
Rising against the storm

On the north side of the city, Wrath is cutting down every person and thing in the area. As he walks from block to block, he swings his katana so swiftly that the slashes cut down civilians miles away from him.

"This is starting to get boring. Just cutting down all these random people isn't going to get me going at all. I bet Hunter is having a thrill right now with whoever he's fighting."

Wrath swings his katana once again to kill a kid who is hiding behind a piece of rubble with an air slash.


"I was considering letting him go, but I can't forget my orders. I hope they find that dagger soon so we can leave quickly. It's already getting dark."

From far behind Wrath, Mr.Mink is using the accelerate technique to run down the road. As he runs down the road, he sees the destruction Wrath has left.

"All these destroyed buildings and dead bodies. What the hell is going on? First I find Mrs.Iris dead, and then all of a sudden I see the entire city getting destroyed. I also saw that the stadium is getting bombarded with lightning strikes! Damn it, I feel bad leaving Mrs.Iris's body there, but I have no choice. I gotta get back to the stadium to find out what's going on!"

Mr.Mink pulls out his phone and looks at his call log.

"Why hasn't anyone answered my calls? Maybe I can try the principal again."

Mr.Mink starts calling Nixion, and after three rings, he picks up.

"Principal, what's going on?" Mr.Mink screams with a concerned expression.

On the other side of the phone, Nixion is flying through the sky after closing the dimensional portal on Hunter.

"Hello Mr.Mink I don't know where you've been, but I'll explain the situation right away. I'll keep this short so you can move quickly."

"A group of feared legends and many more are attacking the city right now. We must protect as many citizens as possible and minimize damage. I already sent teachers to every feared legend to take care of them or at least hold them in a fight so then others can take care of the smaller enemies going around the city."

"Wait, are you planning to use the students in this battle?"

"I left that decision up to Mr.Brown. If the kids get sent out, that will be up to him but in my opinion, they should get sent out since we don't have many teachers that could keep up with these levels of opponents, and you remember what we talked about."

Of course, I remember. I'm guessing this is the storm you were talking about.

"Yes, it is, but unfortunately, I feel this is just the first part of the storm."

"Really well, then I have something to tell you."

"Yes, I already know Mrs.Iris has passed. I realized it when I used my mastered sense technique."

"Then, since you already know, do you know who killed her?" Mr.Mink asks with a serious expression.

"Yes, I was able to trace who it was by sensing the closest feared legend to where she was, since I don't believe any regular person could beat her."

"Well, I'm sure there are many things you want me to do, but..."

"I know already, Mr.Mink you and Mrs.Iris we're close, so you want revenge."

After hearing Nixion's statement, Mr.Mink starts to tremble with a raged expression on his face.


"Then go ahead and avenge our fallen comrade," Nixion says with an unchanging, serious expression.

"Thank you, principal!"

Mr.Mink hangs up the phone, and as he's running, he sees Wrath up ahead, preparing to send out another slash with his katana.

"Wait, that's feared legend, Wrath, right? Yeah, it is; he must have been the one who destroyed this area."

As he runs toward Wrath, Mr.Mink notices the katana in Wrath's right hand.

"Wait, those katanas?"

Mr.Mink starts to think back to when he found Mrs.Iris's body.

"When I found her body on the hill, she was dismembered."

Mr.Mink grits his teeth as he remembers touching the wounds of Mrs.Iris.

"Those clean slashes that took her head off could have only been done..."

As Wrath continues walking down the street while causing destruction, he suddenly stops and pulls out his second katana.

"That surge of OGI!"

Wrath turns around, and he instantly sees Mr.Mink directly in his face. Wrath looks at Mr.Mink's face, and he sees nothing but seething rage in his eyes.

"So it was you!"

Mr.Mink's scream was so loud that it broke every glass in the area. After hearing Mr.Mink's screech, Wrarh uses the accelerate technique to back away from him as fast as possible while thinking to himself.

"This guy is a serious problem! He's clearly not just any random OGI user."

Mr.Mink tries to slam his foot on Wrath, but he dodges it swiftly. After Wrath dodges, Mr.Mink slams his foot on the ground, and the ground gets completely destroyed.

"Yep, I'm going to have to go all out if I want to have a chance at beating this guy."

Wrath puts one katana in front of the other and gets into a strong fighting stance.

"So you're the one who killed Mrs.Iris well I hope you're ready for a fight to the death!" Mr.Mink screams with a ferocious expression.

A few blocks away from the battle between Mr.Mink and Wrath, Mr.Chad is on top of a building, yawning with katana in hand.

"Well, it looks like Mr.Mink got to him before me. So tiring"

Mr.Chad lies down on the roof of the building with a tired expression.

"I've never seen Mr.Mink look that angry before; usually me and him are the calm ones. I wonder what happened."

Mr.Chad once again yawns.

"I wonder if I can get some sleep."

At the same time, at the Grava City stadium where the tournament was held, Mr.Brown is in deep thought.

"It looks like Nixion has already defeated Hunter, so this part of the city is the safest since there's no feared legend close to us, but now what? It's safe enough outside to where they won't get killed the second they run out of the dome."

Mr.Brown starts to remember the words Nixion told him before he left to fight Hunter.

"I'm pretty sure these people are after the dagger that apparently leads to level three. Use that and the safety of the people as the basis of your planning."

"Alright, then that's it! I trust you, principal!"

Mr.Brown grabs a microphone and takes a stand on the stage they were going to use for the award ceremony after the tournament ended.

"Hey, kids, it's time for you all to be truly put to the test!"

All the Grava Academy students turn their attention to Mr.Brown.

"As I'm sure you know, the city is under attack by many enemies, and many of those enemies include feared legends! We might be holding off the feared legends for now, but there are still many things we must do to preserve the city as much as possible and to stop the enemies from making too much progress. So we will need some of your all's help, but it will be dang—"


Mr.Brown looks down to see who disrupted him.

"Kage from class one?"

When Mr.Brown sees Kage, he notices his huge, cocky smile.

"What is it you want? I'm trying to break down the situation for you all."

"Fuck all that! Trust me, we know the situation perfectly fine, and we know some of us could die out there. Now just make it simple."

Make it simple, how?" Mr.Brown asks with a confused expression.

"Here, I'll show you. If you're ready to go out there and whoop some ass, step forward in front of everyone else, and if you're too pussy, stay your ass where your standing!"

After hearing what Kage says, Mr.Brown chuckles a little. When he looks up, he sees a portion of the students step up.

The people who step up are Kage, Unknown, and Akira from class one. Feltzes and Shin from class two. Jason, Jess, and Allen from class three. Emiko from class four, and Eldrick from class five. Seth, Damion, and Ameilia from class six. Elias and Blake from the lower classes.

With the fifteen students standing in front of Mr.Brown ready for instructions, the other students look in awe.

"Wow, those guys are brave!"

"Nah, those guys must have hit their heads or something."

"They're all going to die out there."

"Yeah, don't they know there's feared legends out there?"

Kai, Aurora, Blaze, Dexter, and Liz are all gathered together in the back of the crowd.

"Are you sure we shouldn't be going out there with them?" Kai asks Aurora

"Yes, I think it's a good idea if we stay back and just listen to what these people are saying. Those guys are putting their lives on the line, and they are mocking them. If we go with them, we would only be leaving these types of people here with the citizens. Imagine if this place gets attacked again. Do you really want to leave it in their hands?"

"Yes, you're right, but I will admit it doesn't feel all that honorable letting them go out there while we stay in here."

"Speak for yourself shirtless gorilla I have a rock-star career to protect. I ain't about to go out there, but I will admit this isn't electrifying at all." Blaze remarks.

While the group converses, Marfumi, the number three of class two, and the same boy who fought Paul with his light manipulation walk up to them.

"That's a really good idea. I had the same idea. I feel bad for sending Feltzes out there with only Shin, but his backup should be enough."

"Shin? You mean the guy who I smacked with my guitar?" Blaze asks

"Yeah, that's him."

"I don't know if that's a good idea. He's pretty weak."

"No, don't worry; Shin was just too nervous to fight you properly when you beat him. He should be fine out there."

"Nah, that ain't possible."

"Well, I'll be joining you all because you all are the most serious ones here." Marfumi says with a smile.

While they talked, the students who decided to go outside and provide support were split into groups by Mr.Brown.

The groups are attack team one, a team to protect citizens and defeat enemies. This team is made up of Kage, Unknown, and Akira. The next group is Attack Team two made up of Feltzes, Shin, and Blake. Next is Attack Team Three, made up of Elias, Emiko, and Eldrick. Attack Team Four is made up of Seth, Damion, and Amelia. Then finally, the recovery team is the group that's going to Grava Academy to retrieve the level three dagger so they can bring it back to Mr.Brown who's made up of Jason, Jess, and Allen.

With the teams assembled, everyone gets ready to leave the safety of the stadium. As they start preparation, Akira looks over to Emiko, and something she said to her during there battle runs through her mind.

"What the fuck do you mean forfeit? Are you scared of me or something? When you ruined my life, I didn't get the option to forfeit and walk away like nothing happened, so why should you? This is some bullshit! Come back and fight me, you coward!"

After remembering this, Akira's face becomes determined.


"Yes, Akira?"

"Can me and Eldrick switch teams?"

When Unknown hears Akira, he flinches.

"What? I don't want that creep on my team."

"Well, if it's ok with Eldrick, I'm sure it's fine." Mr.Brown answers.

Eldrick instantly starts switching teams once Mr.Brown answers.

"I wanted to hang out with Unknown anyway!"

"No!" Unknown screams with a panicked expression.

Akira goes over to attack team three, where Elias and Emiko are.

"What the hell are you doing?" Emiko asks with an agitated expression.

"I'm going to protect you no matter what because I'm your sister. Don't try to stop me!"

"Tch! Annoying fuck!"

Emiko turns her head away from Akira.

A few minutes later, all the groups are outside the stadium, standing in front of the metal dome. Mr.Brown has a remote in his hand, fully prepared to let the kids through.

"Make sure you all keep a good distance from each other. We want to cover as much ground as possible and be safe. We would like all of you to come back in one piece."

A small part of the dome starts to open up, allowing the students to go outside the dome. Before Kage and his group can run out, Seth and his group stand next to them.

"What do you say, upper-class fake? Let's see who can do more in this attack. We can even bet money on it if you want to."

After hearing Seth's statement, Kage puts on a big, coky smirk.

"Hell yeah, of course!"

"Then that's a bet I will be expecting five thousand dollars in my account by the time this is over," Seth says with a smirk.

The dome is finally open enough for the kids to get through.

"Let's go!"

Chapter 141 end

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