
The Meeting 3

Kon: "Sorry but I don't think that would work for either of us really."

For the three of them in front of him, they were not expecting him to actually reject them. There were a few things running through their heads that they had in mind as to why he would reject them.

Loki: "Is it cause you are already in another Familia, is that why your declining? There isn't any records when we tried to look you up in the Guild." She said confused with her head shaking in confusion.

Kon: "No, I'm not a part of any Familia. Since I arrived here, I haven't really been approached by many people, you're the first Goddess to approach me about this. I normally just keep to myself." Kon shrugged. "I only got just got here and I didn't really think of doing much of the fighting. I mean, I don't really want to fight anything anymore."

Loki, Riveria, and Finn took notice of his wording. And the Goddess more so. They didn't know what to take of that, though they have their own thoughts of the matter. 

Kon just starts swaying there in his seat, his tails following suit, all ten of them. Looks adorable to them, with Kon looking like a kid. Though that doesn't stop them from wondering if he's never been a part of a Familia, how did he get so strong. Kon doesn't realize that with what he's said already to them, that only more questions have been made, and almost no answers came out that they were both hoping for or thinking of.

Kon is smart enough though to not say anything about the Dungeon liking him. Though most likely they will find out sooner or later, though he will try to delay it for as long as possible. Though he is also not sure with the new Creature he made. He decides to name it though, figured he could get them named something befitting of them, instead of something stupid like they normally do when they find something new. Though he doesn't know how to also talk about it since he's also a newcomer here, it'll be suspicious, but it'll be more if he didn't say anything and someone else encounters the little foxes after he just appeared in the city.

Kon: "Anyway, I figured I should also mention this since I happen to also be here at the moment, but there's a new little monster spawning in the Dungeon. I noticed it coming up from the deep floors, since I like to hang around there. I don't know about anyone else seeing them, but they are these little black foxes that hang around the place, they don't become aggressive, almost like Jack birds, but they will retaliate when they are provoked. Figured I should mention them."

Loki and the other two looked at Kon a little funny, since they are thinking along the lines that Kon was hoping that they didn't.

Kon: "Hey, they started spawning on their own the higher they went. I didn't do anything to cause that to happen." And technically it was true. Allowing the Goddess to relax, sensing that he was telling the "Truth." Seeing their Goddess relax, the other two also relaxed. They trusted that sense of the Goddess a little too much, and since everything has been the "Truth" so far, they couldn't really do much else.

Loki: "Well, since your telling us of this, then is there anything else that you can tell us about them, or is that it really?" She asked, trying to make sure that they are going to be okay with this next Deep Dungeon Dive coming up. She wants them to be as safe as possible, and with this new monster coming into play, a lot can happen that she wants to avoid.

Kon: "Well, they are smart, as in they learn extremely quickly after they spawn. They won't try and engage and keep to themselves, again much like Jackbirds. However, when they are provoked they are extremely quick, extremely resistant to magic, blunt and anything cutting. There aren't many that spawn, but they are on every floor now from what I could see, even saw one in the Goliath room sitting on the Goliath itself when I passed through. Most other monsters are actually tolerable of them, and in return the Foxes don't bother them. But there was one thing that I noted was interesting, and that was when it screamed. It was provoked and it called other monsters to help it out. So, it's literally just a "avoid and be avoided by" kind of monster. Hope that helps out." Kon doesn't care much else about the monsters in the Dungeon that it had originally, but he DID care a lot about the ones that he made and gave to the Dungeon to copy.

He can actually feel each one that the Dungeon has made so far. There are only a one or two per floor, but he can feel what is happening. He doesn't really know how, but it looks like he accidentally made a connection between those foxes and the Dungeon when it makes more. 

Kon: "Besides, here's the real thing I want to talk about with them, since I found them, and am the only one so far to be able to walk away so far after others kept on provoking them and found out the hard way about them, don't I get to name them?" Kon said with his eyes flashing a Bright Yellow, smiling widely as he thinks of the perfect, yet simple name for them. 

Loki: "Well.... I guess..." she said not really knowing what to do with all that info. The other two in the room not knowing either. And even then, he didn't tell them about their ability to manipulate anything and everything with their magic, though that is only cause no one that had provoked them so far managed to force them to use it. And now they are more well versed in tactics and their understanding is better. He also knows that they also figured out a use for their magic that even he didn't think of, and that was talking between each other. The magic that allows them to manipulate things also allows them to talk to each other between floors. So it's just this long chain going up and down. He noticed it when a few of them on different floors kept doing the same things. He saw the magic in use and tapped into it and thought it was genius.

Kon: "Well I was thinking of the name Eclipse Foxes. They are a Dark colored foxes, but since they're on every floor and seem to be a major event in the Dungeon I thought that it would be a good name for them." And to which the three of them thought was alright. 

Loki: "Finn, go and get the staff to mark down this new addition to the Dungeon. Also tell everyone in the Familia to go stay away from these Eclipse Foxes. They are to not be engaged until we can figure out a weakness of them. Also tell them to spread it to everyone they can. We don't know what they can do in full. And it would be best if everyone stays away from them. With that ability of their to call entire hordes of monsters they are a walking monster parade in the making."

To which Finn left directly after that to complete her orders. And with that, Kon with his eyes turning Emerald green being extremely happy that the name he chose for them was accepted, Loki who was in deep thought, listening to her gut feeling that there was more to this than Kon was telling her, even though that he has told the "truth" so far. And Riveria, who doesn't know what to make of the whole situation, and is instead thinking of counter-measures to the Eclipse Foxes in case their Familia ever encounter one. 

Loki: "Well, since you don't want to join our Familia, is there anything else that you want to talk about? You are an interesting one I do have to say." She's trying to get closer to Kon, trusting that gut feeling that it would be interesting to keep them around. She also wants to keep him close by in case something happens to him. She doesn't know why, but she "knows" that if something bad happened to Kon that it wouldn't end well.

Kon: "I'm fine at the moment." He said, lying through his teeth. Knowing that he's still trying to ignore all the pent up emotions from earlier. He smiles brightly at it, trying to lie to himself and with his eyes turning a Vibrant Red hue for a split second before turning a normal Green again after thinking of good memories since he came here to help hide it. 

Riveria didn't notice it, but Loki sure did since her focus was on him. And finally that natural lie detector that all Gods and Goddesses have finally rang off when he said that. Loki opened one of her eyes at that, still smiling away like nothing happened, but she knew how much of a lie that was when he said that. Only making that feeling of something bad happening grow stronger. Though what that would be still is a mystery.

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