
Dialogue With God

Collin:" God, is that you "

" yes, you right collin " God spoke as his bright light illuminate all across the spirit realm. hearing this collin of course feel very happy. how could he not be happy, the God he had worshiped and followed all his life was now in front of him, speaking directly to him. this was something he had been waiting for ever since his parents first brought him to church, and even though he had always known that at some point in his life this was bound to happen, collin couldn't contain his enthusiasm and happiness. Besides that, during his lifetime, Collin had prepared many questions that he wanted to ask God when they met.

"Calm down collin, I know you have a lot to ask Me, but for now let's calm down first" God spoke in a subtle tone that brought a sense of calm to all who heard it. hearing this collin came back to his senses and felt a bit embarrassed, because he felt like a child even though he was so old. yeah altough he sure that if you seen from literal God's point of view the truth is he must be just a newborn baby.

after a while collin finally calmed down and asked in a calmer and more mature tone " my God, where are we exactly" "wherever i looked i could only see an endless aurora, and i dont think that was heaven" collin said as he remember the magical view he sees before everything got covered in the Gods briliant light. "well, right now you are floating in the middle of the spirit realm and all the aurora you saw before are actually spirits resting waiting to be born while looking around the endless cosmos" God said to collin

"So you're saying that the aurora I saw before was a baby that about to be born" Collin said. "yeah, that's how it is" God replied. "but why am i here, shouldn't I be in heaven or hell or judgment place. or this is actually the place of my final judgment" collin said in a tone that conveyed curiosity. and hearing this, God said to collin "Yeah, that's how it usually is, but this time something different happened. There's something I want to give to you collin". "a gift? for me? what is it? and why now? i mean not to be ungrateful but aren't i already dead sooo" collin said confusedly.

God "yes this is for you colin, I will give you a proposal, and actually I hope you will accept it" "and what is the proposal and why am I giving it to you now it is because the content of the proposal is do you want to get a chance to live again but in another world". collin was shocked to hear this, not only at the chance to live again that was given to him but also from hearing that the existence of other worlds was real."so hugh everett was actually right?" collin asked. "Well, if it's about whether he's right or wrong, this isn't the time for you to find out" "besides the other world that I mean is different from what he means" God said. collin "different? what is the difference?". God

"well in his MWI other universe is created because of many timeline was created wherever every new possibility appear, in order to make every quantum possible outcome is realized" "but in this case, the otherworld I'm talking about was created by human thoughts".

"human thougts can create a new world? how was that works?" collins.

God "simple it just that when people read a story they digest the story in their brain and imagine about the world in the story in order to understand it. and some of them even bring that image to their lives in many ways, for example dreaming about the story, making theories about what will happen in future stories or even when they talk about it with their friends. the accumulation of energy that is formed from the human mind will eventually form a world, shape the world they think about and become real. well In short, when someone creates a story and the story is seen by many people, it becomes real, no matter how big and how illogical the cosmology of the story is. and before you ask how it is possible for this to happen, I will bring you to recall what you read in My bible in the section on human creation. at that time I created human in my image and likeness, and I breathed my spirit into him. humans are basicaly a part of me that I created in my image, so naturally they will also gain my power. it's just that not many humans understand this well, and for some who can really understand it, they became able to do things that seem impossible to others. let's take one example, my boy Enoch, he came to heaven by himself, without need the help from anyone even death, he just open the gate of heaven and boom he's now in heaven"

"wow, that was just amazing so all the works that we thought that was just a fiction is actually real" collin said with enthusiasm but that enthusiasm was quickly turned to depression "But when I think about works like 'Berserk' or 'Attack on Titan' and many other works with messy stories being real, i feels very sorry that many people live and die miserably just for their entertainment." collin said.

"that's why i give you this chance. when you are close to your death i feel the deep regret that you have, while you are happy because soon you will meet your wife. You also regret for not being able to maintain your family even to the point where you completely lose touch with them. You regret for not being able to be a good father and grandfather for your family. but here you managed to impress Me." God said with warm smile.

"different from before when you were not that old you didn't decide to just give up and fall into depression instead you just kept trying to restore your family even though you were fully aware that in your old age you couldn't really do anything"

"so you just decided to do everything you can to be reunited with your family and you don't want to undertake a effort that is a waste of time and money without having a good impact on those around you, with the absurd amount of money that you have from your farm and from all of your investment, you start to spreading your name around the world so that you can let your family knew that you were waiting for them.through your assistant you started your effort by donating a large amount of your money to social organizations and to people in need, you also wrote letters filled with encouragement and advice for them so they could grow well, you even helped enough of My church to overcome their hardship and survive" as He said that his smile became wider and bigger by time.

hearing all of this from God collin replied with wry smile "but i'm failed. i dont know exactly why my effort was failed, but none of my family nor people that i donate came. you can see it from how none of these people accompanied me in my deathbed. heck even my assistant didn't come to accompanied me. haaah i guess he hate me cause I always make him work overtime" in his last time collin actually want to apologize to his assistant but at the time he has no power to move his body and reach the phone, it was also one of his regret for not being able to properly apologize to him *sigh*.

"hahahaha" after collin finished his talkin, God for some reason start to laughing, "why are you laughing is there's somethin funny about my stories?" collin ask while looks totaly confused by God's behavior. "hahah.. hah..ha.., no it just that you really misunderstood something. ok, lemme tell you something. your effort was not failed, it was actually a big succeed" "hah? a big succeed? how?" collin ask totaly confused even more than before. "yeah, actually the reason why no one ever comes to visit you or contact you is not because your efforts failed, but because no one knows who you really are and where you live" God says to collin.

collins "no one knows me?" with Gods replied with "yups, So there was a big misunderstanding between you and your assistant. You have overly overestimated your assistant's command comprehension skills. he thinks the reason you want him to do all that is because you're old and want to do a lot of good things with your money before you die. he never thought that you want to spread your name so that your family knows where you are and can contact you. he thinks that you want to help as many people as possible with your money without being known, well he's not completely wrong though, but he also thinks that you want to spend the last moments of your life alone, since you hardly ever leave your house and only stay at home watching tv, and if we talk about the day of your death. that time he was stuck at the airport because there was a big storm and his cellphone was also broken in skme accident so he couldn't contact you"

"if it's about the social organizations that you donate they managed to achieve their functions and goals thanks to you. in fact they formed a united organization of many organizations to make the world a better place. they have done many things including carrying out mass greening around the world, exposing the perpetrators of many crimes including corruptors and fraudsters, somehow overthrown dictators, and together with scientists they work together to create many technologies that help human life, they also save many child of their tragic destiny and many more good things have come from them. of the many churches of My church that you helped there was one church that succeeded in growing very quickly, their pastor was eventualy sure that you were help from heaven, so he started to study the bible again and after a while he managed to become one of the people who managed to understand the power of God that is in him and became My apostle in this era. and all of this cannot be separated from all the help and advice you give to them that keep them strong and motivated" God said

"...." collin fell silent after hearing this, he spent some time trying to understand what He was saying, his attempt was not a failure, it was all just a big misunderstanding between him and his assistant. after hearing this he felt like a fool, like how he hasn't notice this before "aaaaggghhhh"

after some times collin finally got his calm back and ask one question to God " how about my family, after my dead, do they come to my funerals" "yeah" Gods said "they regret for not being able to accompany you in your last moments. and don't worry in just a few years your family relationships will be restored. and they also take good care of your farm and house. in the future once every few months they will come and gather there to spend time together" God continue. after hearing all of this collin felt so happy, cus even if he wasn't there with his family. but all his efford and his death was turn out, a big succed!

"ok let's finish this here and get on with the business at the beginning. as you know fiction is real and many worlds with miserable fates are real too. and when I see the miserable fate that exists in a person or some world I was very sad. I want to help them that's why I have sent some of my angels but it's not enough. there are many of them who can't be helped just by sending some of my angels. that's why when I saw you I knew you were the fit person for this role" Gods said wich collin replied with "Even though my efforts succeeded in the last moments of my life, it doesn't change the fact that I was a bad father. there was many better person on earth that more fit in this role rather than me i think"

God replied back with "There are several reasons why I am giving you this opportunity. one, it's because you've managed to impress me in what you've been doing for the past seven years. the second, is to help you. Your biggest regret is actually that you can't be a good father because through this you will learn a lot of new things. and lastly, it's because forestguy asked me to do this"

"forestguy? who is it?" collin understand the first and the second point, but point three was because someone asked God to do this!? "well this not the time for you to know about him so just forget the last point" God said "well anyway you want or not" "For your information, your wife, Dona, actually participated in this program. there is someone in your world who has a very messy mind, creating a story with a super large scale but very miserable fate for everyone in the story. he spread his story to his fellow messed up people until in the end it became real, that place was so dangerous that even all the angels i sent disappeared there. at that time dona voluntarily wanted to help them"

"What?!, how is she, is she safe" collin asked in a hurry tone. "calm down kid, she's fine. she have the power of God with her, there's no need to worry about anything. im just saying that if you accept this proposal you will also have a chance to reunite with your wife and work together to clear those messed up world" after hearing this collin immediately answered without hesitation "God, i'm ready for this opportunity that was given to me"

"....ok, let's jump right into sending step. so to make it easier for the first time, i have fused few worlds into one or in the other words i will send you to crossover world, you okay with this?" God said wich make collin raised his eyebrows and "Gods, i'm ok with wherever you send me to" collin said wich make God smiling big, "alright now prepare My son, soon I will send you to another living world. is there anything you want to become your power, i will grant it, But don't take the instan super op route, because people who do take that route usually lose control of their powers and end up doing something they deeply regret."

after thinking for a while collin finaly said to God about what he wanted "My God. I want something like a system that can help me grow stronger but with a mission feature that I can adjust about when and what the mission is, is it possible" "EZ" God replied "and stop calling Me God, thats too formal, just call Me Father. so now are you ready for your new journey son?!" as He said this a blinding light starts to covers collin body, and before the blinding light finaly covers collins entire body he looked at God. no, he looked at his Father with bright smile and say:

"yes, and thanks for your concern Father" collin said while the light finaly covered up his entire body, and he disappeared from the spirit realm as he headed to the new world, accompanied by his Father Briliant Light....



huh, that was a long one. i hope you all didn't get bored while reading this (´-﹏-`;)

but anyways thank for reading this chapter. if you had any idea about my works or if you find a mistake please fell free to tell me whatever that is.

once again thank you for spending your time on this. God Bless You. daaah✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧.

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