
Chapter 5


(1st POV)

Rise and shine Daniel, today we are going to go for another big game.

Now as I have been on this island for three months, I have assumed this cave as my new home. So, from the first big hunt two months ago I am even stronger now.

So, during these two months, I have found some wood that can be used as arrows, hence practicing with them I took long strides in bow arts. Now both my bow and polearms art are at intermediate mastery. For physical training, I am using rocks as weights to increase my physical stats. As for CQC, it's at intermediate stage. By reaching intermediate mastery in all of my physical skills I can release the true potential behind divine marksmanship and divine spearsmanship. I can easily shoot 1km with the help of my bow and have reached the steel cutting stage with polearms.

Now, for auxiliary skills like in cooking, although the ingredients are less and lack of spices, I substitute them with leaves which give the same effect which I found out through appraisal. Now for the sailing part, I can easily navigate through all of the blues, but more work is needed for sailing in the grand line. Last but not least medicine, I can make antidotes for many kinds of poison with the help of my appraisal, I can also make different kinds of poison. I can make different kinds of ointment and pills for many different conditions. For more knowledge and mastery I need classes from a professional.

Let's see for my elemental sight I can easily sense both the life force and willpower of any living being, including plants within a radius of 3 km with me as the centre and now only spending half a glass's worth of elemental power per use.

Now for the most interesting power, due to continuous training and fighting my reserves are finally at the level of a small lake. I only need 35 seconds to move magic power to any part of my body. Finally, I unlocked my elemental skills and can finally use Anemo and Geo elements. I can use elemental attacks to intermediate level, which is equal to C-rank magic or ninjutsu, which in my opinion is great progress.

Well then let's go for a hunt, in these two months I have cleared most of the beasts in the outer circle of the forest. I think that my progress is stagnating so I will go for the inner circle to increase the level of difficulty.

So off I go.


After a long walk of two hours, I reached the inner ring of the forest. I think I should find an opponent to fight.

Just as I was about to search for a possible opponent, a black shadow jumped towards me and tried to attack me with its claws, but I was able to take out my polearm which is in the form of a pendant on my neck and was able to deflect the attack, a dangerous attack, I thought.

As I was not confident enough to sweep the floor with the shadow beast, I used appraisal skill for the first time against any living thing.


Race-Shadow Panther

Power Level-Peak Blue Sea Pirate]**

Ok, so I can only say f**k, as it's more powerful than me. But I decided to risk it as no pain no gain. So, I started fighting the panther using everything in my repertoire, at the same time charging my spear with my elemental power. The next 30 seconds were like hell for me, I have to deflect the strikes from the panther while attacking it through thrust, pierce, and overhead swipe, but because of its agility, I only managed to hit twice.

As my spear was charged with Anemo energy, I distracted it by hitting its eye using a stone I picked from before. As my plan came into being I trusted my spear toward the panther, as it pierced through the skin, I rotated the polearm and activated the previously charged Anemo burst, thus killing it. Hence, my hardest battle to date ended. After the battle I know I can't rest, so ran faster than ever, to reach my base. After 45 minutes, I reached my base exhausted. I then went to my makeshift bed and took a rest on it while thinking about today's battle. The pendant form of my polearm idea from Owari no Seraph is a good one, as I can easily access my weapons.

From today's battle, I think that more training is needed, so that after five years, no one will be strong enough to make me bow and no one can make me stop from pursuing my ambitions. I think I should go and cook some food for myself. After eating I did some small stretches and went to sleep.

(3rd POV)

No one noticed, but when our mc Daniel declared before going to cook, a small momentum burst forth from him. Now what it is nobody knows, or will this momentum have any significant meaning? Only time will tell.

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