

Raguk looked at me, and I could swear there was a softening to his face for just a moment before it was gone.

"You are taking this much better than I thought you would," he admitted, and I let out a bark of laughter.

"How were you expecting me to take it? Run around screaming? Burst out crying? Or maybe I could collapse into a puddle on the floor?" I asked, raising my eyebrow as I stared at him. "If anyone is dumb enough to follow through on what the Alliance is trying to accomplish, I can promise you, they wouldn't live long enough to regret their decision."

The Uugazt stared at me, studying me for a moment before nodding his head. "You have me and my horde at your side," he said, raising his head and puffing out his chest. I noticed that he hadn't bothered to put on that monkey suit he was wearing the first time we spoke.

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