks, and the perfect guy." ---- muses cutely.

Dabi blushes and feels his heart beat hard, his mouth gets dry at her words. Rubbing the back of his neck he hears her yawn in a cute way.

" You need to rest, get some sleep and get through the week, it will be worth it babe." Dabi tells her.

" If you insist, sweet dreams Dabi." She tells him.

" Sweet dreams babe rest well." Dabi replies back.

---- hangs up and immediately drifts to sleep, Dabi on the other hand starts plotting for a way to free ----.

" Dabi you look troubled." Redestro mentions as he walks up to him.

" Didn't that blowhard Stark mention something about a tracker that regulates her quirk as well somewhere in her body?" Dabi muses.

" Hehe, yes he did, why thinking of keeping her with us permanently?" Redestro smirks.

" She would be better off, someone that powerful should not be in the control of the government. They plan on using her against us, I just know it." Dabi sneers.

" Using her to crumble the Meta Liberation Army? Hmm that is a concern." Redestro nods as they walk.

" When do you expect to get her in for a meeting with her?" Dabi asks.

" Sooner then later, if you know anything about her that will be helpful information to me." Redestro asks.

" From what I have gathered she was a child soldier, I have seen her outside of work. She loves food and animals, she made friends with a raven when we spoke. We speak a little and she is rather friendly and calm outside of what we saw earlier. Hero's were also responsible for some huge disaster that killed everyone in her squad and her parents as well, civilians as well. The Commission made a bad call and it resulted in a huge cover up. Most of her life she has been used to further the gains of whoever can buy her skills, it's truly a disgusting endless cycle." Dabi growls in anger.

" That is a lot to take in, but well done Dabi, to think she has suffered since she was a toddler. This is why our ideals are important, she shouldn't be abused for her power she should be able to use it freely." Redestro shakes his head in disbelief.

" So.... what's the plan?" Dabi asks.

" I'll bring her in next week, let her adjust to things. She won't be bothered much by her captors now that we hold her contract. So keep an eye on her and talk to her if you do, keep her happy and do what you need to do." Redestro orders.

" Don't need to tell me twice, I'll find ways to free her in the meantime." Dabi nods and walks off.

Dabi heads to his place and removes his concealing clothing, he sighs in relief as he feels the cool air of his house hit his skin. It's all worth it when he gets to be around ----, she likes him and she hasn't even seen his face.

' My face....' Dabi thinks to himself.

Looking into his bathroom mirror he sees his burns, his heart sinks knowing she will never like him. She will be repulsed by his body, he hates the way he looks and curses his father for how he looks now.

' I can't let her see my face or body.... she will never love me.' Dabi curses to himself.

' Hm, so why do you do it?' Dabi remembers asking ----

Dabi's eyes snap open, he remembers the day they first met, the conversations they shared. He remembers something important she said, something so simple yet so important. He asked her why she still saved and protected people.

' Hm, so do you do it?' Dabi asked her.

' I have my purpose still, protect those who need me. No matter who they are I will always help them, I don't judge or pass judgment at all.' ---- told him.

Dabi sits up and looks into the mirror, he touches his scars and staples. His heart calms and he ponders for a moment.

' Does.... does that mean.... she won't judge me with how I look?' Dabi wonders.

He shakes away the intrusive thoughts and hops into the shower, he takes a moment to enjoy the cool water as he cleans up. Hopping out he sees his phone has a message from Shigaraki confirming a meeting with the Army and ---- next week.

' During the meeting we will not tell her who we are yet, we let her form her own ideals and ideas of us naturally. We want her on our side for her own reasons.' The text reads.

' Well yah no shit.' Dabi thinks to himself.

Putting his phone away Dabi heads to bed and lays back in his bed, sleep is a struggle. When ---- was with him that one time he fell asleep so fast, faster then usual. Does he crave the need to be near her that his body is now keeping him from what he needs? Dabi curses the thought but it is true, turning and grabbing one of his pillows he spoons it. Putting his phone on his charger he looks at one of his pictures of ----, his eyes get heavy soon after as he holds the pillow close. Dabi finally feels his body relax completely, his eyes shut and his mind drifts calmly to a peaceful sleep.

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