
Officially Not Nesting

I got Sha Shou 2.0 to dock in my private bay and let all the Nightmares out to go do whatever it was that they did. Grabbing all of the furs into my arms, I disembarked the X94 and headed from the hanger bay to my room. I needed a few minutes to wrap my brain around everything that was just dumped on me, and I needed to be alone to do it.


"You still good?" asked Jun Li as I walked toward my room. I let out a massive yawn and awkwardly waved my hand into the air. "Yeah, yeah," I said with a grin, looking up into the lens over top of my door. "It is nice that you care so much about me, but honestly, I am good."


"You sure?" he pressed, causing me to roll my eyes.


"Yes, I am sure. Now, if you want to be a dear and erase every last bit of information you have regarding me and the Ethawainian royalty, then I would love you forever," I replied. I waved my hand over the sensor, my arms still full, and the door to my private room opened.

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