
The Ruthless Wrath Part Four

On the east corner of Grava City, the battle between Death and Mr.Alex has been going at a stalemate for hours.

On the road in the east corner of the city, Mr.Alex is currently in his goo form, completely surrounded by Death's zombies.

"This is very troublesome. It seems Death won't quit, and it feels like her OGI could last her days! I'm starting to get worried about the rest of the city. I keep feeling surges of OGI and hearing massive explosions all over the city. Is there even a city to protect anymore?" Mr.Alex thinks to himself with a worried expression.

Suddenly five zombies rush at Mr.Alex but Mr.Alex easily subdues all of them with clumps of green goo that melts them instantly.

"Now that I think about it, I haven't seen Death in a while. She could be hiding among these zombies for all I know it may be sh—"

Suddenly, all the zombies surrounding Mr.Alex stop their movements.

"What? The zombies just stopped moving all of a sudden, like some statues. What the hell is going on? Is Death planning something?" Mr.Alex says with a confused expression as he turns back to his normal form.

"The zombies just stopped moving all of a sudden, like some statues. What the hell is going on? Is Death planning something?"

"Garrhh!" all the zombies scream in a sleepy-like tone.

All the zombies suddenly sink into the ground, leaving Mr.Alex the only one left on the battlefield.

Mr.Alex takes a seat on the ground and releases a breath of frustration after thinking for a few minutes.

"I think I get it that feared legend was just meant to keep someone like me occupied while a bunch of other crap happens within the city! Is that why the feared legends are at the corners of the city? To distract us teachers, the strongest in the city other than the principal. Whoever planned this invasion of the city must be a calculated bastard," Mr.Alex says with a chuckle.

Mr.Alex grabs his hair and lays on his back.

"Ahhh! And all I did was fight Death's zombies the entire time without gaining any progress! I bet she wasn't even using her full power! How are the rest of the teachers going to react when they hear this?" Mr.Alex yells while kicking his legs in the air.

Mr.Alex starts to imagine all the Grava Acadamy teachers looking at him with judgmental expressions.

"They're all going to look at me like just some dumb kid and disown me as a teacher! Ahh!" Mr.Alex yells with a scared expression while he continues kicking his legs in the air.

A large number of miles away from Mr.Alex outside of Grava City, Death is gallivanting away from the city with a bright blush on her face.

"Dah-do-dah! Hehe, it's finally four in the morning. I thought I was going to have to stall that teacher forever!" Death exclaims.

Death starts to skip happily as the words of Nisugi run through her head.

"According to the boss, you feared legends are more useful at the corners of the city. With you all at the corners, it will force the strongest teachers to the corners, which frees up the rest of the city for use to search for the dagger in peace. So make sure you all at least keep the enemies sent after you in combat until 4 AM. Once done, you're free to leave the city and go back to your main mission," Nisugi says with a stern tone.

After remembering this, Nisugi smiles creepily.

"Ya! Mission finished; now I can go do whatever I want!" Death whispers with a creepy chuckle.

"Nimara," a mysterious figure, mutters from behind Death.

Death's blush-filled face suddenly turns to a wrinkled, creepy one after hearing the deep male's voice.

Death slowly turns around until she fully sees the person behind her.

"Oh, it's just you again. I'm guessing Nimara is my old name, right? I should really stop forgetting."

Death completely turns around and sees Paul standing behind her.

"What is this? My fourth time seeing you in the past year. How do you keep finding me?" Death asks in a snarky tone.

"Nimara, you realize you killed a lot of people today, right?" Paul asks with a serious expression.

"I was named Death for a reason, you know?"

"Do you still not know who I am? Or at least remember who you are?" Paul asks.

"Hehe, every time I see you, you always ask the same damn questions. I already told you the last four times that I know exactly who you are and that I know exactly who I am because this is who I've been since birth; I just needed to die to finally realize it," Death mutters with an agitated tone.


Paul stares silently at Death with a stoic expression.

"What cat got your tongue stalker?" Death says with a chuckle.

"I swear, Nimara, I will free you from your—"

"Hehe! Please save me the speech stalker! I've already heard it so many times I might throw up in disgust. If you want to keep declaring that bullshit, why don't you do it? Oh, I think I know the answer..."

Death starts to sink into the ground with a massive blush on her frail cheeks.

"You won't do it because you know you can't," Death remarks with a smirk.

Death sinks to the ground, escaping Grava City completely. With Death gone, Paul calmly turns around and looks to Grava City.

"She's right I'm not strong enough to make impossible outcomes such as those a reality."

Paul lifts his right fist and then begins to squeeze his left wrist.

"I need to train harder and obtain level three so that it will be a reality one day!" Paul says with a determined expression.

Paul begins to run back to the city.

"But the city is still under attack; maybe I can still be of use here," Paul says with an unwavering expression.

After the departure of powerful enemies such as Death, Nubuki, and Strout, many other enemies left the city. Mercenaries who realized the severity of the situation all evacuated the city, leaving only a little over half of the L.T.O. combatants left within the city.

On the north corner of Grava City, the battle between Mr.Chad and Wrath begins to heat up for the final time.

With cuts all over his body and blood leaking from all his wounds, Mr.Chad puts all his efforts into defending himself against Wrath's onslaught of attacks.

"Damn it, my wounds are aching, but this damn try-hard won't let up," Mr.Chad thinks to himself as he sees Wrath aggressively swing his katanas at him.

Mr.Chad parries off two more attacks and swiftly jumps back from Wrath.

"Just give up that katana, you quieter! I'm sure you've realized you can't beat me!" Wrath screams as he rushes after Mr.Chad.

"How many times do I have to repeat myself, Wrath? I'm not giving up a damn thing!" Mr.Chad says with a serious expression.

"Roc Tempest Talon!" Wrath screams as he spins multiple times.

Wrath sends multiple huge slashes of air at Mr.Chad and, at the same time, begins to rush in for a follow-up attack.

Mr.Chad weaves out of the way of all the air slashes while still backing away.

"Gravity manipulation!" Mr.Chad says as he puts his right hand up.


As Wrafh rushes after Mr.Chad, two buildings rise and sandwich him between them.

"Now just sit quietly as you suffocate," Mr.Chad remarks.

"Phoenix Ember Wing!" Wrath screams from between the buildings.

Suddenly the two buildings crushing Wrath get sliced to pieces and then lit on fire. With his katana now engulfed in flames, Wrath uses the sliced-up debris around him to jump toward Mr.Chad.

"I told you before your little tricks at pointless against me!"

Wrath clashes blades with Mr.Chad once again.

"Ahhh!" Mr.Chad yelps as he feels flames burn his fist.

Mr.Chad bounces Wrath away with gravity and instantly grabs his right hand.

"I can't clash swords with him while he's using the Phoenix Ember Wing art. The excess flames will just turn my hands into char!" Mr.Chad thinks to himself with an exhausted look on his face.

Wrath lands on the ground and gets into a focused stance with one katana in his hand.

"Hermes Zephyr!"

With one step and in a blink of an eye, Wrath swiftly rushes forward with great speed.

"Shit again!" Mr.Chad exclaims.

With barely any time to react, Mr.Chad uses the accelerate technique to jump to the left but still gets sliced on his right shoulder.

"Damn it, that's another deep cut!" Mr.Chad whispers.

Wrath pulls out his other katana and rushes back over to Mr.Chad while he's still dazed.

"I'm not that easy to attack you arrogant bastard!" Mr.Chad screams.

Mr.Chad uses gravity manipulation to raise the ground under Wrath.

"Tch! That gravity manipulation won't get in my way forever!"

Wrath slices apart the ground, lifting him up, and once again rushes after Mr.Chad.


Suddenly Mr.Chad appears in front of Wrath and lunges forward, preparing to slam his blade onto Wrath.

"He was just buying time so he could go in for a counterattack!" Wrath thinks to himself with a shocked expression.

"Just get cut down already, you tiring, feared legend!" Mr.Chad says with an agitated expression.

Mr.Chad puts his blade behind his head and then thrusts it forward toward Wrath. Wrath jumps into a focused stance with his legs spread wide, and he places his katana diagonally above his head.

"Athena, Iron Defense!" Wrath screams as he braces for impact.

"Damn it, I was too slow on the follow-up!" Mr.Chad thinks as his blade slams onto Wrath's blade.

Mr.Chad begins to increase the gravity around Wrath.

"This son of a bitch is trying to break my defense with this heavy-ass gravity!" Wrath screams to himself as he feels his bones crush under the pressure.

"I need to keep pushing my blade down onto his so he won't be able to use any other Kenshi art to get out of this situation! Soon, gravity will crush him into a pulp!" Mr.Chad thinks to himself as he increases the pressure on Wrath.

As Wrath keeps himself on his feet while feeling the full force of Mr.Chad's katana, he begins to stare at Mr.Chad's katana with pure hatred in his eyes.

"The damn way of the Kenshi! That's what put me on this damn journey! It's what took everything from me! It's nothing but a disgusting curse created by the damn demons of the past! It doesn't deserve to exist in the new era and everything that comes after it!" Wrath thinks to himself as every muscle in his body begins to budge.

"What the hell? Is he pushing back against me and the gravity?" Mr.Chad mutters with a concerned expression.

As Wrath's strength increases, the words of a mysterious woman pass through his head.

"Shogun is the highest honor of a Kenshi, and I can't wait to change its history once I take my rightful place at the top," she says in a cheery tone.

Suddenly Wrath's left foot slips, causing him to fall to one knee.

"Shit!" Wrath says as spits up blood.

"Yes, there it is. He's losing strength in his legs soon; he'll lose footing on the other foot, and when that happens, he will be crushed to mush! Finally, I can end this tiring battle," Mr.Chad exclaims in his head.

"Why you were such a fool, damn it! Why couldn't you see the signs sooner, you idiot?" Wrath thinks to himself with a frustrated expression.

Wrath starts to look up at Mr.Chad, and he starts to breathe heavily.

"You are nothing but a quitter! You don't even know a single Kenshi art for fuck sake!"

"Would you stop with that bullshit? I already told you I'm not giving up this katana," Mr.Chad shouts with an annoyed expression.

As Mr.Chad speaks, he notices Wrath grunting heavily.

"What the hell is going on now? My sense technique is going insane. Should I really run when I have him pinned down right here?" Mr.Chad thinks as he feels something swelling within Wrath.

"A person who quits the way of Kenshi and still protects it is worse than one who practices it!"

As Wrath screams, he begins to get up despite the heavy gravity.

"You're the epitome of pathetic. Sacred to go against the way of the Kenshi, but not when it comes to quitting! You piss me off, and I will make sure you feel my wrath!" Wrath screams with an infuriated expression on his face.

Wrath parries off Mr.Chad's katana and spins around until he is face-to-face with Mr.Chad once again.

"Artemis Lunar Veil!" Wrath yells as he pulls his katana all the way back and swings it at Mr.Chad as he backs up.

Mr.Chad jumps a good distance away from Wrath.

"Damn, Artemis Lunar Veil is a technique that aims for precise critical blows but needs the correct setup for it to work," Mr.Chad says as blood starts to leak out of his mouth.

Mr.Chad looks down at his chest and sees a deep cut in it with blood gushing out.

"Shit, how many more times will I get sliced apart like this?" Mr.Chad asks as he breathes heavily.

Wrath begins to walk toward Mr.Chad with a furious expression on his face.

"I will use the way of the Kenshi to destroy the way of the Kenshi!" Wrath shots with a passionate tone.

"I don't get give a shit you tiring feared legend!" Mr.Chad mutters as his vision gets blurry.

Mr.Chad begins to hear a voice in his head.

"You damn foolish student! Once you quit, you will never be able to practice the way of the Kenshi again! You're nothing but a lazy disappointment. I never want to see you again," an old-sounding lady screams.

Once Mr.Chad remembers these words, his breathing begins to go back to normal as he uses the recover technique.

"Everyone always likes to tell me my way of living is pathetic," Mr.Chad says with a serious expression.

Mr.Chad begins to pull his tie so hard that he tears it off his neck, and then he prepares his katana.

"I think it's time for me to prove why I'm the teacher of class three!"

Chapter 178 end

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