
Chapter 7


(1st POV)

It's been a long five years since my reincarnation. Also, today I turned 17, so I am now eligible for sailing. I wish there was someone to wish me happy birthday. Well, I guess I will not make a crew with my friends along the journey, but will make them my family. I guess, I will need a firstmate, a cook, a navigator, a doctor, a musician, and hm...., I guess this much for now.

Now, as everyone is eagerly waiting for my progress report, I will tell you everything about my training in a nutshell.

So, for my polearms and bow art, I am a fully-fledged master in them. I can easily snipe someone from a distance of 20 km using my elemental sight with my bow. For polearms, I can easily cut the sea and impale sea kings found in grandline easily. For my elemental reserves, well, due to the excessive use of clones for different purposes, I now have my reserves at the level of The Caspian Sea. For, drawing a good chunk of it I need only 5 seconds, pretty good progress I guess. For my Anemo Elementalist I can use both A and S rank moves. When I first found this I had a field day spamming rasengan and rasenshuriken. I can also control air pressure, temperature, and other parameters, also I have the power to forcefully push or pull using wind. Now same is for Geo, but here I learnt how to terraform at a small scale, causing earthquakes and summoning small meteorites. I now have small control over gravity and I can also create and manipulate metals are they are connected to geo. Also I can make different kinds of stone if know their composition, Well a good progress report it may seem. Also, my CQC is only at the peak advanced level.

Now, I can navigate through the Paradise easily without much difficulty. For cooking, I can now cook equivalent to a 3-star restaurant chef and my food tastes good. Moving onto my shipwright skills, I can make a small-sized ship that can navigate through the blues, but yeah for grandline I have to find a professional.

For the last three years, I have been continuously fighting sea kings and the beasts inside the forest. Well, fighting sea kings is harder as I was fighting in their terrain but somehow I managed to win against them with my skills.

I have cleared the whole forest of any beasts as I went on a killin*cough* training spree. My hardest fight was against the overlord of this forest, killing him was a hard task, and I still get flashbacks of it.


Finally, I reached the centre of the island, but why this place is giving me an ominous feeling? So, to confirm my suspicions I used my elemental sight and found a strong presence inside the cave in front of me. As it was at peak grandline pirate level I made 20 clones each of Anemo and Geo elements and made one combining both and gave him my bow. I charged my body and polearm in scythe form with both elements, so I will be prepared for any situation.

When I was ready I made a sound waking the island overlord to be cautious I appraised it, and this was the result,

**[Name- Powe eater

Race-Heavy Kong

Power Level-Peak Grandline Pirate]**

Oh sh*t, this thing is stronger than me, well I can beat it but when I look at him using my elemental sight, haa, a lot of work, what a drag, wait why am I acting like a Nara, never mind. I should focus on how to defeat.

So a frontal attack with sneaks from my clones as this is a monkey and with sturdy skin nee three or four rasenshuriken to finish it. I charged to ward it with all my strength and when he was not looking at me I swang my scythe toward its leg, but suddenly it dodges and punches me with all its strength. Result of the impact I was thrown 100 metres away while hitting a thick tree. Well, I managed to get up quickly and found that my clones are attacking it with elemental attacks, so taking the opportunity I changed my polearm to a spear and went forward and pierced its back and managed to injure it.

From all the injuries it received it into a berserk state and start rampaging around, it destroyed all the trees around it destroying all my clones. I tried to take advantage of it by trying to pierce its brain to kill it but it gave a full-powered swing to me throwing me towards a big rock. Hitting the rock, though none of my bones broke but it hurt me a lot. Then the beast suddenly comes to my side and starts attacking me before I could hold my bearings. After getting beaten for half an hour I felt power leaving my body. I said

"Is that it, am I going to die again, even after all the training, from a mere beast on an island? Why I trained for it, I never gave up, how much difficult it was? Still, is this going to be my end? I can't make new friends, neither can I go on journeys with them nor I can see more of the world. Why? Why? WHYYYY? I WILL NOT GIVE UP NOT IN FRONT OF THIS MERE BEAST, NOR IN FRONT OF ANY ADVERSITY, NEVER!!!!!!!!"


With all that in my mind and an indomitable will to live, a powerful momentum burst forth from me as its centre. It seemed as if time itself has stopped, nothing moved, the raging beast who was about to kill me was now looking at me with fear. I didn't wait for it to strike back, using a small lake's worth of elemental energy I made a rasenshuriken and threw it towards the beast that shredded it to pieces. As the adrenaline effect wore off I fell back on my butt and started taking large breaths to calm myself. I began to feel a bit peaceful as my calm mind and enhanced adaptability started to take effect.


So that's it, in as you can see, I am one of the so-called chosen ones who are born with conquerers' haki. Having conquerers changes the game a bit, as I never expected to have it. Well using my elemental sight on myself I found the flow of my willpower, and boy it coloured me surprised, I mean it's dense, as dense as iron. From what I have gathered from these beasts, the weaker the willpower the lower the density of haki is, so for me to have this dense haki, I have to say, it's fuc*ing cool.

Now I guess I have seen my willpower clearly, I will train it in the way of my elemental reserves to use all kinds of haki proficiently.

I guess, this is it on this island. I guess it gave me a home for long five years, but for my newfound ambition and goal, I have to say goodbye to it. Now, I should go make a sturdy and strong boat and start sailing towards an island with some humans, and find the timeline I am in. Ah, before I forget let me store some fruits and other island edibles in my inventory.

So, I decided to give him conquerers early, don't ask me why though, but as it's AU, the denser your haki is the harder you have to train to have considerable mastery over it. Also, I will update his status.

Also here ends the training arc of my mc. From the next chapters, the new arc, west blue arc will start.

And if you enjoy my fanfic, please support me by giving me power stones.

Thank you.

primearchon_2003creators' thoughts
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