
The first Dream Gate

The realm of Dreams was nothing like the real world, and although the Ethereals dwelling within the Dreamscape were usually peaceful and harmless, things were quite different with the Pippin and its mother.

There had been instances of Dreamwalkers befriending Pippins and using their help to navigate their way through Death Dreams, but no one had ever been daring enough to try and ally themselves with a Pipa.

A Pippin that was protected by a Pipa, counted among one of the worst encounters in the Dreamscape since Pipas could be extremely protective of their children and were prone to violence. 

However, Arabella's quick thinking and genuine show of concern had won the Pippin's trust, thereby winning its mother's approval as well. And although the other Dreamwalkers in the group weren't too happy with the decision, they went along with the plan for now.

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