
Chapter 52

The next morning at the news, a tall male, with an estimated age of twenty or thirty years old, wearing black clothes, cargo pants and having an unrecognizable face, was show.

Danuja, getting ready for school, her ankle still a little awkward from last night, was cheerfully putting her old jacket over her school uniform. 

'' Last night, around one in the morning, a suspicious individual tried to steal this highschool budged, a day before classes could even start. Fortunately, the suspected male didn't make his thievery though from what the police gathered, the suspected because of rage messed heavily with the school system. For example the suspect switched the school initial bell and how the students are organized in the classes.'' the woman at the news talked making Danuja hum gently '' The police it's still investigating, trying to find the suspect.''

Dad low bark made Danuja look at him while she was tying her shoes. Her bag, mostly filled with the dog thing was seating by her feet as well.

'' I know, I know.'' she muttered, petting his snot gently '' Calm and steady.'' and so, Danuja after a sleepless night and with a slightly hurt ankle, walked towards highschool for her first day of classes.

That year, Shishijima Kana and Sora Danuja were in the same class.


'' Good morning Danuja-san!'' Kana said to her, smiling brightly before going to pet the Irish Wolfhound who was still looking around for a spot to seat on

'' Morning.'' Danuja said walking with her in the school grounds, looking around for their classroom. Exactly, theirs.

'' How do you thing our classmates will be like? We are the only ones that are from the same middle school in our class.'' Kana said quietly, leaning on her side when a bulky upper year walked by them

'' Hope they are not loud.'' Danuja muttered, Kana humming in agreement. It wasn't a secret that Danuja made her middle school classmates to be the most quiet ones while in the classroom. Or that she would drag them out herself if they were too loud.

She wondered what measures would she need to use with them? Would there be any measures to begin with?

Danuja opened the door for the silver head, who stepped forward with a small smile and a curious gaze, Danuja walking after, smirking when some of the boys flinched upon seeing her height.

There were not a lot of students inside, just a small group of four boys who were still staring at Danuja and another group of three girl who were huddled over a phone, giggling and pointing at something on the screen. Neither of the girls looked up at them.

Danuja wasn't interested with any of the new faces and proceeded to gently guide Kana at the back of the classroom, where she took the very last one with Kana in front of her.

She observed how Kana stopped in her seat looking subtly at the group of girls before relaxing at the quiet noise. Danuja smiled briefly before proceeding to pet Kana hair behind her, feeling the tension leave her shoulders.

Danuja glanced again at the group of boys who thankfully stopped staring and were just looking at a piece of paper, scribbling and whispering between each other.

It wasn't loud. Yet.


Her classmates were loud and Danuja couldn't even be surprised.

The first hour, while their new homeroom teacher who Danuja already forget his name, was calling for attendance, Danuja didn't stop petting Kana hair through the hour. As a result, Kana did not flinch violently or even worse, whimpered when one of her classmates would yell or rattle their chairs.

It was awfully annoying Danuja couldn't help but note.

And when the bell rang, Danuja was the first one all the while guiding Kana gently away from the noise.

'' How are you feeling?'' Danuja asked while walking in the hallways. Briefly she scolded herself for not memorizing the school structure better the night before 

'' Better.'' Kana said quietly, her eyes tight but body relaxed '' Thank you.'' she said making Danuja hum pleasant. They found a bench outside where there were not a lot of students. Kana leaned her side on Danuja, her head resting on Danuja shoulder before asking '' Did you hear of the man who entered the school last night? Why did you thing he needed the school budged?'' she said full of curiosity 

'' Who knows-'' Danuja begin thoughtfully before grinning down at Kana


'' Like last time okay Dad?'' Danuja said quietly, dressed in the clothes just Mr. Touma could recognize her in, breasts pressed tight on her body and clothes loose enough to make anyone question. On her head was a tight hood and a surgical mask.

She petted the dog carefully before bursting in action, jumping over the gate and walking carefully in the school. She did not care of cameras or guards, the only thing she was focused was finding the principal office.

She was lucky that she has a slight, barely there really, idea of where the office was suppose to be.

Once in front of the principal computer she opened the first files, searching.

That's a load of money Danuja though looking at the documents in front of her. It looked like she just stumbled into the school budged, what looked like huge donations from rich parents and more things that Danuja didn't care about.

'' Here you are.'' she formed the words but did not say them out loud when what she come from appeared in front of her.

Danuja know that she couldn't possible change just herself and Kana placement. Things would get too messy, more messy than breaking into her own school on the first day mind you. So, seeing herself in front of the files where ALL students where placed and where, Danuja couldn't help but smirk, amused despite the situation.

With her heart thundering and her breaths too short, Danuja fingers pressed themselves faster and faster on the keyboard, messing up whatever order or placement her teachers, the principal made.

She was very carefully when placing her name beside Kana's. After all, that's what she come from in the first place.


''- maybe they needed the money but they weren't good enough at getting them.'' she finished making Kana hum, nodding her head

'' True.'' Kana said before smiling brightly, getting up when the bell rang '' I'm just happy we are in the same class again.'' 


Egzod & Maestro Chives - Royalty (Lyrics) ft. Neoni

Today I well, didn't eat anything and I kind of don't want to. But I need to so I can take my cold medicine. I want to eat but I also don't want to, sometimes I'm not sure why this happens.

Anyway, last night donuts were a blast.

Have a great meal today!

Michiko_Bcreators' thoughts
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