
(ACT 03) Waking up from a nightmare

Somewhere, in the numbing haze of it all, she can hear it: her heart, her poor, barely beating heart practically exposed to the frigid air.

It was beating slower and slower until it felt like it wasn’t even beating at all, like it was fading, as though she was… she is dying, isn’t she? And she knows for certain, can feel it deep within her bones that have yet to be broken that she is, she just know it, without a doubt, without even bothering to raise her gaze to look at the King of Vampires who had gone eerily silent as he stared at her heart beating in motion, looking so completely enthralled, as though he had never seen a human heart before.

Finally, keeping his other hand wrapped around her still-bleeding throat where a large, gaping hole pulsed like a second heartbeat, all thanks to his well-fed mouth that brutalized her for what seemed to be like days on end days on end days on end that felt endless, like a never-ending loop she was stuck in.

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