

"No peeking!" Lizzie squeals, shoving Hope out into the hall.

The door slams and Hope sighs, rolling her eyes at Lizzie's antics. It had taken one quick mention of Hope and Josie's upcoming date for Lizzie to completely lose it. She had spent all of breakfast rambling about potential dresses (and apparently they're now going somewhere that requires dresses) and fashion spells that Hope had never heard of, simply because they seemed entirely unnecessary. They still were unnecessary. Hope had thought they would be grabbing a casual lunch together or something, but Lizzie already has plans for this date - even though she isn't going on it.

The end result is Josie being pulled away to go get dressed in secrecy while Hope stands dumbly out in the hall, holding a long black bag that has what she assumes is the dress Lizzie picked out for her. With all the magic out there and all the powers the Saltzman girls have, Hope never thought they would be using it to magically make dresses appease. She also never thought that she would ever have sex with or go on a date with Josie, but here she is.

Hope sighs before going to find a bathroom to change in. She passes MG on the way there and he cracks his fingers in the air, mimicking a whipping noise as he passes. He's one to talk, considering Hope can clearly see him calling in a reservation to a lunch date he won't be attending. No doubt Lizzie talked him into doing that.

At least Hope is actually getting something out of this whole arrangement. She may be whipped, but it's worth it - worth it 'cause it's Josie, and falling asleep tucked under her arm totally makes up for having to deal with Lizzie Saltzman.

Hope realizes, as she shuts the bathroom door and starts to unzip the bag, that she is going to have to deal with Lizzie for a very long time. It's not that she hates Lizzie - because at this point, that feud has passed - it's that Lizzie is annoying, and Hope says that fondly. It's definitely going to be weird having Lizzie as a sister-in-law, plus she'll probably want to be the maid of honor at the- what the hell is Hope doing?

Is she seriously wedding planning while she gets dressed for a first date? She isn't even really getting dressed either. She's just standing there, lost in thought and bag in hand.

The dress is actually nice, Hope notices, once she takes it out of the bag and looks at it. It's a simple, black dress that seems as if it will be a little short on her - but Hope doesn't mind, and she guesses Josie won't either. The material is soft in Hope's hands, but she can't guess what it is. She'll have to ask Lizzie about it later and (annoyingly) thank her for it. Surprisingly, Hope likes the outfit. It's a lot less glamorous than she was expecting, and she's glad for that.

Hope steps into the dress and pulls the straps around her shoulders, then has a rather awkward time reaching behind herself to zip it all up. She tugs at the fabric a little until it sits right and then looks at her reflection in the mirror. It's rare that Hope ever really says this about herself, but she looks pretty. The straps are thin enough that nearly all of her shoulders are exposed and she kind of likes it. Her arms and shoulders are bare, showing lean muscle that goes well with the prominent line of her collarbone.

She looks good.

Hope raises her hand and drags her fingers along the exposed skin, prodding at herself a little. Watching her reflection move in the mirror gives her this odd sort of confidence, one that is definitely welcome on today of all days. She grins at the mirror. Maybe it is weird that she's doing this (she is sure if anyone were to walk in at the moment then Hope would look like a crazy person) but she can't help it - because holy shit, she is going on a date with Josie Saltzman and that tiny fact makes her so, incredibly happy.

"Dude, you have been in there for forever." MG calls from outside, startling her. He knocks on the door repeatedly until Hope finally pulls it open, already rolling her eyes at him.

He pauses once he sees her, fist held high in the air like he was planning on knocking again. "You look nice."

"Thanks." Hope replies.

MG drops his fist and starts tossing a roll of toilet paper in his hands back and forth. He glances past Hope and looks expectantly into the bathroom. "Uh, I kinda have to…"

"Oh. Yeah."

Hope quickly grabs the bag and her old clothes. They step around each other in the doorway until Hope is out while MG is in, and then he proceeds to flash a smile and give her two thumbs up before promptly kicking the door shut. He's such a dork sometimes. (Okay, all the time, but Hope loves him anyways).

For a second, Hope moves to go back to her room before she remembers how Lizzie had so rudely kicked her out. She isn't sure if they are done getting ready yet or not, so she chooses to pace the hall barefoot for awhile instead of asking. Lizzie scares her, just a bit - not that Hope would ever, ever admit that.

As she's walking, a pair of black Converse suddenly appear in front of her, making her trip right over them. She would have fallen on her face if it weren't for her super awesome tribrid reflexes. Instead, she catches herself by clinging to a doorknob and sets herself upright. Again, she is a little surprised that Lizzie is letting her wear something as simple as Converse to this, but she is also surprised that they are using magic so casually for such simple things. She feels like she's in Harry Potter.

Eventually, after she has changed her activity from pacing barefoot to pacing in shoes, Hope gives in and knocks on the door to her shared room. No one answers, even though she is sure she can hear faint whispering on the other side of the door. She knocks again, feeling a bit like MG. There's no answer. Hope is reminded of how she isn't like MG, because after that she pulls open the door without a care - Lizzie's elaborate plan be damned.

"Okay, I got restless so don't yell at me but I couldn't help myself and-" Hope cuts herself off when she catches sight of Josie.

She is standing near the bed, her body facing the mattress while her head is turned around to look at Hope. Her dress is a pale blue color and makes her look absolutely gorgeous, but Hope (the horny fuck) can't bring her eyes away from all of the the tan skin that is on display. Josie still hasn't zipped her dress up yet, so it hangs open at the back and reveals a long strip of smooth skin. Not only that, but the dress is short enough that she can see a good portion of Josie's thigh. Her eyes lock on the place where they meet, and before she can help it Hope is thinking about just how soft Josie is down there, and how her hands look sliding up the heated skin.

"I- uh." Hope stammers once she realizes she has been caught staring. She sucks her bottom lip into her mouth, very briefly, before releasing it with this little nervous pop.

Lizzie is propped up on the edge of the bed (and wow, Hope had not looked at her once until now) with a smug smirk on her face as she watches Hope's reaction. Hope is suddenly sure of two things. One, Lizzie didn't answer the door because she wanted Hope to walk in like this. Two, Lizzie needs to leave the room now because Hope wants to makeout with her girlfriend.

Thankfully, Lizzie seems to get the hint without Hope having to say anything, and pushes herself up and off the bed. "Alright, well. I'll give you two some time alone. The reservation is in thirty minutes, if MG did everything right."

With that, Lizzie leaves and shuts the door behind her. Hope stands in that same spot for a moment, just watching Josie while Josie also stays put and watches her.

"You look gorgeous." Josie says, once the moment passes. Hope feels as if a bubble has popped in the room and she can finally step forward, walking until she can rest one of her hands on Josie's waist.

"I was going to say that." Hope replies, thumb tracing along Josie's covered hip.

Josie kisses Hope's lips gently and then turns her head away from Hope, facing away from her. Hope makes a quiet, tiny whining noise at Josie pulling her lips away, but Josie just chuckles lightly.

"Can you zip me up?" Josie asks.

Hope nods even though she knows that Josie can't see her. There is no point either way, because Hope totally ignores the instruction and dips her head down to press her lips along Josie's back. Josie's breath hitches, ever so slightly, but Hope hears it anyways and trails her kisses up and across all the exposed skin. Eventually Josie's strained breathing becomes audible even to human ears. The sound makes Hope grin, nuzzling the side of her head into the nape of Josie's neck.

The effect Hope has on Josie is amazing, especially when Hope can hear every shaky exhale and jump of her heartbeat that Josie tries to mask. She knows that Josie knows Hope can hear her heartbeat, and she can tell that Josie is trying to calm herself down by how oddly she is breathing. In and out slowly, clearly a method to hold everything together.

Well, Hope is having none of that. She moves her head from its comfortable spot near Josie's back and instead shifts her face until her lips press against Josie's neck. Hope leaves one gentle, open-mouthed kiss there before she digs her teeth in just a little and revels in the gasp that leaves Josie's mouth.

"Okay, I'm beginning to think that you have some sort of biting kink now." Josie comments, the drag of her voice making her sound a bit breathless. "I'm going to end up having marks everywhere."

Hope moves her hands so they can grip Josie's hips more firmly. She pulls Josie flush against her front, pushing their bodies closer. "You know I like that idea."

"Hope." She moans, despite all of her fighting. "We have lunch in less than thirty. Plus, we haven't even had our first date yet. It's not classy."

"Neither was the gas station." Hope replies, but ditches her biting mission and finally obeys, zipping Josie's dress the rest of the way up. She frowns once more skin is hidden, but it's fine - she can always take the dress off of Josie later.

"What happened at the gas station was not my fault."

Hope merely hums in response, making Josie spin around to shove her gently. They tease each other, going back and forth with light pushes until a buzzing noise fills the room. They stop to look around and find Hope's phone buried under the sheets in the bed (how the hell it got there, the world may never know).

Josie hands it to her, looking slightly confused. "Why is my dad calling you? I thought he was giving you a break from the hero stuff."

"He is." Hope replies, not elaborating more than that. She doesn't really want to explain to Josie about how she called her father to discuss the ins and outs of biting someone. "I'll go see what he wants."

Moving quickly, Hope steps out into the hall and starts up her pacing once again. She answers the call and immediately hears Alaric on the other end, complaining about how teenagers are always on their phones but somehow take forever to answer their calls.

She cuts him off with an amused sigh. "I'm actually kind of busy right now. Did you find out anything about the biting?"

"Well, yes, but none of it is important." He replies.

"Why? What do you mean?"

"I mean, there's little traces of both vampires and werewolves biting people to make a, uh, intense bond. And a few hybrids have admitted to it as well." Alaric explains. "You only really have to worry if you're biting witches, though I assume you're not. I don't know any witches that would let anyone bite them."

Hope's pacing just gets faster. Worry? What does she have to worry about? Why would he use that word, doesn't he know Hope has no chill? The little part he added about witches doesn't help her anxious thoughts either.

"What bond do you mean?" Hope asks in a rush. "Why would you have to worry about it?"

Alaric's response comes very slowly. There is a long pause between Hope's question and his answer that, unfortunately, doubles Hope's worry. Eventually he speaks, and this time he sounds as if he is in full father mode.

"Are… are you biting my daughters?"

Hope nearly drops the phone. "Uh."

What is she supposed to do? Lie? Yeah, lying would have probably been better but all she said was 'uh' like a dumbas and now-

"Hope Mikaelson-" He starts, sounding hysterical before he exhales and his anger deflates. "We are so having a long talk when you get home."

"Okay." Hope agrees, not liking how her voice comes out as a tiny squeak. "It's uh, Josie by the way. Lizzie and I would never."

Alaric releases a long sigh. "I guessed that. Don't get home late, okay?"


With that, Hope hangs up. Her face is flushed and she's a little embarrassed, but she reminds herself that this is a good thing. He was going to find out sooner or later. Maybe it would have been better to start with 'hey, I'm dating your daughter' instead of 'hey, I'm biting your daughter during our possibly sexual exploits', but what's done is done. Anyways, she is kind of glad. No more hiding. Not ever. She loves Josie too much for that.

Let it be known that Hope is the absolute best at dating. She feels smooth enough to be James Bond by the time they've entered the restaurant. During the drive over, Hope had managed to make Josie laugh three times and make her blush twice (which were truly amazing achievements). She had even opened the door for her and everything, winking at her with a grin that made Josie roll her eyes as she did so. Hope felt warm and undeniably happy minutes into the date, all of her nerves fading away as she spent more and more time with Josie.

They both get sandwiches even though there are a much fancier options on the menu and end up making a thousand different jokes throughout the meal. It's fun. Incredibly fun, actually. By the end of the meal, Hope's stomach hurts from laughing so much that she has to start massaging it gently to relieve the ache. The slight pain in her stomach goes away quickly, but the ache between her thighs stays persistent all throughout lunch.

She simply can't help it. Josie looks so good and Josie is more than okay with Hope touching her at random times in the day. Hope has to sit through the date with the knowledge that she could grab Josie's hand at any moment and pull her into a bathroom stall for extracurricular activities, but she doesn't want that. (Well, she kind of wants that, because the idea of watching Josie squirm and clamp a hand over her mouth while Hope slips her fingers up and inside of Josie makes Hope throb). She wants to do this in the classy way, like Josie had said earlier.

At this point, classy pretty much just means them having sex in a bed or somewhere not in public, but Hope is going to get them back to the house anyways.

For once, they hold off on having sex against a wall or something. They both have a little more self control this time. Keywords: a little. Josie wastes no time in leaning over to kiss Hope once they are back in the truck, and from then on it's a mess of lips and tongue. They don't go any farther than Hope resting a hand on Josie's inner thigh, but Hope isn't sure if that is due to self control or because of the random guy who honks at them as he drives passed them in the parking lot.

It reminds them that they should probably go elsewhere if they are going to go any further, so Hope starts to drive them back to the house. Josie turns on the radio near the beginning of the drive and starts singing along exactly two minutes later, when one of her favorite rock songs begins to play. It's cute and totally dorky, watching Josie sing (screech) the lyrics, but Hope is inevitably charmed by the whole thing. Charmed enough that less than five minutes later she is also singing along at Josie's request.

Don't get her wrong, it's incredibly embarrassing to sing with the windows down, the way Josie makes her, but it's Josie that is making her do it. And at this point, Hope knows she would practically do anything for Josie.

When they do finally (and Hope only says finally because she spends the drive both singing and thinking about what she's going to do to Josie later - and it makes the ride seem long) get home, the first thing they do is look around the house to see if MG and Lizzie are still there. It's a good thing when there is no trace of them except for a note Lizzie wrote explaining that they went out shopping. There's a miniature winking face drawn at the end of the note, and Hope isn't sure how she feels about their sex being so predictable that Lizzie knows, but she ignores it in favor of going to find Josie again.

Josie had gone upstairs while Hope checked downstairs, so Hope climbs the stairs and looks around for her. She finds Josie, unsurprisingly, standing in their room.

"Lizzie and MG are gone." Hope informs Josie. "They went shopping."

Before Hope gets the chance to process anything else that is going on, Josie kissing her. Kissing her so hard that Hope stumbles and her back hits the door. From then on, it's a flash of heat and desperation until Josie takes one large step back, leaving Hope panting as she stares at her.

"I want you to draw me." Josie says.

Hope blinks, feeling confused. Is now really the time for drawing? "Yeah, sure. Whatever you want, babe."

She had been wanting to draw Josie for awhile anyways. Lord knows Hope is already obsessed with the soft edges and curves of Josie's face. She would love to do it, just… not now. Not when every step she takes reminds her of how wet she is, how needy she's being.

A little reluctantly, Hope goes over to get a pencil and a piece of paper. She collects the items and is in the middle of opening her mouth to tell Josie to sit down when she turns her head and pauses. Josie is slowly unzipping her dress, making that movement the only sound in the room as they make eye contact.

"I want you to draw me like one of your French girls." Josie tells her.

Words leave Hope's mouth before she even really gets a chance to think. "Oh, fuck yes."

Josie laughs as she lets the dress fall off her shoulders and slip down her body to the floor. It's something Hope has seen a million times before - Josie in just a bra - but her heart still spikes all the time. Hope thanks god that Josie isn't wearing panties (she can see how shiny and wet she is around her thighs) and then she says thanks again when Josie reaches behind herself and unclasps her bra.

All Hope can focus on is the miles and miles of skin in front of her, so much so that she nearly misses it when Josie raises expectant eyebrows at her.

"How do you want me?" Josie asks, the tone of her voice making her arousal crystal clear.

"On the bed." Hope replies immediately, then pauses as a new idea pops up into her head (okay, well, not new because she's thought about this all before but she didn't think she would be doing it now). "Do you think- can I draw you while you're tied up?"

Her voice comes out smaller than she intended it to, but she knows Josie heard it. Knows from the heavier thump of Josie's heart and the rapidly increasing, overwhelming scent of arousal that makes Hope yearn to step forward and bury herself in Josie's cunt and just-

"Go ahead."

"R-Really?" Hope's breath catches and she stutters, making Josie smile at her softly.

Josie nods. "Yeah. You should get a scarf or something."

At Josie's request, Hope looks around for a scarf or anything that could work for this situation. Eventually she finds a scarf - though she isn't sure why it's there since it's so hot out - and approaches Josie once again.

"Hold your hands out." Hope says and Josie complies easily. Hope starts to carefully wind the scarf around Josie's wrists. "Tell me if it's too tight."


Once Hope is done, she tells Josie to go further up the bed. Josie does as she's told and arranged herself how Hope wants. The end result is Josie on top of the sheets, stretched out with her legs crossed and her tied hands held high above her head. She looks so fucking beautiful and sexy and utterly alluring that Hope wants to reach out and touch her, but she hasn't even started drawing yet.

So, Hope gets to it. She begins with sketching out an outline of Josie's form and then continues from there. In reality, it doesn't take very long for Hope to do most of the drawing. It feels as if it takes ages. Hope aches to touch her the entire time and the feeling only worsens every time she glances up to see a hardened nipple or the sweet, inviting curve of Josie's thighs or even her goddamn stomach - Hope just wants her mouth on Josie's body.

Speaking of Josie's body, Hope is done drawing it. She is working on the final details of Josie's face when Josie breaks the comfortable silence, saying the first words that have left her mouth in awhile.

"You look distracted." Josie points out quietly.

Hope raises her head, meets Josie's eyes. "You're distracting."

"Am I now?" She questions teasingly.

Hope thinks that is the end of it, but Josie starts to move. Very, very slowly she uncrosses her legs and parts her thighs, exposing herself to Hope. Hope definitely doesn't mind the action at all - in fact, her body heats up further and her hand tightens around the pencil as if it might snap in half - but she decides to do some acting.

"Be a good girl." Hope says, as if she isn't already done drawing Josie's body. "Don't move."

She isn't sure what she's expecting, but it's definitely not what Josie says next.

"What if I don't want to be a good girl?" Josie pushes her hips up a little, shifting into a new angle where Hope can see everything. "What if I want you to punish me?"

Hope stares at her for all of five seconds before setting the pencil and drawing down, glad that she is done. She strips off her dress before crawls on the bed and hovers near Josie's feet, watching for a moment.

"Flip over." Hope says.

"Make me."

In an instant, Hope is grabbing Josie's hips and turning her over. She positions her how she wants to, ass in the air and face pushed into the pillow with her tied hands behind her back. Hope would worry about being too rough if it weren't for the fact that she can see Josie literally leaking onto the sheets, leaving a damp spot under her.

Josie moans at the first, barely-there touch against her slit. Hope doesn't exactly know what she's going to do. Her first instinct is to sink her fingers into Josie right away, because she can tell that she's already ready for it. That wouldn't be much of a punishment though, so Hope thinks over her other options.

Eventually she decides on something and lowers herself a considerable amount until she can press her mouth against Josie's inner thigh. And that's all she does. She kisses around where Josie wants her, putting her mouth against slightly salty skin and cleaning the wetness off of her enthusiastically. It's fun and it's also hot - even more so when Josie seems to start regretting her decision and squirms, releasing muffled pleas into the pillow while Hope holds her still.

"P-Please, Hope. Fuck- just touch me."

Hope presses the flat of her tongue to Josie's slit and drags it up, deliberately missing her clit. Josie whines, louder this time, and her hands curl into fists where they are trapped behind her back.

"You wanted this." Hope says smugly. She smacks Josie's ass just to hear the answering whimper and grips the flesh, holding her still at a different angle now.

Her other hand spreads Josie's thighs more, making sure Josie can't get any friction on her own. Hope repeats the movement from earlier, licking up Josie's slit but not letting her get any attention on her clit. Josie's moans get louder as she does it all over again, coming out more strained and desperate than before.

Okay, so Hope is enjoying this more than she should be.

"Fuck, I'll-" Josie cuts herself off with a sharp gasp as Hope does it again with more pressure this time. It's harder, but it's not enough and Hope knows it. "I'll do anything."

Hope completely pulls away at that, sitting back and resting on her knees. "Anything?"

"Yes, yes, god. Anything."

Hmm. Okay. Hope has some ideas for that.

She finally touches Josie properly after that, drags her tongue firmly over Josie's clit and starts up a rhythm with no intention of stopping. Josie cries out and tries to rock back into Hope's mouth but Hope has her hips clasped in her strong hands and Josie's hands are still tied tightly where she can't do anything to help get herself off. All she can do is moan and beg and melt into the sheets, getting closer and closer to being a puddle of ecstasy.

Hope loves it. Loves it enough that she snakes her hand down her body and gets her fingers in her panties, and then quickly gets her fingers inside of herself. She works herself over while she works Josie over - and hey, no one can say that Hope is bad at multitasking.

Less than an hour later, Josie is squirming away from a sixth orgasm, saying something about how she's too sensitive and also 'holy fuck, how do you have so much stamina, goddamn Hope'. And Hope is… Hope is laughing. Genuinely, honestly laughing, because she's suddenly so happy that the feeling bubbles over in a laugh that she can't hold back.

Hope collapses next to Josie, feeling tired and winded for about a minute before her energy kicks back in and then she feels as if she could fight a horse on steroids. Not that she would need to ever do that. Well, she might - who knows what Alaric will be having her do now that she's sort of admitted to kinky biting sex with his daughter (god help her if he finds out about the gas station).

The point of the matter is, Hope has enough energy to lift herself up with her arms and place a chaste kiss on Josie's lips, stealing the breath from her again. Hope allows her weight to win and drops flat on the mattress, arms lazily spread out along the pillows. She's content and ready to just cuddle then fall asleep, but Josie speaks.

"What are you going to make me do?"

Hope tilts her head towards Josie. "What do you mean?"

"I said I would do anything." Josie clarifies, blush creeping its way up her neck at the memory. "You didn't make me do anything."

"Maybe I'll make you give me a lap dance." She replies, flashing a grin that makes it seem like she's joking. Hope totally is, but the more she thinks about the idea, the better it sounds.

"No, really. What am I doing?" Josie asks.

Hope props herself up only to shift over an inch and then drape her body over Josie's. Josie huffs at the sudden heat but wraps her arm around Hope and welcomes the embrace anyways.

Curling in closer, Hope hums. "What makes you think I'm not going with the lap dance?"

"Because that's lame, I'd do that anyways."

"God, Josie." Hope breathes, all wide smile and brightly lit eyes. "You're wonderful, you know that? I fucking adore you."

Josie laughs at all the words pouring out of Hope's post-orgasm mouth, but before the laughter gets a chance to die Hope is kissing her again. It's firm and warm and loving, but they both pull away a minute after to lean on each other instead. It's not even dark out yet, but they both start to drift off into sleep.

Josie falls asleep, but not before murmuring softly. "I fucking adore you, too."

Hope's heart thumps happily at the whispered words. She tugs Josie closer, impossibly close, before her eyes fall shut and she joins Josie in her slumber.