
Chapter 5: New Name and Partying Up.


" " : Dialogue,

' ' : Thought,

[ ] : System, Raphael

"Italicized text" : Telepathy.

// // : W System announcement


Location: Great Elroe Labyrinth

Dante POV

After I asked her to let me name her, she blinked and tilted her head, a bit perplexed. 'But haven't you been calling me all this time, why would I need to be named?' That question told me all I needed to know about her extent of knowledge of this world and its workings so I explained it to her. "I have been calling you using a nickname that you agreed to answer to, however you do not yet have a name. If you use Appraisal on yourself, you'll understand what I mean. The way naming works in this world is a bit different than the way it is on Earth. On Earth, your name merely serves as an identifier, but here your name is far more important, at least when it comes to monsters. But before I continue explaining, did you play videogames in your past life?" I ask her despite knowing. 'Yeah, I did, but what does that have to do with you naming me?' She asked.

"Do you remember facing a monster that was different from others. Far stronger than others of its kind, having abilities that others of its kind do not possess and most importantly of all, having a name?" I ask and her eyes widen as she seems to understand what I am implying. 'Wait, you're talking about named monsters and bosses. But how would that work here?' She asks still a bit confused. "Naming in this world not only makes monsters more powerful, if they are named by someone more powerful than they are, but would also make those monsters to be connected to the soul of the person naming them, resulting in the monster gaining more power from its namer should they grow more powerful. Now I may not look it, but my soul is powerful, even when compared to the gods of this world, so me naming you would cause a great boost in power for you and give me a greater connection to you." I tell her prepared for her skepticism. 'That sounds awesome and all, but how do you know this and how can you be sure that it works?' She asked. This was an expected question, but it still caused slight pangs of grief to emerge within me. "My mom had a monster that she had tamed and named, it was originally a Baradrad, but since she was far more powerful than it was, her naming it greatly increased its power. Its name was Giruki, and apart from my mom, it was the only thing that treated me with any love or care until it was killed for protecting me and my mom." I said while showing some pain on my face which caused her to frown in guilt. 'I'm sorry for making you remember something painful. But why name me?' She apologizes and asks. "Firstly, you showed me no hostility, which is the basics for being my friend, especially since my mom and I weren't welcome in my father's house, but you also seem like you'll actually fight for those who you care for, so I don't see what's wrong in being someone you care for." I told her in full honesty. It's not like I want to help her evolve quickly and be stronger than in the OG just so she can be my actual wife, no sir.

'Fine, I'll allow you to name me, but the name better be good or else.' She says waving one of her legs in front of my face. I chuckle a little at the gesture and promise her that I'll give her a good name. "But first, you've probably noticed that one of your webs has caught something right. Take care of it first, then when you're back, I'll name you." I told her, informing her of her first actual fight despite her having evolved once already. 'Aye, captain.' She says giving me a mock salute and walking off to deal with the Elroe Frog that's been caught in her web.

Kumoko POV

'Hmm, that guy really thought about this huh. But for his new life to be this bad with how young he is, it kinda hurts if I'm being honest. He was unwanted and only felt love from his mother and a monster only to have both taken from him permanently. Well, at least he felt love from his mother, not like my mother and siblings who tried to eat me when they saw me, or my parents in my past life that didn't care for me, but then again, I didn't care enough to try and fix our relationship. Anyway, leaving that behind. It's time to see what my web has caught.' I think all this before I get to the web and see a frog caught in it. I remember hearing that frog tastes like chicken, so this should be good to eat, at least better than eating my sibling. But looking at it, one can easily tell that this thing is poisonous, but it shouldn't be hard for me, after all I have [Poison Resistance] at level 6, so I should be able to eat it, no problem. However, while I was thinking all this, I didn't notice the frog spit out a globule of liquid until it was too late. 'Aaargh, Poison? Acid? Whatever that was it hurt like hell. Damn it. What a blunder.' I back away from the frog, out of its launching range. I had forgotten that my opponent was a monster that wouldn't hesitate to kill me and gotten careless, now I had lost two of my eyes and from what I can feel my abdomen also got hit. It's a good thing that I have eight eyes so I can still see just fine.

//Skill Proficiency Reached. Skill "Acid Resistance: LV. 1" has been learned.//

The pain lessened a bit after I heard that announcement in my head. Thinking about it, I could have also gained skills without using skill points, this makes me feel really angry knowing I spent my skill points on Appraisal.

I turn my head to the frog that I have decided will be the victim of my wrath. 'You stupid frog, you're just my dinner, and you have the nerve to pick a fight?! If that's how you want it, then I'll eat you.' Thinking this, I rush the frog as it spits out more acid at me which I easily dodge because I know they're coming. The instant I got close to it, I sank my fangs into its leg flooding its system with deadly poison, it couldn't do anything after and almost instantly died.

'Hehehe, so this is my first proper kill, huh, even after evolving, I am a bit worried about the future but if what he said is true, then I won't be staying weak for long. Well, let me just take a bite before I wrap you up and head back to him.' I take a bite only for the taste to be terrible, not to mention it hurts.

//Skill Proficiency Reached. Skill "Acid Resistance: LV. 1" has become "Acid Resistance: LV. 2".//

'Ouch, well I better wrap you up and get back, don't want to miss my own naming, now do I?.' Saying this I carry it's body over my head and walk back to the kid.

Dante POV

I watched her leave to the web with some pep in her step, but I knew that she would soon start to see this world differently. I decided that while she was gone, I'll try to gain some more skills since the only things in this world that would truly help us were our own skills and abilities. Firstly I tried interacting with the miniscule light waves around me and the tried the same with the darkness and shadows using psionic energy. Of course, the results were shown instantly.

[Photokinesis (Passive&Active) LV MAX]:

[The ability to freely and fully manipulate light and all phenomena linked to light.

Range is affected by skill level, INT and WIS.

At MAX level, user can turn into light.

Consumes no resources.]

[Umbrakinesis (Passive&Active) LV MAX]:

[The ability to freely and fully manipulate darkness and all phenomena linked to darkness.

Range is affected by skill level, INT and WIS.

At higher levels, user can solidify darkness.

At MAX level user can turn into darkness.

Consumes no resources.]

[Notice. The skill 'Photokinesis' has been subsumed into 'Dynakinesis']

I nodded my head as the skills were exactly as I expected. I thought to more skills I could gain in the time it would take our resident spider to finish off her prey and come back and it hit me, Weapon Mastery. I had no guarantee that Potimas' anti-magic field would not cause a slight disruption to my Active skills so I decided to use some thing that he would not be able to nullify with the field, matter and pure physical force.

Using geokinesis, I shaped the earth into a multitude of different weapons, blunt, sharp and ranged as well as shields of all kinds. I used the advantage of my high stats to try out every single weapon in record time while using Acoustikinesis to keep any vibrations from reaching Kumoko and the end result was just what I wanted.

[Weapon Mastery (Passive) LV MAX]:

[Increases damage from all weapons. by 500%.

Increases critical damage from all weapons by 1000%

Increases critical rate of all weapons by 50%.]

Once I was done, I returned all the earth to the floor and walls of the labyrinth. Shortly after, Kumoko came back with an Elroe Frog held over her head which reminded me that despite me gaining all these skills, I haven't learned even one Resistance skill, better get to that soon. "Hey, looks like your first fight left a mark, you alright?" I asked her as she had a smile of triumph on her face. 'I'm fine, but I could be better though. Having acid burn part of your body isn't the most pleasant feeling.' She says as she dumps the frog's body to the side revealing that she has taken a bite out of it. "Before we get down to the naming, can you bite me and use your poison, I just noticed that I have no resistance skills." I say as I put one of my hands into the frog after moving the webbing to fit the hand. The remaining acid in the frog's body starts to burn my skin a bit before it stops showing I now have Acid Resistance at the least. 'Eehh! Hey, why would you do that, that's dangerous or doesn't it hurt you?! And why would you expect me to agree to something as insane as me injecting you with my poison?!' Kumoko screamed out in her mind as she processed my question and action. "Because I need resistance. Imagine if with all the power I already have, because I didn't have any resistance to something, someone uses a strong poison or acid to kill me instantly, what excuse will I have then, that I was busy and forgot or that I thought resistance skills were for pussies?! I am doing this to bolster my survival as well as yours. So stop panicking and asking questions and bite me." I say and she looks at me a bit shakily, before she sighs and tells me not to regret it before biting into my arm with great force and injecting her Poison. It starts to affect my body, but its effectiveness sharply drops after 2 seconds.

[Acid Resistance (Passive) LV MAX]:

[The body's durability increases and you take less damage.

99% decrease in damage from acid attacks.]

[Notice. Skill 'Acid Resistance' has evolved into 'Acid Immunity'.]

[Acid Immunity (Passive) LV MAX]:

[You take no damage from acid attacks.]

[Poison Resistance (Passive) LV MAX]:

[The body's durability increases and you take less damage.

99% decrease in damage from poison attacks.]

[Notice. The skill 'Poison Resistance' has evolved into the skill 'Poison Immunity'.]

[Poison Immunity (Passive) LV MAX]:

[You take no damage from poison attacks.]

"Thank you. I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable, but resistance skills are necessary if we want to survive in this world." I explain and she nods thinking back to how many times she could have died from poisoning. 'I understand but seeing you in a kid's body and saying stuff like that is a bit unsettling, to be honest. Anyway, back to the more important matters, let's get to my naming.' She says causing a light smile to form on my face.

"Okay, then, all you need to do is just stay still." I say then take a deep breath while trying to pull in MA energy to add onto my energy to bolster the degree of enhancement that she will receive. I then begin to mold this energy around her body before I say the fated words. "I name you Shiraori."

As soon as I say this, the energy rushes into her body and a cocoon is formed around her body. I let go of the breath I had been holding and fall into my thoughts. 'The guy who had the dragon egg must have passed here long before we got here since we spent quite a bit of time at the tunnel with the bats, wolves and deer. Well, with me here, she won't need that to face Basilisk.' I close my eyes as I delve into her memories and the soul connection we now share and see everything she has gone through as well as the memories that D put in her as Hiiro Wakaba. I notice a small connection that isn't mine, which I immediately deduce to be Mother's Kin Control skil at work. I hijack the connection using it to speak to Mother and Ariel. "Both of you, I don't care what intentions you had for her but they stop this instant, she's mine now." I say this while using my soul to pressure them so they do not have any misgivings about Shiraori.

Cutting off the connection to them permanently, I show her all my memories from my time on this world and some from my time on my Earth, leaving out my knowledge of her, this world and her Earth with D on it. Some time passes and the naming ceremony finishes with her cocoon cracking open showing her still as a Small Taratect but far stronger and with a crest on her abdomen.

I use my Analytical Appraisal on her and smile at the boost that she has gotten from the naming.

[Name: Shiraori

Level : 1

Gender: Female

Attribute: Darkness, Light, Earth, Air, Lightning, Life.

Race: Small Taratect (Transcendent) — Evolution possible.

Protection: Crest of Transcendence.

Soul Stage: Elevated — High

HP: 5,200/5,200

MP: 7,000/7,000

SP: 9,100/9,100

STR: 55


VIT: 55

INT: 62

WIS: 58


Background: A diminutive member of the Taratect species that has achieved transcendence. It has a reincarnated soul and is subordinate to you.

Emotions: Amazement. Elation. Gratitude.

Skills: [Utility Thread LV 1], [Automatic HP Regen LV 1], [Appraisal LV 9], [Deadly Poison Fang LV 4], [Poison Synthesis LV 3], [Deadly Poison Resistance LV 3], [Idaten LV 5], [Telepathy LV 5], [Telekinesis LV 3], [Taboo LV 1], [Heresy Magic LV 1], [Acid Super-Resistance LV 2], [n%I=W] ]

"Hey you, you're finally awake." I say as she looks at me groggily and tells me to quiet down which causes me to chuckle lightly. "Well, then, does our friendly neighborhood spider want to introduce herself?" I ask as she checks the changes that have occurred after her naming. She looks at me and introduces herself, but instead of using her normal thoughts to communicate, she uses her Telepathy. "Greetings human, my name is Shiraori, what is yours?" I smile and reciprocate since I haven't really told her my name. "My name is Dante Isvalt, Shiraori. Will you be my friend?"

"Sure thing. Now can we stop acting like this, it's making me cringe a bit." She says and I nod. "Send Party Invite." I say and watch her look at the pop-up window with some confusion before smiles and clicks yes. "Well, it looks like you're stuck with me from now on." She tells me with a tinge of mischief in her tone. "And I wouldn't have it any other way."

Chapter end.

Party name: My new Family.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

I was thinking of how to make this chapter have a bit of impact, because Dante has not only been taken from his family at a relatively young age, his second family mostly hated him and the ones that loved him were killed. So I wanted to make it so he will now have someone to call family and have a new start.

BasedDragonLordcreators' thoughts
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