
Chapter 66

'' Danuja-san looks really pensive today.'' Kana said in a joking tone while they were scrubbing the Club floor.

After Danuja returned home last night, she couldn't help but hide the ticket Mr. Touma give her in the same drawer her money, the salary from Hitomi-san, were in. She could barely sleep, too busy making sceneries in her mind thinking of how the match in the Second Ring will be like.

Danuja knows that in some way they were similar with the First Ring matches but they were also so much different, working in a another system then the one she become accustomed with.

Not even the next day at school, while she was waiting for Kana to arrive, not even then did she 'wake up' fully from her thoughts. So it wasn't a surprise that Kana observed her weird comportment.

'' Ah-'' Danuja begin looking at Kana who continued scrubbing the floor, her weird gloves getting dirty. Her voice was also slightly muffled from the face mask she still wore. ''- just wondering where did you get those gloves.'' she changed the subject not wanting to slip in front of her

The last thing Kana needed was to find out that she was fighting in a possible illegal underground fighting and that's why her hands where so messed up to begin with. Just the thought of Kana finding out made Danuja shiver.

There was a constant possibility of Kana hating her or even worse be scared of her if she found out.

'' My uncle buys all my clothes.'' Kana said making Danuja hum at the man mention. Again. '' I'm not sure what they are made of but I can barely feel them on my skin.'' she said before chuckling '' I'm lucky that I don't grow much to begin with so my size it's the same since I was thirteen.'' she said getting up to switch her rag with another

Absently Danuja noted the grim on the floor was quite stubborn before she frowned her mind stopping for a few moments.

Does that mean, the last time you get clothes was three years ago?  she thought looking at Kana figure that stopped to inspect the room corners

'' Do you buy other clothes too? Like by yourself?'' Danuja asked trying to sound kind but wasn't really sure if she got the tone right. Even so Kana eyes wrinkled amused before shaking her head 

'' Not really.'' Kana said amused '' It's hard to find something that doesn't irritates my skin, so if I really need something I can send a request to my uncle and he could help me.'' she said and if her mask wasn't there Danuja knows that the girl smile would be the softest

Request?  Danuja thought frowning Why would you make a request?

But then again Danuja doesn't really remember her time when she had parents so maybe it was a normal thing? When the child grows older they should still need permission or something like that. Danuja shoke her head, trying to drive the thought again. She was ten years old when she ventured on the streets at night in search of some edible food that wasn't expired.

She has no room to talk really.

'' Danuja-san!'' Kana called her making Danuja turn at her sharply, her heart skipping a few beats in panic before snorting amused at the sight she saw '' What it's this!'' she exclaimed rather than questioning Danuja staring at the nude poster on the wall. Apparently it was hidden after a drawer that the students before them brought.

'' A nude woman.'' she couldn't help but tease. almost purring her words watching Kana stare in shock at the poster with a red face and ears. God she wished she could see her whole face now and not with that fancy mask of hers. '' She it's pretty isn't it?'' 

And she was, pretty or rather sexy just in the way a model trained for posing nude could be. With a voluptuous body arched just in the right way so all her forms could be seen, a wide smirk with sparkly white teeth and a teasing look staring right into her soul. 

'' That's-, um- I mean of course but not like, like a- a crude way but like it's-'' Kana tried to say stumbling over her words, fingers fidgeting embarrassed. She patted her knees, smoothing her skirt unnecessarily before abruptly getting up, snatching Dad water bottle ''-it's, it's time for a break. I mean! For his break.'' she said staring a little at Danuja before squeaking and hurried to Dad side who greeted her happily

Danuja grinned, hiding her face with her palm while looking down before finally looking back up at her retreating form just to catch herself staring at Kana skin, the barely there exposed skin under her knees.

She couldn't help but note that, that barely there exposed skin of Kana looked much more interesting than the nude woman on the poster.


It took Kana half a hour to calm down and Danuja let her be, last she makes her more embarrassed. In that time, Danuja ripped off the nude poster before resuming at scrubbing the floor till she huffed, trying to get her hair out of her eyes when she finished the last part.

The floor looked so much better even though there was still a tint of suspicious yellow at the corners.

Danuja glanced at Kana who, while approaching her was propously avoiding looking the wall from before. 

'' How it's Dad?'' Danuja asked taking the bottle from Kana hands, their fingers touching slightly making them both shiver

'' Better.'' Kana said her eyes wrinkling slowly making Danuja hum

'' How clean should this place be till you can let go of that mask?'' Danuja asked already missing Kana smile even though a hour barely passed. Her question made Kana slump over a little and Danuja already know she was pouting just by the way her eyes were a little downwards.

'' Till we stop using any cleaning solution.'' Kana said giving a quick glance at the room '' It's just the first day of cleaning though.'' she said giggling slightly making Danuja hum

It was true that it was a lot of work to do and breaks where sparse while skipping was hard with Kana sad gaze whenever she caught her but the result will be rewarding. Danuja thought thinking of plush lips forming shy smiles and endearing pouts.

Mondays are busy days. I always arrive ozone around 7p.m. and I leave at 7:30 in the morning.

Some of my classmates got it worse though, they have other busy days beside Monday. I'm really not sure how they keep it up.

Have a great meal today and don't forget to stay hydrated!

Michiko_Bcreators' thoughts
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