
How to Raise your Tree

A terribly tall sapling stood proud in front of us.

Saplings were likely called that since they looked like little children, even smaller than children in fact. The looks department had not changed here.

A simple, green stem, two green leaves on the top cascading to the sides, and tiny thread-like appendages that took on the mantle of the roots.

If something was odd, then it was the size.

"Hey, Catalan," Lewis said. "Can you stand next to the sapling?"

"Why me?"

"Because you're tall?"

Catalan gulped and stepped next to the sapling. Though by just an inch, the almost-pirate in this group had managed to keep his reputation as the tall, big guy. Considering his competition was a baby tree, it wasn't that good a look on him.

I refrained from saying it out loud though.

Since all of us except Catalan were shorter than the tree.

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