
Bend the wind to your will!

It has now been forty-six hours since the survival round of the Grava Academy tournament started. In the auditorium, there are no students to be found. David, happy that his job is almost finished, pulls out a bottle of alcohol.

"Finally, almost finished! Time to get lit!"

Nixon quickly snatches the bottle from David and looks at him sternly.

"A bottle of alcohol. The expensive one too. Is this how you act around your daughter as well, Doc?"

"Oh, shut the hell up, old man, I know how to act around my daughter! I don't need your comment!"

"My apologies. Please stay focused and wait until the survival round is completely finished. We have one whole day left."

"Tch, always with the seriousness."

On the other side of the room, Mr.Alex walks over to Mr.Chad, who is currently sleeping. Mr.Alex shakes Mr.Chad to wake him up.

"Is it over yet? I'm so tired."

"No, Mr.Chad, I just had a question for you."

"Oh, wait, who are you again?"

Mr.Alex laughs nervously after hearing Mr. Chad's question.

"Well, I guess I'm new, so you wouldn't know me too well."

"I'm Mr. Alex, the teacher of class four."

"You're a teacher? You look twelve years old."

"Well, I'm actually sixteen."

"Oh, that's such a tiring age."

"Is all you think about is sleeping?"


"Nothing; I just wanted to ask you about your katana."

Mr.Chad sat up straight in his seat.

"What would you like to know?"

"Well, I heard that the idea of a swordsman pretty much disappeared after the feared legend Wrath showed up. So I was very intrigued when I heard you were a swordsman. Could you tell me about the swordsmen's culture?"

"I'm sorry. Wait, what was your name again?"

"It's Mr.Alex."

"Oh, right, such a tiring name to remember, but what I wanted to say is that I'm no swordsman. That katana is just my means to make my powers more efficient."

Mr.Chad looks over to his katana that is lying next to him.

"Plus, learning the way of the swordsmen would be so tiring."

"Oh, ok, I guess I was mistaken."

"Yes, you were."

At the same time, the survival round continues in Mud Forest. Kai, the same boy who introduced himself to Unknown on day one, is meditating on a tree trunk.

Kai is not very well known around the school, but his late father is very well known around the world. His father, Ryuji, was the greatest hand-to-hand fighter on the planet. He was a master at all forms of fighting, and he even evolved every single one to the point where even when he's not using OGI, he's a formidable force. Kai was trained his whole life by his father, and he gained his powers when he passed.

While Kai is in the midst of his meditation, he hears something in the trees above them.

"It seems I have finally run into an enemy."

Kai stands up, and all of a sudden, a white-skinned boy jumps onto the tree trunk, a good distance away from Kai. The boy is 5'8 with a red spiky mohawk. He is wearing a leather jacket and pants with spikes sticking out of them. He has white paint, orange paint, and blue paint all in a swirled-up mixture on his face. He wears a shirt that matches his face paint and a necklace with about fifteen broken guitar picks attached to it. He is carrying a guitar with flames drawn on it and with a strap around his torso.

The boy puts up a rock-n-roll symbol with his fingers.

"Woohoo! I'm feeling the fire today! Let's rock and roll!"

The boy throws a guitar pick from his pocket in the air. He catches the pick and strums his guitar with great force. The guitar makes a loud, electrifying sound.

"Hello, my dear fans! Today I will be performing my new single."

The boy points his guitar pick at Kai.

"King Blaze beats down a weird guy with no shirt!"

"So your name is Blaze?"

"King Blaze to you."

"My apologies, King Blaze."

Kai puts his right palm to his left fist and bows.

"Let's have an honorable fight that we can both be proud of."

"Oh, you're one of those disciplined motherfuckers! I guess you don't know anything about rock music."

"No, I know about rock music, but I don't listen to it. I'm assuming that's your favorite genre of music."

"Oh, don't jump to that assumption. I'm not some type of one-genre-listening loser. I love all music except country; I just can't rock with that shit. But enough of that, what's your favorite genre of music?"

"I don't listen to music. Are we going to fight?"

"Oh right, my new single! Let's go weirdo with no shirt!"

"My name is Kai."

Kai gets into a fighting stance.

"Are you ready?"

"You're the first person I've ever met who asks if their opponent is ready. Yeah I'm ready dude. Come at me!"

Kai uses the accelerate technique to speed his way to the tree trunk Blaze is standing on.

"I see you're ready to rock and roll!"


Kai throws a right punch at Blaze, but Blaze uses the flex technique on his wrist to block it.

"Damn, what an electrifying punch!"

Kai pulls back his left fist and punches Blaze in the chin, which sends him backward.

"That one was even more electrifying. It almost made me tremble! But now it's my turn!"

Blaze strums his guitar. The sound coming from the guitar is so loud that it releases a shockwave. The shockwave sends Kai flying back.

"Yes! That's true electrification!"

"I see that the guitar is more than just a musical instrument for you."

"Nope, you're wrong again!"

Blaze once again strums his guitar and releases an even bigger shockwave. Kai gets sent off of the tree and starts hurling towards another tree.

"I still have a minute!"

Kai fixes his position mid-air and lands on the side of a tree. He then uses the flex technique in his leg muscles to jump. Kai lands back on the branch Blaze is on.


"Wait, why do you keep yelling numbers out?"

Kai pulls back his right arm so fast that the movement isn't even visible, and Blaze all of a sudden gets pulled towards him.


Blaze looks toward Kai and sees him ready to throw a punch.

"I hope I am making you proud, father!"

Kai punches Blaze, sending him flying through tree after tree. Blaze eventually slams into a tree and starts descending into the mud under him. Blaze coughs up blood and quickly grabs onto a vine to avoid falling into the mud.

"What type of punch was that? I felt almost no OGI behind that punch."

The punch Kai just used is called the vacuum punch. This punch was created by Kai's father and taught by him. With this punch, you pull back your arm with great force and speed, causing all the air in your path to clear, completely eliminating air resistance. The pullback for the punch pushes all the air in your way behind you, which can cause things in front of you to be pulled towards you. When you throw the punch, there will be no air resistance, making your punch faster and stronger. After you throw the punch, it will throw all the air you have gathered behind you in whichever direction you aim your punch, making the punch usable from long distances as well.

The vacuum punch has been taught to a few and mastered by even less. It's even nicknamed "the punch that bends the wind to your will." Kai is one of the few masters of the vacuum punch developed by his father.

Kai jumps to the tree in front of where Blaze is.

"So you survived my vacuum punch. I knew you were a worthy opponent."

Blaze jumps from the side of the tree to the top of it.

"Yeah, I could say the same for you. I might have to make a whole album with you."

While this battle happens in Mud Forest in Sandsnow Valley, another battle ensues. Alexander is currently standing in front of Feltzes, the same boy Selena warned Kage about before the survival mode started. Feltzes is sitting crisscrossed on top of the sand.

"Well, if it isn't, feltzs the number two of class two. From what I heard around the school, you're up there when it comes to abilities."

"I wouldn't make that statement about myself."

Alexander throws a bundle of hundred-dollar bills at Feltzes's head.

"Umm, excuse me, what are you doing?"

"Sorry, you started speaking, and all I heard was that you were broke and in need of a cash advance. Hahaha!"

"I see, I have no choice but to put you in your place!"

Feltzes starts to exude a massive amount of OGI. Alexander smiles, pulls out a stack of cash, and starts using them as a fan.

"Dang, it's hot out here; maybe this battle will cool me off."

Chapter 94 end

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