
Shattered Hope part two

In the eastern corner of Grava City, Mr.Alex has been fighting Death's army of zombies for hours, intending to reach Death, who is standing on top of a building.

"Hehe, you've got some crazy stamina; most people would have died of exhaustion by now." Death screams with a smile.

On the ground below, Mr.Alex who is in his human form, uses the flex technique to punch out the hearts of the multiple zombies surrounding him.

"An amazing thing about my goo power is that when I'm completely in that form, I lose no stamina...."

Mr.Alex's entire body transforms into his green goo form. Then he shapes his body to look exactly like he does in his human form.

"It doesn't matter how many zombies she sends; I'll never get exhausted!" Mr. Alex screams as he transforms his left arm into a giant ball.

Mr.Alex hardens the ball of goo he just made and swings it in front of him, completely knocking all the zombies out of his sight.

"Now for you!" Mr.Alex screams with a determined expression.

Mr.Alex swiftly turns his attention to Death and stretches his hand up to the roof she's on. Mr.Alex clumps his goo onto her foot and yanks her down from the roof.

"Hehe, oh wow," Death remarks with a blush.

Mr.Alex jumps up, and while Death is in his grasp, he slams the giant hardened ball of goo on her head, completely crushing it.

"I told you you couldn't hide anymore," Mr.Alex says as he drops Death's lifeless body to the ground.

Once Mr.Alex lands on the ground, he notices a zombie climbing out of the ground behind him.

"Question?" the zombie utters.

The zombie's hair grows to the point where it's hair covers its entire face. The zombie's body shrinks and transforms into the same body type as Death.

"Now who told you that I was running?" Death asks with a creepy expression on her face.

"I see it won't be that easy to stomp you out of this city," Mr.Alex says with a serious expression as he morphs his hand into a sharp blade.

As battles all across Grava City keep increasing in intensity, a situation starts to play out in the western part of the city.

Attack team three, comprised of Akira, Elias, and Emiko, stares at Mr.Strout in shock after seeing him admit his betrayal and cause the destruction of Grava Acadamy.

"Haha, wow, look at all your faces! You're all frozen stiff like a bunch of pansies," Mr.Strout exclaims with a sly expression on his face.

"You fat fuck, you destroyed our school," Emiko remarks with a shaken expression.

"You also killed Jason and other students from class three," Akira says with a stressed expression on her face.

"Oh, don't tell me that upsets you. I only caused all that destruction to make sure I could cover my tracks so Nixion wouldn't get a whiff of what I was doing. Too bad you two girls figured me out, I guess..."

Mr.Strout taps two fingers on his neck.

"You two will have to die here," Mr.Strout says with a merciless expression.

The second Akira and Emiko heard Mr.Strout's words, both of them jumped into fighting stances.

"We'll be fine, Emiko. Just stick next to me, and I can protect you!" Akira screams as she steps in front of Emiko.

When Emiko hears Akira's voice, she instantly becomes aggravated.

"Don't step in front of me and stop trying to protect me; I'm not some child!" Emiko screams as she pushes Akira out of her way.

"But Emiko?"

"Don't get full of yourself! I still hate you..."

Emiko clenches her fist while gritting her teeth.

"I don't care what you did for me in the past; it's still your fault I'm this way!"

After hearing Emiko's words, Akira starts to remember all the terrible things that happened to Emiko.

"Yeah, you're right, it is my fault, but..."

Akira once again steps in front of Emiko with a bold expression on her face.

"I don't care what you say; I'm going to protect you no matter what!"

"But why me?" Emiko asks herself with an addled expression.

As Akira and Emiko go back and forth, Elias confronts Mr.Strout with a confused expression.

"Mr.Strout? I don't understand why you're working with the people destroying the city; does that mean you've been tricking me this entire time?"

"What? No, don't be foolish, my dear Elias."

"Well, what the hell should I think, Mr.Strout? You've been pretending to be someone you're not this entire time!" Elias screams as he grabs Mr.Strout by the collar.

"Let me ask you something, Elias. How heavy and profound is your hatred for Paul?"


Elias starts to remember all his misfortune that came after Paul defeated him early in the entrance exams for Grava Acadamy, causing him to be placed in the lower classes.

"My hatred for Paul holds no such bounds," Elias answers as blood vessels pop out of his head.

"Correct answer, and go ahead and tell me, wouldn't you want to kill him?" Mr.Strout asks with a smirk.

"Yes, I would kill him for the rest of eternity if I could," Elias says with a straight face.

"Exclent answer once again, my dear Elias," Mr.Strout exclaims while clapping.

"I still don't know what you mean, Mr.Strout."

"Well, duh, just ask yourself the right question: do you really think you would be able to kill or, better yet, surpass him while being on the same side as him?"

Elias instantly starts thinking about what Mr.Strout is saying.

"Yes, good, my dear Elias. Now what should you do?"

"Let my anger turn my OGI tank into an inferno!" Elias shouts with an irritable expression on his face.

As Elias picks his side in the battle, Emiko continues questioning everything as Akira stands in front of her.

"Why do you keep trying to protect me? Damn it! I keep saying I hate you! How many more times will it take before you give up?" Emiko screams in distress.

After hearing Emiko's question, Akira looked back at her with a warm smile.

"You can keep telling me you hate me to the end of time, and I will still protect you with all my heart because I love you."

The second Emiko hears those words, she falls to the ground and slams her first onto it while closing her eyes.

"Why does she keep saying that bullshit, and why is it so hard for me to just accept it?" Emiko asks herself with a conflicted expression.

An image of Akira's warm smile pops into Emiko's head while she once again hears the words of Selena.

"You are worse than an untrustworthy person! You throw good people away—people that you can trust! Do you know how lucky you are to have someone as kind-hearted and trustworthy as Akira by your side?" 

Suddenly, as Emiko thinks, she hears a loud noise coming from in front of her. When she looks up, she sees Akira protecting her from a punch from Elias.

"What are you doing, Elias?" Akira asks as she struggles to hold Elias back.

"I'm fueling my rage! You're his classmate, so I'll defeat you and deliver you to him in a body bag!"

Akira swipes Elias's fist away and punches him in the face, but then Elias flips after the punch.


Elias takes the force from Akira's punch and uses his power counter to blow her backward with a kick to the chin.

As Akira gets sent to another area, she stretches her hand out toward Emiko.

"Wait, Emiko, I have to protect you!"

Akira goes through three buildings, and Elias follows.

"Mr.Strout I'm going to take care of her. You can go ahead and handle your business!" Elias screams as he runs after Akira.

"Good job, my dear Elias. I will be off! Oh, and you can drop the mister thing now; just call me Strout from now on."

Strout turns around in the direction of L.T.O.'s base of operation.

"Hey, fat fuck!"

Strout turns around after getting called out his name by Emiko.

"Akira might be gone, but I'm still right here," Emiko says as she gets into a fighting stance.

"Yeah, yeah. I already know who you are, Emiko, the disgrace of the Sato family. Your weakness led your father to adopt another girl."

"How do you know all of that?" Emiko asks with a shocked expression.

"Ha, that's not all I know! I also know that for your entire life, despite being an OGI user, you can't seem to get past the level of power you're at now. You've been stagnant in your OGI development almost your whole life, right?"

After hearing Strout's words, Emiko becomes more serious.

"I haven't told that secret to anyone, not even to my own family, so how do you know you traitor?"

"You shouldn't be worried about why I know those secrets; you should be asking why I am restating what you already know."

Strout looks forward and continues walking in the opposite direction, despite Emiko's presence.

"I'm telling you all this because if we fought, it would be a waste of both our time. Why don't you just go be useless somewhere that's not in my way? Can you do that for me? Thank you."

"What?" Emiko whispers to herself with a triggered expression on her face.

With Strout's back turned, Emiko starts rushing toward him. She applies the flex technique to her right fist, then goes in for a punch.

"Why couldn't you just heed my warning?"

Strout dodges Emiko's punch with ease and backhands her with so much intensity that Emiko feels her entire body shut down.

"What? Is this fat fuck really that strong?" Emiko asks herself with a shocked expression.

Strout catches Emiko's chin and grips it tightly.

"There's a reason why no one loves you, dumbass; your life is worth less than a bag of molded chips that's been swished around in the shit I took this morning!" Strout whispers with a demeaning tone.

Strout punches Emiko in the face with his huge fists, which are the size of her face.

"I guess your father never taught you respect because he didn't care enough, but don't worry, I'll give you the ass-whooping you need!" Strout remarks with a smile.

Strout punches Emilo two more times in the face, breaking her nose, and then throws her to the side.

Once on his side, he grips her by the neck and choke slams, her to the ground.


"Yes, that's right, scream in pain, you insolent child," Strout screams as he stomps on Emiko's face.

As Emiko continues to get beaten, bloody words deriving from her father start to play in her mind.

"Why did I have to be cursed with such a hopeless child like you? Hurry up and reach level one, or you'll starve again."

Strout jumps up and slams his entire body on Emiko's chest, caving it in.


"Scream louder, you pathetic brat!" Strout screams as he pummels Emiko's face with his fist.

As the beating gets worse and worse, Emiko continues to remember harsh words from her father.

"You damn fuck up! Why can't you just do anything, right? You have my genes, for goodness' sake! I bet it was your mother's useless uterus! You're lucky your sister is in the other room, or I would beat you with my fist like I did last night! I wouldn't want to scar her mentality because she's actually worth a damn!" her father screams with a belittling tone.

Strout jumped off of Emiko and picked her up by the hair. Strout takes a good look at Emiko's black and bloody face and smiles.

"Do you finally understand your place in the world, you hopeless fuck?" Strout screams as he punches her five times in the stomach, then drops her on the ground.

With her beaten within an inch of her life, Emiko hears her father's voice again.

"Damn it, what did I tell you about being so utterly garbage, Emiko?"

In her head, Emiko sees an image of her father raising his fist toward her.

"No, please don't hit me again! I'll try again! I'll be better, I promise," a younger Emiko screamed in terror.

Then the image of her father fades away and is replaced with an image of Akira with her warm smile.

"You can keep telling me you hate me to the end of time, and I will still protect you with all my heart because I love you."

With her busted lip, black eyes, and cracked teeth, Emiko started to weep in the face of Strout standing over her.

"I finally understand why I couldn't accept her..."

Tears start to flood Emiko's face.

"I never hated Akira. I never even hated my father; no matter how much either of them made me suffer, I never hated them..."

Strout places his hand on Emiko's neck, and immediately Emiko's life starts to flash before her eyes, and with that, her body starts to tremble with sorrow.

"This entire time, for all those years, the true person I hated was myself all along."

Chapter 160 end

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