
His Devotion

There was the softest of clicks, and all of a sudden, the lights in the bridge came on. I was pretty sure that we all breathed a sigh of relief as the darkness vanished.

I blinked rapidly, waiting for my vision to come back.

"Well, that's a relief," grunted Midnight.

"Tell me about it," I bitched, more than happy to see the command bridge and the people inside of it. "At least you could still see in the dark."

"Well, it's fixed now," grunted Da'kea. "Now, we make sure that all three queens and any other inhabitants of this ship are dead before getting the fuck off of this thing."

"I wouldn't be so sure," said Jun Li, coming over the comms. "I am still not getting any readings on the lower three levels of the ship, so I can't be certain that the lights are on there."

Da'kea spun around before finding the speakers, "What do you mean? The lights are one. According to human myths, the Istar creatures should be killed by now."

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