
A new journey

"[Welcome back to the waiting world. Please wait for your body's injuries to be fully healed!]"

"[Due to your excellent skills in completing all missions at a rate of 99.05%, you have the possibility to travel to another world immediately!]"

Jacob regained consciousness, and upon hearing that question, he thought for a moment, "The faster I complete the remaining worlds, the quicker I'll gain the authority to go to any of the worlds I've already visited!"

Making a decision, Jacob had nothing to lose, so he said, "I want to travel to the next world immediately. I don't want to return to my original world..."

"[Congratulations, initiating travel to the Frozen World in three... Two... One... Success!]"


"[... Welcome back to the Frozen World!]"

"[Initiating tissue regeneration program, mending damaged nerves, repairing declining stem cells!]"

"Yes, I'm back..." Jacob had been through a lot to be back in this place, and all those experiences had transformed him into a new version of himself.

"[Your body, which is actually your avatar, has been fully repaired... The enhancements, experience, and strength won't be erased from your muscles; everything will be reserved for the next world you travel to, if you choose to do so!]"

"What will happen now?" Jacob looked around and approached the armory where the weapons he had obtained from the roulette were stored: the bow, his retractable dagger, the grenade, and the optical camouflage device. To be honest, all of his weapons were intact.

"[... The previous ratings are based on a combination of factors to assess the survival chances of an ordinary person in the universes depicted in movies and TV series.

Some of the criteria considered include:

Physical threat: The presence of physical dangers, such as deadly creatures, zombies, killer machines, or natural disasters, is evaluated. The more lethal these threats, the higher the danger rating.

Available resources and abilities: Whether the characters have access to resources and abilities that could help them survive, such as weapons, specialized knowledge, supernatural powers, or advanced technology.

Level of societal organization and safety: The stability and safety of the society in which the story unfolds are evaluated. A world in chaos and disorder will have a higher rating than one with an organized structure and protections for citizens.

Adaptability: The characters' and society's ability to adapt to changing and dangerous situations is considered. The greater their adaptability and survival skills, the lower the danger rating.

Scale and scope of the threat: The magnitude and scope of the threat the characters face are taken into account. For example, a global or galactic conflict is considered more dangerous than a localized one.

Consequently, all of the above is considered based on the user of the orb's abilities, experience, mindset, and adaptability... Your avatar is currently in a perfect state, guaranteeing at least your survival in the early stages of the most dangerous worlds found on the roulette."

"[... Once you arrive in the waiting plane, the roulette orb will come into play:

Roulette Number 1: World Roulette...

The World Roulette is the first roulette you will use when entering a new world. This roulette will randomly allow you to enter one of the four worlds previously selected by the orb. Its function is to determine the setting in which your adventure will take place. Each time you initiate the roulette, one of the four available worlds will be randomly selected.

Imagine that the World Roulette is divided into four equal sections, each representing a different cinematic world. Each section will be marked with the name of the corresponding world. When you start the roulette, it will spin excitingly and stop in one of the sections, revealing the world you will immerse yourself in.

Example of the four available worlds:

World A: A fantasy world filled with magical creatures and breathtaking landscapes.

World B: A futuristic world brimming with advanced technology and gleaming cities.

World C: A post-apocalyptic, desolate, and dangerous world where survival is paramount.

World D: A historical era world with castles, knights, and medieval mysteries.

By randomly choosing one of these worlds, the magical orb will transport you to the corresponding location, immersing you in its unique environment and preparing you for the next phase of your adventure, if not before spinning the remaining two roulettes...

Roulette Number 2: Time Roulette...

The Time Roulette will determine the duration before the main plot begins in the world you've been transported to. This roulette benefits the orb's owner by allowing them additional time to prepare and adapt to the circumstances of the new world.

The Time Roulette is composed of different segments, each representing a period of time. Each segment has a predetermined duration that can vary based on the system's needs. When the roulette is activated, it will spin and come to a stop on one of the segments, determining the amount of time you will have before the main plot fully unfolds.

For example, the segments could represent:

Segment A: 1 additional hour of time. Segment B: 3 additional hours of time. Segment C: 6 additional hours of time. Segment D: 12 additional hours of time.

Once the roulette stops and reveals the selected segment, the host of the magical orb will have that additional time to physically, mentally, and strategically prepare before the main plot of the plane begins...

Roulette Number 3: Weapon Roulette...

The Weapon Roulette is responsible for providing you with the items and weapons you can take with you to each cinematic world that the magical orb sends you to. This roulette will grant you three primary weapons and two support items, randomly selected, to face the challenges and enemies that await you in each world.

The Weapon Roulette has a variety of weapons and support items available, each with unique abilities and characteristics. When the roulette is activated, it will spin excitingly and stop on three specific primary weapons and two support items.

Example of primary weapons and support items:

Primary Weapons: Fire Sword: A sword that deals additional damage through burns. Magic Bow: A bow that shoots arrows imbued with magical energy. War Hammer: A blunt weapon capable of knocking down enemies with its great strength.

Support Items: Healing Potion: Restores a portion of your health when consumed. Smoke Grenade: Creates a smoke cloud that allows you to escape or distract enemies.

*Warning: These support items and weapons vary by world.

Certainly, I can help you with the translation of the provided text. Here's the English version:

"Remember that in each different plane, you will receive different and random weapons and support items, adding excitement and variety to your adventures in cinematic worlds. These items will provide you with tactical advantages and tools to face the unique challenges you'll encounter in each world the magical orb sends you to...]"

"[Does the owner of the orb have any other questions?]"

"No doubts at all, I'm already familiar with this." Jacob said as he exited the capsule with his avatar, a body he was very acquainted with.

"[... Recognized... Initiating world system...

On the snowy white wall, a panel with different names of the worlds being considered in the roulette appeared.

"[Ready to travel!]"

"[Worlds selected for the random roulette...

World A: The Resident Evil 1

Difficulty level: ☆☆☆

<Survival chances> (medium)


World B: Squid Game

Difficulty level: ☆☆

<Survival chances> (high)


World C: World War Z

Difficulty level: ☆☆☆☆

<Survival chances> (low)


World D: The Witch: Subversion

Difficulty level: ☆☆☆☆

<Survival chances> ()

Initiating World Roulette...]"

"Whichever one is fine..." Jacob didn't really have a problem with any world, although the last two options would be really challenging if there was a mission to protect something, which isn't something he's very skilled at, especially with weapons.

"[Chosen world: The Resident Evil.]"

"[Selected time roulette!

Random result...]"

On the snowy white wall, a panel with different numbers appeared as a light gently illuminated them.

"[... The owner of the orb has 50 days, equivalent to a year, before the main plot begins.

You will be sent with an appropriate identity to be part of the main plot...]"

"[Initiating armament roulette...]"

At this moment, Jacob saw how the lights in the room changed colors successively.

"[... Obtained: Miniature explosive drone.

Obtained: Advanced black iron sword.

Obtained: Advanced attack rifle...]"

"[... Generating support equipment...

Obtained: Backpack for storing advanced drones.

Obtained: X5 Advanced explosives.

Obtained: X20 Advanced healing medicines...]"

[Armament roulette finished!

Chosen world: The Resident Evil 1

"Synopsis: In an immense underground laboratory, ultra-secret research supervised by hundreds of scientists is conducted, careful that nothing goes wrong.

When the alarm sounds, they believe it's a simple evacuation drill. But soon, horror arrives. A highly deadly virus spreads at an unstoppable rate through the corridors, wiping out all human life in just a few minutes.

Seeing this, Jacob nervously sighed. The good thing is that he has 50 days to prepare; a lot can be done in that short period of time.

"[... Generating missions to accomplish...

Main missions:

1: Shut down the Red Queen.

2: Help the majority of your squad survive.

Secondary missions:

1: Eliminate a zombie.

2: Prevent the virus from escaping the hive.

3: Survive until the end.

4: Eliminate more than 100 zombies...]"

"Please choose your equipment.

You can only carry three main weapons and three support items

"I want to take all the new weapons, including the support ones; they're the most optimal for this world." Jacob said in a reflective tone. He knew there was food in the world he was about to travel to, so there wouldn't be an issue with that in the initial stages of the conflict.

You won't receive rewards at the end of the world. Additionally, you won't be able to return until the main story of the world is finished. Depending on your results, you may or may not be able to return to your reality

"[... Are you ready? ...]"

"Well... here we go."

"[... Initiating transfer.

"Avatar selected... Loading state...

"20%... 40%... 80%... 100%... Ready, good luck, owner of the orb...]"

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