
Chapter 41

The day of the evilus base raid had finally come. I woke up early in the morning feeling extremely nervous. Who wouldn't be, the evilus were strong and I wasn't sure if my existence would change the outcome of the raid today. I was just an overpowered level 2 but a level 2 non the less.

The best I knew that, I could confidently do was fight a moderately strong level 3 evenly without abilities of course. So going to fight a group of people that had some level 6 and 7s in their ranks was scary.

I took a deep breath to calm my self. I wasn't doing this alone. The other familia's were strong, so I would leave the strong evilus to them. I set my priorities for the raid and left the manor fully geared along with some of my familia members.

My main objective was to save Ardee and keep my familia safe, while the secondary objective was to aid the civilians escape the evilus raid on the city.

I hadn't even gone far from the mansion when, I was struck with an ominous feeling. It felt like I would lose something today if I left now. The only things that came to mind were my familia members and goddess.

"Michalis go back to the manor and bring everyone with you, along with some supplies and all our Valis. I have a very bad feeling" After speaking, Michalis left without asking any questions. The other members with me looked concerned.

"Don't worry, I just want all our members and goddess to go to the babel tower. I feel that it is the safest place to be" I said while trying to calm them down.

I flipped through my notes to see if I had missed any information on what would happen and then it came to me.

I forgot that in addition to the fake dragon kin and Alfia, the evilus also had Zald. I couldn't believe that I forgot to even record him in my notes.

I didn't remember much about him except that he was a level 7 adventurer from the Zeus familia and if the fake dragon kin is a level 7 too then Orario was pretty much screwed.

Leaving my goddess at home to be protected by level ones didn't feel feasible anymore especially if the evilus considered our existence to be a nuisance.

Going to the babel tower with everyone looked like the right choice. Soon Michalis arrived with everyone that we left at home, some supplies and all our Valis.

"Yawn, Draco what wrong. I thought that I would stay at home all day during your raid" Bahamut said with a sleepy face. I proceeded to tell her about my conjecture on how events might play out.

"Sigh, you tend to worry too much Draco". Bahamut said in a warm calming voice.

"I know but my familia's safety come's first" I replied to which all of my familia members smiled.

After sending all of them to the babel tower, I went toward the assigned location for the raid with the Ganesha and Astraea familia.

I hoped Finn had a plan to counter a city raid, even if he had, how would we fight against two known level 7 and a potential 3rd one ??.

I remembered that they won somehow but now that I existed, was our win even guaranteed.

"Hey Alise, Kaguya, Lyra ,Ardee and Shakti etc…. You guys ready to hunt some evilus down" I said while greeting all the member that were here for the raid.

They all returned my greeting positively. They all seemed a bit nervous and tense and my cheerful greeting lightened the mood somewhat.

"Oh, I forget to tell you. Finn said that the Ishtar and some other adventurers will be mobilized to patrol the city today during our raid" Alise said.

"That's great" I replied. I wasn't optimistic about the effectiveness of the plan but it was better than nothing.

'Maybe Finn had something else prepared' I thought as we arrived at the base that we were going to raid.

We soon surrounded the building but I stuck close to Ardee just in case this was the event that leads to her death.

I summoned my grimoire and drew the earth and fire runes. I needed destructive magic today, so I went with fire instead of wind.

Half of the Ganesha familia and the Astraea familia were to enter the base with me while the rest were left to surround the base to prevent anyone from escaping and prevent an ambush from the outside.

As we stepped inside, I felt something was off so, I decided to switch my fire rune to wind. I cast my wind tracking spell to check for evilus members in the base within my range but came up with nothing.

"There nobody here" I screamed as soon as I got feedback from my spell.

"What, we're they tipped off" Shakti said in shock. I suddenly sensed that there were a few evilus that just came within my spell range.

"Quick send some more people outside there might be an ambush" I screamed. Shakti didn't waste anytime and did so.

Soon the evilus that were in my spell range came into sight. It was Valletta, a level 5 adventurer from the Thanatos familia.

An executive within the evilus ranks and their smartest strategist. There were several evilus members that came with her too and they looked pretty strong.

"Tsk, Valletta it's you" Shakti said in disdain.

"Yep it me and today you all will die" Valletta replied and glanced at me. I felt chill down my body but maintained a poker face.

"Surrender now, we have already surrounded this place or die" Shakti said in any enraged tone. The fact that the plans was possibly leaked to the evilus was infuriating and she did not know who leaked the information.

"Fufufu, it seems that you have made a terrible assumption. It is not me dying today but the Ganesha and Astraea familia members gathered here today" she said in a condescending tone.

I noticed that she did not mention my familia. Maybe I was reading too much into her words but it still bothered me.

The next moment the battle began as the other evilus members started attacking. I didn't want any frontal confrontations and decided to cast spell to support the raid members while using wind tracking spell to watch Ardee, prepare for any sudden ambushes and assist anyone that I could.

Soon my spell sensed someone small approaching Ardee from behind. I used my enhanced senses to spot her physical location. Ardee had just killed another evilus and just noticed a little girl.

She completely lowered her guard and approached the little girl. I didn't want to kill a child but I had to do something, if I remembered correctly the evilus had planted bombs in themselves so even if I spared the girl, she would still die. I cast earth spike from behind the girl and skewered her arms and legs to immobilize her.



The little girl screamed in pain. A knife dropped from the child's body as her limp body lay on the earth spikes that I cast. I felt a hollow feeling within myself.

I tried to rationally find a reason to justify my actions but now was not the time. Though morally questionable, I did what I had to do.

Ardee just stood there in shock at the realization that she almost died and that I just skewered a child.

I didn't want to waste any time and continued supporting anyone that I could with my spells while drinking some mind potions. I cast spells like quick sand, earth spikes and wind slicer, aiding anyone within sight that seemed to be struggling.

Ardee being a kind person ran towards the girl to stop the bleeding but I sensed something was wrong with all the evilus.

I quickly cast earth dome on Ardee as the little girl exploded in flames, the smell of charred flesh was all that remained of her. As if the girl's explosion was a signal the other evilus started suicidal charges towards us.

Sounds of explosions could be heard from both inside and outside the building. Valletta was engaged in battle with Shakti, Alise, Kaguya and some other members. She suddenly started laughing after the explosion.

"Hahaha, now you will all feel pain and despair. You cannot stop what is to come as the embers of change have been lit" She then used the suicidal evilus as a distraction to escape through a secret door.

I used quick sand and earth domes to protect everyone and slow the enemies that I could. The minute Valletta escaped, the evilus became more violent and proactive in their suicidal charges.

"Everyone get outside now" Shakti screamed as everyone started running. The building couldn't withstand the continuous explosions and was collapsing.

I used my earth mold and dome to create a path to the entrance for them to escape. Most of us made it out but there were casualties especially from the Ganesha familia side.

I was super pissed off at Ardee, she was the most suicidal person we had here today. I understood why she did what she did but seriously letting your guard down in battle like that was stupid.

Even after she realized that the kid was going to kill her, she still ignored the surrounding evilus and went towards the little girl without thinking. She could have waited for the battle to be over before approaching the kid.

Somehow with it over. It also felt less torturing mentally to not have dealt the last blow to girl myself. Was it wrong to feel like this or right?? That I did not know but I did what had to be done that is all.

Could she have been saved, I had no idea. I simply didn't have the power to save everyone.

Gimme them stones. Feel free to read ahead on my patreon and donate.

HungryMushroomcreators' thoughts
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