

I shrugged my shoulders, no longer really wanting to discuss my period.

"Any word on how to find a Hive?" I asked, turning to look at Midnight. The guys seemed to have clued in and were willing to switch the topic.

"I have asked Silver to get in contact with his source, but I haven't heard from him in a few days," answered Midnight as he dug into the piece of raw meat in front of him. The three Saalistaja had a similar diet, although every so often, they would pick up a berry of some kind and eat that.

It was a good thing that blood didn't bother me, or else our meals were going to be… difficult.

"I might be able to find someone to help, but I don't know where they are right now; it might take a while for them to get the message," said Ye'tab as he brought the raw slice of meat up to his mandibles. The outer ones opened to reveal his inner mouth and tongue. Placing the meat inside, he licked the blood off of his fingers.

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