
Chapter 57: Three Months 1

Of course, training wasn't all that Tekku did during these first three months in the ANBU. Besides the ANBU drills, he also had the chance to get to know his team and the other high-level Shinobi in Konoha better.

The first chance he had to learn more about his teammates was during the first day of training. "Let's take a ten-minute break! I believe it's about time we actually introduce ourselves, at least more than just our names," announced Tenzo after Ryota and Tekku finished their Taijutsu spar.

All four of the ANBU Operatives sat in a circle with a small bottle of water that Yugao got for them, masks off in the grass.

"I know we haven't really had the chance yet, but let's do proper introductions. Say your likes, dislikes, hobbies, and dreams. I will go first. My name is Tenzo. I like Konoha, tea ceremonies, nature, and reading architecture books. I don't like traitors, those who harm nature, and loud people," Tekku nodded as all of that sounded pretty reasonable; his captain seemed to be a calm person. "I am quite busy as captain of Team Ro, but a hobby would be gardening. My dream is to make Konoha strong and prosperous, also to help you all become stronger."

The next person in the circle was Yugao. "I am Yugao Uzuki. I like my boyfriend Hayate, Konoha, dango, and swords. I dislike those who look down on kenjutsu and those who abandon comrades. My hobbies are sparring and visiting the hot springs. My dream is to become the world's greatest kenjutsu user." She stated simply and straightforwardly, outing herself as a sword nerd.

As the last member of the seniors, Ryota spoke up, "Yo! I am Ryota Hyuga, the best Hyuga in town! I like my clan, Konoha, and messing around. I dislike seriousness, my clan's caged bird seal, and those who hate fun. My hobbies are messing with people and origami. My dream is to become ANBU commander and raise a family." Ryota's speech was joking and fun, making him quite the agreeable person, but beneath the fun surface, the seriousness of the Shinobi World broke through. "Your turn, chibi!" And of course, he was also a bit annoying.

Ignoring his jape, Tekku introduced himself, "I am Tekku. My likes are Science, Engineering, Research, Fuinjutsu, my Puppets, and Ramen, I would say." Remembering his pleasant visit to Ichiraku's with Iruka, he visited the Ramen Stand regularly afterward, "I dislike traitors, People interrupting my Research," looking at Ryota with a feeling, "unethical Experiments," of course, Experimenting on one's Enemies wasn't unethical and completely legitimate in such a World. There were no Human Rights. "My dream is… I am not sure; for now, becoming strong enough to protect myself and the people important to me. As for Hobbies, well, I would say Research, studying Fuinjutsu, and working on my Puppets. This is quite relaxing for me." Tekku finished thoughtfully as he realized he didn't have any hobbies just for fun. To be honest, he always was a workaholic; you don't become a Genius just through talent. A genius is a person who combines high talent with hard work, no matter in which area of life.

"Good job. We have three months to make Tekku ready for B and A-rank missions - let's get to work." Yugao looked determined at Tenzo's words while Ryota jumped for joy, and Tekku just nodded.

"Oi! Act your age, Ryota. Take an example from your junior," she scolded the free-spirited Hyuga who was acting completely foreign in comparison to his Clan members, as she pointed at Tekku, who stood there calmly looking at Ryota as if he was an idiot.

"But Yugao-sempai, I am only 15. It's the Chibi who is acting abnormal. He should loosen up a bit." Once again hitting a nerve in Tekku, as he found the constant implications about his size quite annoying.

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Of course, this wasn't all he did during these three months. Besides interacting with his teammates and the higher-ranked Shinobi in his apartment complex, he didn't neglect his research. At least as much as he could, since he didn't have a lot of time between training sessions and his body's necessary resting phases.

His current research goal was one of the greatest problems and weaknesses he currently had - his average-sized Chakra reserves. Maintaining and supplying his Puppets with enough Chakra took quite a lot of time, and his current method was simply not sustainable in wartime or even longer missions. Even with short missions, if there were enough fights, his Puppets would run out of Chakra.

But even without his Puppets, he would have quite big problems, as he mostly could use small to mid-scale techniques in actual combat situations and had to rely on pure efficiency to be able to fight stronger enemies. His large-scale techniques were more singular trump cards as he could only use them three to four times if he wanted to exhaust his reserves. This was only viable in specific strategic situations.

He had pretty much two paths he was currently researching. First was to enhance his own reserves, which was his current focus. Chakra reserves were determined by three factors: physical training, spiritual training, and how developed the Chakra Network was.

Physical training affected the amount of Chakra stored and generated in the cells of the body, while spiritual training affected the amount of Chakra stored and generated in the mind and soul of one's body - a topic far more esoteric than the physical part. These two could be trained naturally through physical exercise and also through mental exercise and experience. This would grow until the body reached its biological limit.

Meanwhile, the Chakra Network of the body wasn't generating any Chakra but storing it, raising the maximal amount of Chakra one could have in a relaxed condition. But unfortunately, it couldn't be trained with any natural method. But of course, Tekku wasn't some average Shinobi.

He couldn't alter the limits of his physical and spiritual Chakra without altering his genetics - a subject he didn't want to dabble in yet; he simply didn't have the resources, fundamental research, and the 'volunteer' research subjects yet. His Dr. Gero part would just have grabbed some Villagers for that, but the other two parts of his mind still had principles which limited them to enemies.

Instead, he chose to strengthen his Chakra Network. The Manga and Anime already gave him a method to accomplish that. One could expand the natural size of his Chakra network by flooding it with an excess amount of Chakra, something Naruto had thanks to his father, the fourth Hokage, sealing the Kyuubi in him while letting small bits of potent Chakra flood his system.

Of course, Tekku had no Bijuu; instead, he chose to develop a simpler method. He was currently working on a Seal that lets him store Chakra during his free days, and once it had enough stored, it would begin to flood his system with the excess amount of Chakra, forcefully expanding the Chakra pathways for a while. This method was, of course, less effective than using the potent Bijuu Chakra, but according to his calculations, it would still work.

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