
Chapter 35

Mike was walking brinkley to the hanger bay. The bat family was 30 minutes out and would arrive on a Wayne Industries spacecraft, a modified Javelin that was being tested for civilian use. Apparently, Batman did not like the monopoly that Mike had on space travel. He wasn't the only one either. Stark International and Reed Industries were partnering with him to develop their own spacecraft.

On a less amusing note, Hammer Industries and Lex Corp were also trying to develop spacecraft. Instead of doing it on their own or partnering with him, Lex Corp filed a Monopoly Lawsuit in the US court system, claiming the engines were stolen from them and by keeping the technology they were forcing out any competition. He was attempting to have the court subpoena Morganrote for schematics to "prove his claim." Mike had a meeting with Matt later to discuss potential defenses.

Hammer was less subtle and more illegal. He hired professionals to commit corporate espionage. None had been successful so far, but between the hackers and this supposed Ghost, it was becoming a pain to keep his secrets safe.

Mike had to admire Bruce's employees' ingenuity. Th3 Javelin was a sleek aircraft to begin with, but they had managed to keep that sleekness when upgrading it. The enhanced engines had lost their VTOL function, a function that was now used by a smaller engine located below the crew compartment. However, the overall design had stayed the same.

Mike and Cassandra entered the hanger bay to greet their guests. Bruce was the first off the plane in a suit and tie. (Vacation? I guess that he is here for the business meeting more. Maybe he will relax a little later.)Mike thought. Tim Drake was next pushing Barbara in her wheelchair. Both were in jeans and t shirts, talking happily while looking around. Stephanie Brown was next off of the plane, taking pictures with her cell phone. Alfred Pennworth followed her dressed in his customary suit and tie accompanied by Kate Kane. Apparently, she was getting an earful for trying to use the kitchen before they left. Dick Grayson was the last off of the plane. He had apparently piloted it to the station.

Bruce walked up to him, shaking his hand and thanking him for having them to Orb. Mike returned the greeting and welcomed them, hoping that they had an enjoyable stay. He then showed them to themonoraill that would take them around Heliopolis. He explained to Bruce that their meeting was scheduled for the next day, but since he and Cassandra were free today, he would like to take them on a tour.

"Is photography allowed?" Stephanie asked.

Mike laughed. "Kind of late to be asking that when you have been taking pictures since you arrived. But to answer your question unless specifically stated, then yes, photography is allowed. It is typically only banned in Mobile Suit hangars, military installations, and research areas."

"Thanks," She said cheerily before turning to gossip with Cassandra, Kate, and Barbara.

Tim approached him, asking if he might be able to look at the research that was being conducted. Mike understood that Tim was a genius who was fascinated by science and technology, so he said he would see what he could do.

Dick introduced himself in a friendly manner and showed why everyone who met him seemed to like him. He was a likable guy with an infectious personality.

Alfred introduced himself, shaking Mike's hand the picture of formality. He asked about the kitchen and food services, wondering if he could help. Mike promised to introduce him to Aunt May layer. He knew better than to let anyone in her kitchen. The last time someone went in there uninvited, she chased them out with a frying pan. It was unquestionably her domain.

Kate was brief and to the point. She was serious and cold to people she had just met. Out of the group, she seemed closest to Bruce's attitude, keeping people at bay till she felt she could trust them.

Barbara was friendly and outgoing. She seemed to act like the big sister of the family. She thanked him for looking after Cassandra. Mike smiled, stating Cassandra was a close friend and her family was his family, so they should all feel welcome.

Mike them boarded the monorail with the rest of them. As they were zooming across Heliopolis, Mike played the part of a good tour guide pointing out the newly build Hospital and school. "When completed there will be at least 10 Hospitals, 5 universities 100 Highshcools 100 Middle schools and 100 elementary schools." Mike explained. They would expand as the population grew but he was not wanting buildings sitting unused while they waited.

The Agricultural area had been begun to be worked on. "Hydroponic Farming the crops are planted over an underground tank that houses fish. The tank provides the plants water and nutrients through their roots. The plants provide food for the fish. This highly compact system will allow Orb to be self sufficient within a year foodwise" Mike explained proudly.

Bruce noticed some small Mobilesuits in the distance doing work. "Yes those are the mobile workers MK2." Mike responded. He had gotten the blueprints off of the system for them. They were the ones shown in Awakening of the Trailblazer. "Unlike the previous Mobile workers which could serve as trucks these are capable of doing a variety of tasks ranging from construction to rescue work."

Mike continued the tour showing them the judicial center, The residential center and the shopping district before showing them to their housing. When asked about hanagrsbor mobil3 suits by Tim Mike responded "Those things are housed on Zaft, when we meet tomorrow we can swing by but be advised most of that stuff is military and no pictures are allowed."

POV Deadshot.

Waller had called in every favor she had to smuggle them onto a spacecraft headed for Heliopolis. They had gone to space in a Lex Corp shuttle and docked before transferring to the cargo bay.

Looking around at hus team Deadshot sighed "I'm never getting out from Waller's thumb" he grumbled.

Bloodsport looked at him "None of us are you should know that by now."

Boomerang stated "I don't know what you blokes are complaining about after all we get to do what we do best and she takes time off our sentences."

"Exactly," Plastique responded, "It's a good deal and keeps me from spending the rest of my life their."

"He's saying you idiots," Vertigo interrupted, "While we may not spend the rest of our lives in prison, we keep working for her then our lives will be short."

All of them turned quiet. Somewhere in their minds they knew they would probably die on one of these missions. It was called the suicide squad for a reason.

Deadshot reviewed thr plan in his head. When they arrived they were ro go around Heliopolis Plastique would plant bombs to use as a diversion for the next step. They where to find a way onto Zaft and steal a mobile suit, data and if possible a ship then they were to return to earth and hand over all the tech and Data to Waller.

Deadshot had protested the bombs. When asked why he stated "Too imprecise, collateral damage will bring the League down on us hard." But he was overruled and the others shrugged.

"Collateral damage happens" Bloodsport stated.

Vertigo was more interested in getting this over with apparently his neice was visiting the US and he wanted to kill her so he could ascend the throne. Plastique just wanted to blow stuff up and Boomerang well he was up for anything as long as he got paid.

Deadshot sighed again (What I wouldn't give to get this over with every mission is one step closer to getting back my daughter.) His daughter was in a foster system and Waller was keeping tabs on her as extra insurance to make sure Deadshot did as he was told.

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