
Annie Leonhart

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Chapter 19 (Captain Cat Boy!), Chapter 20 (An Accident), Chapter 21 (Who is the Traitor?), Chapter 22 (Melting the Frozen Heart), Chapter 23 (Growing Stronger), and Chapter 24 (A Demon Revealed) are already available for Patrons.

It has been one month and a week since they entered the Training Corps, and almost everyone was trying very hard to get to the Top 10, some more than others. Many didn't really care since they wanted to join the Garrison to get away from the Titans. To join them, someone didn't need to be in the top 10. But the likes of Jean, Marco, Eren, Mikasa, and a few others were trying very hard to get to the top 10.

After Eren had passed the ODM Gear test, Naruto had hoped his fights with Jean would end, but instead, his rivalry with Jean had only increased; instead, not one single day didn't pass when they would start insulting each other out of nowhere. At first, it had been funny, but now it had gotten boring. Some of the cadets would make bets on how long it would take this time for them to start a fight.

Eren wanted to fight him because Jean wanted to join the Military Police; Jean was mainly jealous of Eren since Mikasa liked him and would often break his fights with Eren before they could escalate.

Sometimes, it would be Naruto's duty to end the fights before they begin. The only good thing that had happened since they finished the ODM Gear test was Mikasa being more supportive of Eren in a way that didn't make him get angry. She showed that she believed more in him, and Eren seemed to have noticed, bringing it up with Naruto since that was something he discussed only with Naruto.

His friendship with Krista and Ymir had strengthened up, well, mostly with Krista. Ugly freckles still growled at him the moment Naruto was anywhere near Krista or making her laugh.

One day. While working in the kitchen, Naruto had also gotten a few lessons about cooking from the chef. It didn't take long for Naruto to get the hang of it; the chef told him that he had done an incredible job and that perhaps he should become a chef instead of a soldier. Sasha, somehow, had been the first to learn that he could cook well and had begged him to cook something for her; Naruto had promised that he would cook soon, a dish that would make her lick the plate, something that had made Sasha's eyes to glitter like big gems.

Naruto escaped his thoughts when he heard the sound of footsteps, which broke through the silence and pulled him back to reality. With each step, the sound grew louder and closer until it was right outside the door of the boy's domain. Everyone else was soundly sleeping; for some reason, Connie couldn't find solace in slumber. His body twisted and turned restlessly, and he shifted around in his sleep, unable to find a comfortable position.

Suddenly, a loud, thunderous sound pierced the peaceful silence of the night - Connie had released yet another loud fart! It was the fifth time he had done so that night, and it seemed like there was no end to this pungent symphony.

Naruto wasn't sure how Connie could fart so often. His eyes turned to Reiner and Bert. Bertholdt had perhaps the strangest sleeping position he had ever seen. With his upper body comfortably nestled on the bed and his legs stretched out and leaning against the nearby wall. Connie had said that it was a work of art.

Soon, he heard a familiar voice outside. With a sudden burst, the wooden door swung open, creaking on its hinges, and the tall, broad-shouldered figure of Keith Shadis strode into the boy's domain. The morning sun shone brightly behind him, casting a blinding halo around his silhouette. Naruto couldn't help but notice the dark circles that surrounded the man's eyes, a clear indication that he hadn't slept enough, if at all.

Naruto wondered if he would become like him if he joined the Survey Corps, but he quickly dismissed the thoughts.

Keith briefly acknowledged that Naruto was the only one awake, despite being 6 AM, before taking a deep breath.

"Wake Up, Useless Maggots!" Keith shouted with such force that it echoed off the walls, startling every cadet in the room. The majority of them jolted awake in fear, their hearts racing, wondering if they were under attack. Connie gasped for air, forcing himself up so fast that he slammed his forehead against Jean's, who rubbed it with his hand, wincing from the pain.

"What the hell, Connie?" Jean moaned in frustration, his voice echoing through the room before everyone realized that the instructor was glaring at each one of them with a penetrating gaze that seemed to strip away their bravado and leave them feeling exposed and vulnerable. His eyes were like the eyes of a wolf.

"Fix your damn beds!" he bellowed, his tone leaving no room for argument. "Within ten minutes, you all are to come outside." His glare swept across the room, daring anyone to disobey him. "If one of you is not there, all of you will clean the bathrooms with your tongues." The threat hung heavily in the air, and Keith could see the soldiers shudder in disgust at the thought. Some of them opened their mouths to complain, but Keith cut them off. "Don't even think about it," he warned, his voice low and menacing. Without waiting for a response, he turned on his heel and strode out of the room, slamming the wooden door shut with a loud thud behind him. Keith didn't want to stay and listen to them moaning like little bitches.

By this point, Naruto wondered how the door was even standing due to all the abuse it was receiving. "Poor Door." He commented as everyone started fixing their beds.

As Jean fixed his bed, frustration crept into his voice, "Shadis is mad." The group around him nodded in agreement, their faces reflecting a mix of anger and disappointment.

"I always said he was brought here to make everyone think that perhaps facing the Titans isn't all that bad," Naruto commented dryly, his voice laced with sarcasm.

As the sun began to rise over the training corps, signaling the start of a new day, every new cadet walked outside to commence their training. However, it was evident from their sluggish movements and bleary-eyed expressions that many of them had not received the restful night's sleep they needed to tackle the grueling day ahead.

Naruto knew he would have been in a similar situation if it hadn't been for his abilities. The Training Corps girls had also been woken up; soon, they completed their morning run.

A sea of 250 cadets stood at attention, their crisp uniforms pressed and their boots polished to a high shine. In front of them, their instructor stood tall. As one, the cadets lifted their arms in a sharp salute. The sound of boots hitting the ground echoed through the courtyard as they formed a straight line.

"Today, you will start hand-to-hand combat. I want each of you to choose a partner and take them down using a wooden knife." Shadis commanded. Two helpers of Shadis quickly demonstrated how they should take someone down and everything else needed.

Naruto's eyes locked onto Jean as everyone started choosing their partners for the training. "Jean, how about we fight?" However, Jean seemed lost in his thoughts and was not paying much attention to the training they were about to do. Despite this, he simply nodded along without much thought.

Naruto glanced around, his eyes scanning the area as he observed the other soldiers who had already begun their training. He noticed that some were engaged in rigorous hand-to-hand combat practice while others were doing something completely unexpected. His gaze fell upon Connie, who was paired up with Sasha, and to his surprise, they were not practicing any combat moves. Instead, they were making ridiculous poses, much to the amusement of the other soldiers. Moving his eyes further, he saw that Mikasa was training with Eren, sweat pouring down their faces. Hearing fast-approaching footsteps, Naruto's attention quickly turned to Jean, who had noticed that Naruto wasn't paying attention to the training and hoping to get the upper hand.

Jean charged Naruto with a wooden knife in hand. Naruto sidestepped the attack easily, deftly maneuvering around Jean's wild swings. Seizing the opportunity, Naruto struck Jean's leg from behind, causing him to stumble and fall hard onto his back. The impact knocked the wind out of Jean, and he let out a pained groan as he struggled to regain his bearings. But before he could get up, Naruto had already closed in, pressing the wooden knife against Jean's neck.

"I give up," Jean said with a nervous smile. Naruto moved the wooden knife away before helping Jean stand as he rubbed his back.

"How the hell did you do that?" Jean said, his voice filled with disbelief and a hint of admiration, wincing slightly as Naruto took his stance against him, ready to showcase his skills once again. Jean, who usually exuded confidence and had a smile that could light up a room, now looked somewhat intimidated and unsure of himself in the face of Naruto's impressive abilities.

"You did well to attack me when I wasn't looking, but when you try to be stealthy, you shouldn't shout or allow your footsteps to be loud. Second, you rushed at me like a headless chicken. It's easy for anyone with basic training to exploit your fighting form." Naruto spoke bluntly as he shifted his weight slightly, his right leg moving forward and his left leg a little behind his right, taking his stance against Jean.

"These won't earn me any points with the Military Police, so why bother?" Jean commented dryly, dismissing his words.

"This is my turn to take you down," Naruto commented grimly. Before Jean could even prepare himself, Naruto rushed at him. Jean grinned and threw a fist, expecting to connect with Naruto's jawline. Instead, he crouched down, causing Jean's fist to fly just a few inches above his shoulder, missing its intended target by a hair's breadth. Naruto quickly gave Jean a swift kick behind his legs. The force of the kick was enough to make Jean stumble again, but this time, Naruto didn't give him any room to recover. With fast reflexes, Naruto lunged towards Jean and wrapped his arms around the vulnerable areas of his shoulder pit and neck, exerting immense pressure that left Jean gasping for air. Despite his best efforts, Jean found himself trapped in Naruto's vice-like grip, his arms pinned to his sides and unable to move as Naruto tightened his hold.

"The Military Police sometimes has to deal with people who won't have a problem shooting you, you should know that Military Police is not all just lazing around all day and doing nothing." Naruto whispered to Jean, who couldn't help but see the logic in his words.

As Naruto released his grip on Jean's neck, the latter gasped for air, struggling to breathe in the precious life-giving oxygen. His face had turned an alarming shade of blue. Naruto, on the other hand, rose to his feet, his gaze fixed on Jean as he sat on the ground, rubbing his sore neck. The tension that had hung heavy in the air between them dissipated as Jean finally caught his breath, his chest heaving and his heart pounding in his ears.

"If you go to the military police, then you should understand that you will sooner or later deal with people with knives and guns," Naruto warned him before extending his hand towards Jean, who accepted it.

"You're right," Jean said sheepishly while rubbing his sour neck; Naruto's grip on his neck had quite frightened him. "Maybe you can help me sometimes."

"Sure, as long as mister Corpse-looking Shadis doesn't have anything against it." Naruto accepted. Jean opened his mouth to say something when they both heard the sound of someone crashing against the earth.

Naruto turned to see Annie had just dropped down another unfortunate cadet, this time poor Samuel. Krista was already helping Samuel to the infirmary. Her stance was actually good compared to everyone else; Naruto was surprised as he watched Annie's fluid movements during the Hand-to-Hand combat training session. He could tell that she was no stranger to the art of combat and was undoubtedly skilled in the techniques. As Naruto prepared to approach her and ask for a sparring match, he felt a sudden grip on his shoulder, causing him to turn around.

"Hey, man, don't go against Annie. You're good, but she won't show you mercy," Jean warned him, already knowing Naruto wanted to fight Annie one-on-one.

"Well, it will be worth it," Naruto said dismissively. It was in his nature to help people, and he wanted to help as many as possible, and he could tell from her way of standing that Annie was alone. Naruto didn't know why she tried to avoid everyone, but Naruto remembered what he had read about people who were alone; even his father used to tell him that it was in human nature to want to have companionship. He knew there was a chance Annie would tell him to get lost, but if there was a chance he could help, then he wouldn't turn it down.

Shrugging off Jean's hand, Naruto started approaching Annie. It seemed no one wanted to try their luck with her after she easily defeated three cadets.


Annie was leaning against a wooden pole. It seemed her skill had achieved the desired effect. No one was approaching her. She wondered if she could just lazy around until the end of the training when she heard footsteps. Her eyes turned, and she saw Naruto approaching. She furrowed a brow in confusion.

Annie was sure she had seen him with Jean before she kicked Samuel's ass. From how he walked, she could see he was at least confident. With a friendly smile on his face, Annie's eyes briefly noticed his blue eyes, very similar to hers.

"I couldn't help but notice that you took down three cadets easily."

"And you want to be the fourth?" Annie asked with a cold glare that would make many back away, but her way of intimidating only amused Naruto, who was moving a wooden knife around his fingers.

"Well, with a girl like you, I wouldn't mind." Naruto teased, taking a stance in front of her, Annie growled at his words, from his stance, she knew he had no idea how to do hand to hand combat.

Annie quickly noticed that the glasses that Naruto carried around were no longer hanging by the hem of his shirt. "Where are your glasses?" She asked before she could stop herself. Annie almost berated herself for asking that question.

"This is a hand to hand combat training. I didn't want someone accidentally breaking them. So I left them in my bag." Naruto answered, Annie didn't react but quickly noticed the way he looked at her, Annie was about to ask what he was staring at when he spoke.

"I'm no expert in hand-to-hand combat. But you have a very good stance, Annie." Naruto suddenly praised her; Annie was taken aback; she didn't expect praise, something she had wanted from her father but never got; she ignored the small, unimportant feeling that formed in her stomach and refocused on Naruto.

"Well, your stance is terrible."

"Oh, wow. You know is not illegal to be kind with someone." Naruto commented sarcastically. Annie groaned again, but this time, she didn't try to indulge; instead, she waited for him to make the first move. As they stared at one another, Annie quickly realized that Naruto wasn't going to make the first move.

Annie hastily sprinted towards him, determined to catch him off guard. With an intense burst of speed, she maneuvered her body, launching a forceful kick aimed straight at him. In the blink of an eye, he swiftly sensed the impending attack and skillfully evaded it, retreating just in time. Annie had never anticipated that he would be able to dodge.

Annie quickly followed with many other kicks and punches, attempting to land a solid hit on Naruto. However, to her surprise, Naruto effortlessly evaded each and every one of her attacks. Annie couldn't help but appreciate the situation. Finally, someone who knew how to fight. As she kept throwing kicks, she noticed the way Naruto focused on every move she made.

Annie kept throwing kicks and fists, trying to land a hit, but she quickly realized that Naruto was dodging everything precisely but wasn't attacking her, much to her disappointment, but she wouldn't let that slide. Suddenly, she stopped fighting, much to Naruto's confusion and the small crowd that had gathered to watch them. Annie ignored everyone else, her eyes solely focused on Naruto's ocean-blue eyes; she didn't remember ever seeing someone with that shade of blue.

"Why did you stop?"

"Is dodging all you can do. You know you have to fight back, right?" Annie tempted him; her words seemed to make him realize that he had dodged and not attacked back through the fight.

"Very well," Annie smirked. She would grab hold of his fist and then kick when he was within her range. Naruto rushed towards her, but his speed took her by surprise; despite his terrible stance, Annie had to admit that he compensated for it with his speed. Annie swiftly raised her palm to intercept his oncoming punch. However, the instant his fist connected with her firmly positioned palm, a sudden and intense surge of acute pain emanated from her arm. Accompanying the excruciating sensation was a distinct and alarming audible snap, causing Annie to instinctively grimace in anguish while her eyes widened in astonishment and disbelief.

Did he just break my wrist with his punch? Annie asked herself, completely bewildered. She knew it was possible, but Naruto didn't seem to have enough strength to do something like that, and she quickly noticed a look of concern in Naruto's eyes, as if the punch wasn't supposed to be as strong as it was.

The pain was annoying, but nothing Annie hadn't felt before; she was used to pain, and her father had made sure of that.

Annie's left arm limped down as she got on the defensive; now, she was the one dodging his punches as she used her Titan ability to heal her broken wrist. Thankfully, it was the middle of the day, and her wrist was hiding behind her back, so the chances of someone noticing the steam were slim.

As she kept dodging, she quickly kicked him, but much to her surprise, Naruto winced in pain before responding back; the punch came, this time with less strength than before. Annie blocked it with her arm, quickly feeling pain spreading in her arm, but to a much lesser extent, something that Annie could easily ignore.

With a quick jab punch, he tested her defenses, but Annie was ready for the attack. She swiftly moved her hand to deflect his strike, her movements fluid and graceful. He anticipated her next move and was ready when she attempted a Judo throw. However, as she tried to get a grip on him, Naruto seized the opportunity and made a quick knee thrust directly to her stomach, leaving Annie momentarily stunned. Annie winced as she backed away, but neither Annie nor Naruto allowed each other time to breathe.

This time, Annie moved forward. She tried to do a sweep that would result in kicking the back of Naruto's legs, but before she could, Naruto quickly jumped upwards towards her face. Annie's reflexes were quick as she reacted by dodging Naruto's attack, but before she could counter-attack, Naruto's legs moved around her neck, and he roughly brought her down to the ground. Annie felt the pressure on her neck as Naruto tried to squeeze it with his legs, but in a quick move, she kicked his face with all her might. Naruto blocked it with his forearm, wincing from the pain. That was all Annie needed to escape his leg grip. Both quickly kip up, facing each other. None of them noticed the crowd of cadets slowly gathering up to watch them.

Naruto blocked all the sounds around him. He found himself grinning as his blood was pumping more than ever before.

With a quick movement, he threw a sidekick toward Annie, who reacted swiftly by grabbing his leg. However, He used his other leg to jump and perform an upward kick, hoping to catch Annie off guard. But Annie was quick to react, blocking his kick with ease. Naruto knew he had to come up with something new. With speed, he used his hands to perform a handstand, propelling himself upwards and away from Annie's reach, who quickly rushed him with a swift kick. Naruto just landed on his legs as the kick hit his stomach, and he gasped for air, but Annie quickly tried to kick him again.

Still, Naruto quickly grabbed her leg, and she tried to do a full round kick when he jumped forward toward her, putting his right leg and arm above her neck. His arms quickly squeezed her neck, trying to force her to give up, but Annie was not ready to give up yet. She struggled and tried to hit his abdomen with her other leg, but Naruto was too fast. He quickly dodged the kick, and Annie escaped from his grip. Both of them stood up quickly, breathing heavily and ready to continue the fight.

Naruto and Annie were locked in a fierce battle, the crowd around them cheering and shouting at every move they made. However, the moment's intensity had completely consumed them, and they were oblivious to the noise around them. Their eyes were fixed on each other, their minds fully engaged in trying to win.

The crowd was watching intently, especially Reiner and Bertholdt, the latter looking at the fight with concern.

"Reiner, should we stop this?" Bert asked, his eyes briefly glancing at Reiner, nudging him, who quickly shook his head in denial.

"Annie can handle this. She's the best on Hand to Hand combat." Reiner whispered to Bertholdt, making sure no one heard them.

"Ymir, shouldn't we stop them? Naruto might get hurt." Krista spoke to the tall freckles girl, who quickly shook her head.

"You can't stop them. If you try, you might get a kick by accident. And besides, the annoying blonde can handle Annie." Ymir reassured Krista, placing her hand on her shoulder, knowing she might try to intervene, and that could end badly, especially since Naruto had a soft spot for Krista just like Ymir.

Mikasa and Eren were looking at the battle with concern. Both were hoping Naruto wouldn't get hurt.

"Come on, Naruto. I'll give you my whole dinner if you win." Jean suddenly shouted, trying to encourage him. This earned the attention of the majority of the cadets.

"Naruto will win."

"Hell no."

"10 for Annie."

"A whole chicken for Naruto." Almost everyone started making beds, while Sasha was drooling at the thought of eating chicken.

At that moment, Naruto launched a powerful axe kick that was aimed straight at Annie's head. However, Annie quickly blocked the attack with a well-timed leg block before attempting to retaliate by delivering a swift kick to Naruto's leg in an effort to leave him with a severe bruise. However, Naruto swiftly moved to his left, dodging her attack and leaving her momentarily off-balance.

Taking advantage of the opening, Naruto followed up with a lightning-fast kick aimed straight at her face, causing her to wince in pain as she struggled to regain her footing. Naruto sends another kick with his feet when she crouches and sends a low kick right at Naruto's nonoccupied feet.

Naruto fell on his butt as Annie tried to get a hold of him, but he quickly used his legs around her neck, and she punched him under his knee, causing his grip to ease up a bit. As they stood up, the adrenaline was pumping through their veins as Annie and Naruto rushed towards each other.

Annie quickly executed a perfect throw that sent Naruto tumbling into the dirt. With a quick burst of strength, he launched himself off the ground and grabbed hold of Annie's body, using all the power in his feet and arms to hurl her forcefully toward the ground. The sound of the impact echoed through the air.

She groaned in pain. Naruto was about to put his wooden knife on her neck when she kicked his shin. Naruto fell to the ground, but both were breathing heavily, ignoring the pain. It went on for another half an hour, and Naruto and Annie were full of bruises.

After several more kicks and fists, Annie ended up on top of Naruto, trying to pin him down, but Naruto wouldn't allow her; soon, a smirk formed on his face as he looked directly at Annie.

"We have just gotten to know each other Annie. I don't think I'm ready for this step in our relationship." Naruto's words made Annie's widen. She totally didn't expect to hear that, but her small distraction was enough for Naruto to roll her around; now, he was on top of her, trying to pin her down.

"ENOUGH." everyone turned to see Shadis marching toward Naruto and Annie with a nasty glare. The crowd that had gathered started to scatter away.

"Both of you are to run until sundown since you love blowing up steam," Shadis shouted before turning to the crowd that was slowly backing away.

"Everyone else does push-ups, you maggots." He shouted, as everyone quickly started doing just that.

"You're no fun, Instructor," Naruto commented, not bothering to keep his voice low, as he and Annie both stood; even Annie felt annoyed that Shadis had stopped their fight.

Shadis gave him a deadly glare, his eyes narrowing into slits as he stepped forward. "This is not a place for fun," he said in a stern voice before turning to look at the rest of the cadets.

Naruto regained his breath. He turned to face Annie, who didn't look as tired as she did a moment ago.

"That was amazing, Annie." Naruto praised with a wide, stupid smile. Annie again felt the strange sensation in her stomach, but again, she ignored it as she turned to face him.

"You weren't bad, at least you were much better than everyone else."

"Can I train with you?" The sudden question made Annie blink several times.

"Why? You are already very fast." Annie asked, trying to sound disinterested and trying to hide that she wanted to see why his forehead healed so quickly and why his punch had broken her wrist. And she knew she could learn easily if she started spending more time with him. Him being good at fighting meant she wouldn't mind spending time with him.

"I might have the speed, but I want to learn how to fight properly, and not just throw punches around in hopes of one of them hitting."

While a part of Annie was telling herself that she should ignore him, but a part of her wanted to know more; Reiner had quickly dropped it off, saying there had been no steam; while Annie hadn't been paying attention, she knew from personal experience that one doesn't heal that quickly after receiving such an injury in the head. It wasn't possible unless they had something everyone else didn't have.

"Very well, but you won't complain, and you will be at the place in time." Annie said strictly, pointing a finger at Naruto, whose face brightened up with excitement, something she couldn't help but find both stupid and amusing.

"Roger that, Captain." Naruto accepted with a teasing smile.

"Don't call me that." Annie was quick to say as they started running.

"As you order me, my lady." Annie growled in annoyance, shaking her head, but she couldn't stop her lips twitching upwards in amusement.

As they kept running, Naruto couldn't help but want to start a conversation; he knew that Annie was perhaps not in the mood to talk; from what he could see, she rarely was, but Naruto was certain that she needed to make friends and she would be more open and friendly. Or maybe I'm just a moron; Naruto thought as they kept running around the training yard.

"Annie, for how long have you been training?"

"Since I was five years old, my father said that I should get stronger if I wanted to survive this world."

"I see." Naruto said, mentally frowning at the thought. Five years old was way too young, but he didn't try to comment about it.

"Well, when I was five years old, my mother taught me how to plant trees, and water them. I had a whole garden for myself back at home." Naruto said with a hint of melancholy.

"You like watering plants and trees?"

"I know it can sound ridiculous, but I always loved plants and nature in general." Naruto stopped mid-sentence as he squinted his eyes toward the nearby forest.

"It seems we have visitors." Annie stopped running and looked at where he was looking, only to see two deers approaching them. Annie couldn't help but be confused. Usually, wild animals never tried to approach strangers, but here they were, approaching Naruto as if he was one of them.

The deer in the front was a large elk, three meters tall, with sharp antlers. Annie almost prepared herself to fight in case the Elk wanted to attack, but instead, the Elk approached Naruto slowly, and Naruto extended his hand towards him in a friendly way.

For a moment, Naruto looked at the Elk in confusion; he couldn't recognize him until he noticed something familiar about him.

"S-Seele, is that you?" Naruto asked, his voice cracking slightly as he felt tears welling in his eyes; the Elk suddenly rushed forward, his neck around Naruto as the blonde hugged him; the Elk let out sounds of joy as Naruto couldn't help but pet him.

"I missed you too, buddy."

Annie couldn't help but look at the scene, and she couldn't help but feel both amused and bewildered. She expected many things to happen today, but not an Elk approaching them, and him being a friend with Naruto somehow.

Suddenly, she turned her head to see the doe cautiously approaching her; Annie wondered if she should step back. She reminded herself that she was a wild animal, not a puppy.

"You can touch her." She suddenly heard Naruto; she noticed the Elk had pulled away from him and now was looking at her cautiously. Annie looked back at the doe who had leaned her head forward; reluctantly, Annie touched her head; she couldn't help but find her fur incredibly soft.

Wow! Annie thought; she had never thought she would find herself doing something like this. Despite everything she had experienced in her life, she found herself enjoying doing something as simple as petting a deer. Slowly, the doe joined the Elk.

"See you later, Seele," Naruto said brightly as the Elk and the doe ran back to the forest. Annie looked at them in complete silence as they ran away.

"We should probably keep running. I don't think Shadis will take kindly to us taking a break without his permission." Annie nodded in agreement as they both resumed running, but Annie couldn't help but ask. What had just happened was something she found extraordinary.

"Did you know this Seele?"

"Yes. I met him with my father when we were out fishing. I'm happy to see he is still alive." Naruto answered with a wide smile; Annie couldn't help but glance one more time at the forest before she fully focused on running.

This may not be as bad as I thought.

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