
Good Loot

Noa's concern grew as he realized that Eden and So-Rin were nowhere to be seen. A sense of unease crept over him, fearing the worst.

"No sign of Eden or So-Rin," he informed his teammates, his gaze scanning the area for any trace of their presence.

His guildmates shrugged, their attention consumed by the spoils of victory.

"They'll turn up. We can't wait around," one of them replied, their voice filled with urgency. "We have to loot this guild base before dawn breaks."

Although Noa agreed in theory, his heart remained unsettled. Despite his uneasiness, he followed another guild member, attempting to maintain a watchful eye on their surroundings.

The scent of blood hung heavy in the air, a grim reminder of the battle that had taken place. The guild base, once a formidable fortress, now lay in shambles, conquered by the victorious raiders.

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