
Chapter 22



The sounds of two beast could be heard echoing. One of them was Draco and the other was the mutated liger fang. The liger fang circled Draco, observing and searching for an opening. While Draco sent low growls in hopes of taunting the liger fang to make the first move.

I needed to make a move soon because, I would be in much danger the longer this dragged on. My rune and spell kept draining mind, so I could end up being exhausted first. I judged that the liger fang should have fast reflexes like me because it was of the cat family. A normal cat reflexes was insanely fast. I couldn't even phantom how fast the reflex of a liger fang was, what more a mutated one.

Finally fed up with my arrogant taunts the liger fang muscles tensed, meaning it was going to make the first move. My brain went into overdrive, thinking of its possible next attack path, where to attack during a counter and if my claws could penetrate its fur, because I doubted my sword could as I hadn't upgraded my weapons. I wanted my little bro to craft me a new one and my claws had carried me till this point. I preferred using my claws now because it meant no extra weight for me to carry and it was crazy sharp against opponents of similar level to me. Coming to a quick conclusion with my thoughts.

I decided to attack its eyes first, then it's throat.


The ground cracked as the liger fang dashed at me in a burst of speed. It lunges toward Draco with speed so fast that a normal level 1 would be meat paste by now. Draco with his fast reflex and currently active haste spell was able to evade to the left of the liger fang, after which he launched a counter with a claw slash to the right side of the liger fang to test the monsters durability.


Draco's claws made a small gash on the liger fangs side.

I was surprised at the fact that I made a wound on a level 2 monster with my claws, which meant that other vital areas were viable. With the current speed of the liger fang, targeting its eyes and throat didn't seem feasible except I could slow it down with multiple wounds.


The liger fang roared in pain, it was enraged but suddenly stopped screaming and something strange happened.

The liger fang crouched lower and prepared for another attack, it body coiled in readiness. The atmosphere suddenly got heavy and still as it tensed its muscles, poised to strike. My instincts and body screamed imminent death. This scared me because it looked like something that I could handle, so why was my body and instincts telling me otherwise. Surrendering my body to instincts, I subconsciously went into a crouching posture, my legs transformed into reverse jointed dragon legs and wings sprouted from my back . I didn't notice any of this as I fell into a trance like state.

The very air seemed to hold its breath in anticipation, waiting for the moment of explosive energy to come. All around, the world seemed to fade away, leaving only the feline predator and me, its imminent prey. With a sudden burst of movement, the liger fang launched itself forward, with a blur of speed and deadly intent as the wind stirred trailing behind it.

The liger fang attacked with lightning fast speed, leaving behind a streak of deadly intent. It's powerful muscles launched it forward, propelling its massive body with impressive force. The air was alive with the sounds of its furious approach as it closed in on its prey. It's razor sharp teeth and claws glinted in the light, ready to tear into flesh and bone.

I fell into a trance as I gave up my body to my instincts and it felt like that was the only path for me to survive this monster. The speed the liger fang showed earlier was all a ruse. It was toying with me because it had judged me to be weaker than itself, so I wasn't taken seriously at first. The small gash that I gave it seems to have curbed it's arrogance, making it take a serious approach to end me in the quickest possible way.

Seeing the liger fangs charge, I could barely make out its body as it moved so fast. The mutated liger fang wasn't a level 2 but a level 3 monster.

My body which I surrendered to my instincts to guide, contorted and twisted in an unbelievable fashion as the liger fang flashed before my eyes. The speed which it moved left me awestruck, unable to comprehend how something so massive could move with such agility. Yet, despite my fear, I could feel a small spark of excitement. The thrill of fighting something beyond myself and the euphoria I would feel after beating it would be immense.

'Is this what an adventure is ?, did all adventures feel like this?, when did I start to feel this way?' These thoughts briefly plagued my mind. I jumped without hesitation as my draconic instincts took over. Unfurling my draconic wings to mitigate the impact of the howling winds that followed after the liger fangs attack. My primal instincts was working in overdrive as I surveyed the powerful beast before me. Black scales on my body expanded to cover its entirety and looked menacing in contrast to the liger fangs white fur. I tensed my muscles and claws, fully prepared to engage in a battle to the death with the liger fang.





The 15th floor of the dungeon was a scene of utter chaos as the liger fang and Draco clashed in an intense battle. The sounds of roars and growls echoed through out the area of battle as the two of them fought tooth and claw to gain dominance.

At some point, some small fry monsters came to interfere with the battle but the two wouldn't allow their prey to be snatched by someone else and quickly dispatched of them. Other low rank adventurers didn't approach the area even if they heard it as they knew they could possibly die if they went to interfere.

I did not know how long, I had been fighting the liger fang but my body was filled with gashes and so was the liger fang. We had fought using all we had. I tried using offensive magic at some point but it was useless against a level 3 monster and the only times I could use potions to recover was when other monsters on the floor tried to interfere with our sacred battle which enraged both me and the liger fang.

I had expended a lot of potions and switched to the earth rune to boost my toughness at some point in battle, because my scales were easily shredded. I feared that a high levelled adventurer would come and ruin my chance to level up, but none had shown up so far.

Finally on the last two potions in my waist bag. I quickly downed them and recovered a bit. I had some potions in my larger bag on the ground but going for it would leave me vulnerable, so I had to defeat the mutated liger fang with a massive final move.

Despite our injuries, the liger fang had sensed my intention to end the battle with a final move. We both braced ourselves for what would be the deciding moment of battle. The tension in the air was palpable, and all that could be heard were the roar of far away monsters in the background and the sound of our heavy breathing. With one final glare.

Flapping my wings hard and ascending to the ceiling of the dungeon floor. I cast toughness and stone skin in my body and dived while flapping my wings to gain momentum. The liger fang remained in a low position, ready to pounce.


We clashed as I used the momentum to my fall and weight to thrust the pointed heels of my draconic leg towards the fang liger's head. A loud boom reverberated through the air as the impact was made. My goal was to strike the monsters head, hoping to cave in its skull as I had increased toughness and stone skin active. The attack was effective as the liger fang fell to its side and roared in pain as it was disoriented. I failed to cave in its skull and my leg hurt a lot, but I had to end this now. I ignored the pain and aimed my claws at the fang liger's throat as it wrenched on the floor in pain.

*Crunch, Splurt*

I managed to pull it off as my claws thrust into the liger fangs throat and I pulled out what ever I could grab with my hand in its throat. A level 3 monster wasn't easy at all as it didn't turn to dust and kept struggling. So I kept thrusting with my claws to whatever I could penetrate until it died and turned dust, leaving behind its magic stone and fur.


I sighed in relief as I crawled to my bag to drink some potions. The danger wasn't over yet, with the battle ended there would definitely be scavengers coming to see who survived and claim the prize for themselves.

I drank some stamina and mind potions but not health, because after the Ariel clash with the mutant fang liger, my leg hurt and could be broken. Healing potions weren't going to help well with that so I needed to use 'mending waters' spell with the water rune. After healing myself to the best I could. I put on the spare cloak that I keep in my bag to once again hide my features while dispelling my partial transformation, after which I quickly looted the place of the drops and magic stones left behind by the liger and other monsters that interfered that we killed.

Finishing the gathering of my loot I drank one of the last two mind potions I had left and cast the wind rune to use the 'wind tracking spell' to evade any monsters and adventurers that I could, while making my way back to the surface.

The way back was exhausting and stressful as it was hard to tell time down in the dungeon. I ran into a Minotaur and crystal mantis twice. Minotaurs on the 15th floor and Mantis on the 13th. They were hard to deal with but with the new combat prowess I gained with partial transformation. It was easy to kill them, though it cost me the rest of my stamina potions.

I don't know how long it took but I finally made it to the surface. The dark sky and fresh air made me feel alive as I decided to head home while being thankful for my survival and not running into any evilus down there. Suddenly I felt someone gazing at me, but looking around I couldn't find the source of the gaze.

'Could it be Evilus, Freya or was I being paranoid. The mutated liger fang encounter was suspicious but I had no evidence that it was not just something natural' these thoughts plagued my mind all the way home.

Feel free to check out my patreon and read up to 21 chapters ahead. HungryMushroom.

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