
Battle of the Bizarre Cheeks Part One

With the first round of the Grava Academy tournament concluded, the next match was instantly decided. After the battle, Kage went to the locker room made for resting after matches.

Kage is currently lying down on a bench, watching videos on his phone.

"Dang, that battle was tough, but I'm glad I went first round! Now I can just watch everyone else's matches and get ready for tomorrow."

Unknown bust opened the locker room door.


"Dude, I hear you! You don't have to yell!"

"Then why are you yelling?"

Kage and Unknown start staring at each other awkwardly. After a few seconds, both of them burst out laughing. "

Kage and Unknown give each other a fist bump.

"That battle was crazy!"

"Yeah, it was, but I won thanks to all those hours of gaming we did during the summer."

"Oh yeah, by the way, the next match is going to be that Liz girl vs. a guy named Derick from class five."

"Oh Liz, I think Dexter said her name during our fight."

"Well, they are pretty close friends, so I guess it makes sense."

"Let's hurry up and go watch their match!"

"Yeah, let's go!"

"Not so fast!"

Before the two of them can run out of the room, they see David at the door.

"Oh, what's up Doc!"

David walks up to Kage and punches him on the head.


"You dumbass! Did you have to go so hard on that fight?"

"What do you mean, Doc?"

"You literally destroyed the left side of that Dexter kid. You must want me to work myself to death, don't you?"

"But, Doc, it was a fight. I had to fight that hard or I would lose!"

David surrounded Kage with yellow flames to heal his injuries.

"Well, next time you feel like doing that much damage! don't!"

David heals Kage, and two minutes later, Kage and Unknown make it to the student's stands. Unknown sits next to Selena, and Kage sits next to Unknown.

"Welcome back, Unknown and also an amazing battle, Kage!"

"Haha, thanks; I sent that guy packing!"

"So, Selena, has Liz's match started yet?"

After hearing Unknown's question, Selena points to the seat behind them.

When Kage and Unknown look behind them, they see Liz sitting relaxed in her seat.


Liz smiles at their reaction.

"Yep, I won my match in 2 minutes! It was easy too!"

"So does that mean the next round is about to start?"

"Duh Unknown what type of dumbass question was that?"

"Do you ever stop talking Kage?"

Selena cuts into Kage and Unknown's conversation.

"The third match is Damion, the number two of class six, vs. Hinata, the number three of class five."

When Unknown hears Damion's name, he instantly starts to think of the battle he had with him in the tag team fight against Seth.

"So Damion made it past the survival round!"

"What's wrong, Unknown?"

"Well, you remember that tag team match we had with Seth and Damion?"


After fighting Damion myself, I just feel that anyone who gets matched up with him is in big trouble.

On the battlefield, Damion walks out of the left corner after Mr.Brown announces his name.

"And now in the right corner is Hinata, the number three of class five!"

Out of the left corner, a white-skinned girl with blue hair walks out. She is wearing shorts that are covered by her long white jacket. Both of the opponents walk up to Mr. Zane, who operates the two of them with his arm.

"Ok, I want a clean match you two!"

Mr.Zane once again reads the rules to the two of them, and once done, Mr.Brown screams, "Let the third match of the Grava Acadamy begin!"

As Mr.Zane starts to count down, the crowd counts down with him.

"Three! Two! One! Begin!"

Mr.Zane removes his arm and jumps into his special stand.

Hinata jumps away from Damion."

"Earth manipulation!"

Hinata slams her leg on the ground, and two boulders come out of the ground.

"I know how dangerous you are from the rumors Damion! So I will keep my distance!"

Damion uses the accelerate technique to disappear and get behind Hinata.

"You say that, but I've already gotten close."

Hinata realizes that Damion has appeared behind her.

"I know about your powers as well, but luckily I won't have to deal with them."

Hinata quickly backs away, but Damion's pinky finger grazes her leg. After that, she completely freezes in place with a dead look in her eyes, causing Damion to smile.

"Well, this was a quick match."

Damion punches Hinata to the ground.

"You seem to be a sturdy one."

Above the stands where people are seated, Seth is watching the fight.

"That Damion is always going for the quick win. I guess it was a good idea for him to completely focus his training on the accelerate technique. Now he has an easier time touching his opponent, but I wish he would improve his strength a little. I already told him that focusing on one thing is dangerous. The second that power of his isn't the solution, it will be over."

"Well, one day, I'm sure Damion will learn that lesson."

Seth looks behind him.

"Oh, hello, Amelia, did you come to watch the match?"

"Of course, Damion might not be the most fun person to be around, but he's still my classmate."

Amelia stands next to Seth.

"I'm sorry, Seth. I tried to beat that asshole Kage in the survival round but failed."

"Haha, you're really apologizing for that again? I already told you I didn't want you to beat him in the first place."

"I know, but the way he would talk to you, I just couldn't let that slide!"

Seth laughs at Ameila's remark and pats her on the back.

"Thanks for trying, Amelia, but I promise you I can defend myself."

In Amelia's head, she says, "He's always so nice; how could anyone hate such a kind person? Go to hell, Kage!"

While Seth and Amelia were conversing, Damion beat Hinata. After this, the next match was Selena vs. Gabe, a lower-class student. Selena won this match quickly. Next was the fifth round, where Elias, the lower-class student who has his eyes set on Paul, beat another lower-class student named Rose.

Now it's time for the sixth round of the Grava Acadamy tournament. The sixth round is Unknown vs. Eldrick, the number one of class five. In the hallway leading to the battlefield, Unknown is walking by himself.

"OK, my first match! Of course, I'm fighting a number one, but he's only in class five, so maybe the match will be easy. Yeah, of course it will be easy!"

Unknown starts to remember what Kage said to him a few minutes ago.

"If you lose in the first match, you should just quit right now! haha!"

After remembering this Unknown grits his teeth.


Unknown stands in front of the entrance to the battlefield.

"He knows I can't quit!"

Unknown starts to stretch before Mr.Brown calls him to the field.

"That battle with Damion really opened my eyes. I haven't gotten any closer to finding out who I am or where I came from. What has been the point of everything I've done up to now? I keep getting stronger, but I'm no closer to finding out who I am."

Unknown looks at his hand, which is currently shaking.

"Damn it, there goes that feeling again."

"From the right corner is Unknown, the number five of class one!"

Unknown snaps out of his thoughts after hearing Mr.Brown call his name.

Unknown walks out onto the battlefield and instantly flinches after hearing the crowd's loud cheers.

"Woah, there are way more people than I thought."

While looking at the large crowd, Unknown walks to Mr.Zane.

"Now from the left corner is Eldrick, the number one of class five!"

From the left exit of the battlefield, a 5'8 boy with white skin and black hair shaped like a cone walks out. The boy is wearing a onesie completely made out of tight spandex. This boy is Eldrick Unknown's opponent.

Eldrick walks up to Mr.Zane as well.

"Hello, sweetie! I can't wait for our battle; I'm sure you'll have a fun time as well."

Eldrick starts making kissy faces at Unknown.

"What the hell is up with this dude, and why does he prolong the end of his words like that?"

After Mr.Zane reads the rules, he then starts the countdown.

"Three! Two! One! Fight!"

Mr.Zane jumps to his special stand, and Unknown quickly jumps away from Eldrick. When the battle starts, Mrs.Doja Eldrick's teacher screams, "Kick his ass, Eldrick! You lose. I'm going to beat your ass so bad you'll wish death would come faster!" Mrs.Nova pulls Mrs.Doja back into her seat and says, "Rabid beast."

On the battlefield, Unknown has started running around Eldrick at great speed.

"I have no idea what this guy is capable of, but since he's number one in his class, I think it's safe to assume he has a level two power! I'll just try to force him to reveal his power before I completely go on the offensive. Yeah, that's the way!"

Unknown runs around Eldrick.

"Oh my, you're fast!"

Eldrick starts to glow intensely.

"Wait, he's activating level two already!"

As Unknown runs behind him, he notices something happening with Eldrick's buttocks.

"Is it growing?"

"Yes, it is! My beautiful ass is about to be on TV! This must be a dream!"

Eldrick's buttocks start to grow at a fast rate. It becomes fatter by the second.

"Wait, so his powers have something to do with his ass! Ok, then I will attack him from the front."

Unknown uses the accelerate technique to run from the back of Eldrick to the front of him.

"Take this!"

Unknown applies the flex technique to his arm muscles and swings his fist at Eldrick.

"Oh my!"

Eldrick spins around, and with his enlarged buttocks, he blocks Unknown's attack.

"Ahhh! He caught my punch with his ass!"

"Yep! Yep!"

Eldrick's buttocks start to pull Unknown's arm in.

"Ewww! It's pulling me in."

Eldrick's buttocks pull Unknown's arm so far that his entire body starts to also get pulled in.

"Ahhh! This is so gross, my face is touching it!"

As this is going on in the student stands, Kage takes a picture of Unknown's situation.

"Haha! I think I found my new profile picture!"

On the battlefield, Unknown is fighting his hardest to pull his arm from Eldrick's buttocks.

"Let go Weirdo!"

Oh my, I hear you! Ass reflect!"

Eldrick's buttocks pull Unknown in further and then shoot him out at great speed into the wall at the left of the battlefield. When he hits the wall, he damages his back slightly.

"Did that hurt, sweety? Should we end the match now?"

Unknown pulls himself off the wall and slowly walks forward.

"There's no way something as weird as that can do this much damage!"

Unknown grabs his back.

"Ouch! It's going to be hard to fight like this."

Unknown cracks his back back into place.

"That fucking hurts!"

Unknown starts using the recover technique on his back.

"Oh, my sweety! Such strong resolve. Take as much time as you need!"

As Unknown gets closer to Eldrick, Mr.Brown screams on the microphone.

"It seems Unknown has taken quite a bit of damage from that strange attack! Will he be okay?"

Eldrick notices the cameras pointing at him.

"Oh my, this is my chance!"

Eldrick starts wagging his buttocks at the cameras. Mr.Brown's mouth drops after seeing this.

"Parents quickly! Cover your children's eyes! It seems Eldrick is taunting the crowd with his but!"

"Yes! Yes! All of you look at it! It's so beautiful, isn't it? Oh wait, hold on, Unknown did you say something?"

Unknown has gotten to Eldrick's front, but he seems angry. With the flex technique applied to his arm muscles, he punches Eldrick in the face.

"This is how it's going to go! I'm going to punch you a few more times! Then you will never put your weird ass on me again!"

Chapter 104 end

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