
On my way

Three days had passed since they played that deadly game. Both of them needed to adapt to the brutality of this world and learn that any game could take their lives.

During these days, Jacob took the opportunity to teach Usagi different ways to fight and defend herself, as well as how to use a weapon.

Jacob stood in front of Usagi, holding a knife in his hand. He looked at Usagi with a cold expression and spoke to her in a firm but reassuring voice. "Usagi, learning to fight with a knife requires concentration and discipline. But don't worry, I'll be here to guide you every step of the way. The most important thing is to have confidence in yourself and remember that you're learning this to protect yourself."

Usagi nodded, showing her eagerness to learn as she observed the knife in Jacob's hand.

"Before we begin, I want to remind you of some fundamental rules. First, never point the knife towards yourself. Always keep the blade away from your body. Second, keep your fingers away from the blade at all times to avoid accidentally cutting yourself. And third, maintain a balanced stance and be ready to move quickly."

Jacob paused and observed Usagi, making sure she was ready to start. "Now, let's begin with the basic movements. The grip of the knife is important. Hold the handle firmly with your dominant hand, ensuring you have good control over it. The index finger should be extended along the handle, while the thumb is placed on the other side for added stability."

Usagi imitated Jacob's grip, following his instructions.

"Very good, now let's practice the basic attack and defense movement. Imagine there's an opponent in front of you. Lift the knife to shoulder height, with the blade facing forward. When you attack, keep your wrist firm and slide the knife forward with a quick and precise motion."

Usagi followed Jacob's movements, practicing the attack repeatedly. Jacob gently corrected her posture and movement, ensuring her motions were fluid and efficient.

"Remember, it's not just about attacking, but also defending yourself. When you block an attack, use short and precise movements. Try to redirect the force of the enemy's attack and avoid getting hit."

Usagi practiced the defense movements under Jacob's guidance, feeling the tension and physical effort as she learned to effectively use the knife.

"Excellent work, Usagi. You're progressing quickly. Remember that consistent practice is key to perfecting your skills. We'll continue training together, and I'll help you improve in each session."

Usagi nodded, grateful for Jacob's support and teaching.

"In addition to the technical movements, I want to remind you of something important. Never use your knife skills irresponsibly. Violence is not the solution. Learn to protect yourself, but always seek peace and peaceful resolution of conflicts."

Usagi nodded seriously, internalizing Jacob's words.

"Remember, you're in control of your actions, and you're responsible for how you use your skills. I'm here only to be your guide, what you do with that depends on your desire to survive."

After the training session, Jacob and Usagi took a moment to rest and reflect on what they had learned. Jacob was proud of Usagi's progress and knew that together they could face any challenge that came their way.

From the beginning, Usagi demonstrates unwavering willpower and remarkable bravery. Although initially overwhelmed by the situation and struggling to adapt to the rules of the game, she quickly finds her inner strength and becomes a key participant in the battle for survival.

Usagi stands out for her intelligence and strategic abilities. Despite her fragile appearance, she displays surprising cunning and mental sharpness, making her an invaluable ally to her teammates. Her ability to think quickly and find creative solutions in critical moments helps her overcome obstacles and face the challenges of the game.

Jacob was surprised that Usagi was so good at surviving. Not only did she set traps for hunting, but she also made an effort to learn how to survive. This told Jacob that he had made the right decision by including her in his team.


"What are the chances of it working?" Jacob looked at the car and asked his intelligent assistant whether it would start or not.

"[Master, you followed my instructions to the letter, so there will be no failures no matter how difficult it may be to imagine!]"

For the past few days, Jacob and Usagi had come across a mechanic's workshop where they found tools and a 1970 Chevrolet Chevelle car with all its parts removed. Jacob thought that if he could assemble it, maybe they could use it in this place.

They had discovered that in this world, cars didn't work due to the lack of electricity and fuel in the area where the story unfolds. They were in a deserted Otkio where most of the population had disappeared, and only the so-called players remained, who had to participate in deadly games to stay alive.

According to his intelligent assistant, the lack of electricity and fuel was due to a series of unknown events that had plunged the city into chaos. This implied that the infrastructure, including gas stations and power sources, had stopped functioning. Without electricity, it was not possible to charge electric vehicles or power the internal combustion systems of conventional vehicles.

Additionally, the absence of regular maintenance and fuel supply had rendered cars useless due to lack of operation and deterioration over time. Without workshops and professionals to repair and maintain vehicles, they became worthless in a world where survival revolved around games and the fight for resources.

However, the lack of cars also contributed to the game dynamics and exploration of this world. Being limited in their transportation options, everyone was forced to travel on foot and seek alternative means of transportation, such as bicycles or improvised methods. This added an additional level of challenge and strategy to their struggle to survive in the dystopian world of this place.

This limitation created a challenging environment for the characters and added an extra layer of tension and strategy as they sought to survive and face the challenges that came their way.

However, Jacob replaced the engine and replaced the damaged components. To charge the battery, he used solar panels found in the workshop they had discovered.

Looking at the engine in perfect condition after two days of working on the car, Usagi got into the driver's seat.

"Usagi, start the engine."

"I'm coming!" Usagi inserted the key and turned it slowly. The engine roared, and then nothing happened.

"One more time," Jacob shouted while following the instructions of the intelligent assistant.

Rumm! Rumm! Rumm!

The engine, which seemed reluctant to start, ignited, surprising both Jacob and Usagi.

"Oh... Wow, it started!" Usagi exclaimed happily surprised, realizing that all the time she and Jacob had spent had paid off. Now they had a car, so they wouldn't have to carry food carts anymore.

"We did it, Usagi!" Jacob was excited to hear the engine roar. He closed the car hood and looked at Usagi, smiling from the driver's seat.

"Since we're going to the games today, we should prepare the car to be our support in case we can't return to this place." Jacob told Usagi to turn off the engine, and then they began loading weapons and food into the car.

Although a different type of car would be better, this was more than enough to meet their needs. Therefore, they spent the rest of the afternoon cleaning the interior and loading weapons into the car along with two emergency backpacks they had.

A few hours later, Jacob got into the driver's seat holding a shotgun and a pistol, while Usagi sat beside him, holding a water bottle, and after buckling their seat belts, they headed towards a game zone.

Although they still had five days, it was better to make use of those days and play now that they were in excellent condition. After all, the more they played, the stronger and more experienced they would become.

"Well, here we go..."

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