
Sandstorm Showdown

It has now been fifteen hours since the survival round of the Grava Academy tournament started, and with fewer students in each area, the number of fights has lowered. In Sandsnow Valley, it is daytime. Akira is sitting on top of a broken piece of a strange ruin.

"I'm glad that sandstorm came through before I got drowned in sand, but how long has it been? I completely lost track of how many hours it's been."

Akira looks up to the sun and wipes the sweat off of her forehead.

"I know why I can't keep up with the time; it's because of this damn heat! Wait, I almost forgot, I still have my phone!"

Akira pulls her phone out of her pocket. When she tries to turn it on, the screen says


"I don't even know why I tried."

With a sad expression on her face, Akira puts the phone back in her pocket.

"I want to go to sleep, but I'm pretty sure if I do, I'll get attacked by an enemy, or even worse, sand will pile up and kill me."

Akira hears something approaching her from behind.

"I just had to say something!'

Akira jumps out of the way of an incoming piece of rock.

"Woah! Wasn't that rock just sitting over there somewhere?"

Akira looks to her left and starts looking for where she believes the rock came from. She sees a person, but before she can get a good look, a bunch of the broken pieces of the ruins slam onto Akira while she's in mid-air.

"What type of power is this?"

More broken pieces of the ruin slam into Akira, completely covering her entire body.

"I can't bre..."

Once completely covered in huge chunks of debris, Akira goes completely silent.

Where Akira looked was a 5'8 dark-skinned boy with dark hair sitting on a pillar. He is wearing brown jeans and a white button-up shirt with a brown coat.

"Perfect. Soon she'll suffocate, and that will be a win for me. The lower classes will become the top class, and it will all be because of me. Haha!"

The boy looks up at the falling debris in a ball. He sees the debris start to turn into lava from the inside. Akira breaks out of the clump of debris by turning it into lava.

"That was scary!"

"So this isn't going to be easy, I see."

Akira lands on the sand and looks straight at the boy. She then turns her head in confusion.

"Aren't you hot in that big coat?"

"No, I actually feel quite comfortable in this coat."

"Wow, you're crazy."

The boy uses the accelerate technique to get next to Akira. He quickly kicks her in the face.

"My name is Blake, and I will be the one to win this tournament and bring the lower classes to the spotlight!"

As he speaks, Blake notices that his kick didn't move Akira an inch.

"Umm, excuse me, could you get your foot off of my face, please?"

Akira grabs Blake by the leg and throws him a far distance behind her.

"That strength! I didn't even sense her using any OGI. Don't tell me that was just natural strength!"

Blake hits the ground and rolls aggressively until he comes to a stop. When he looks up, he sees Akira in the air with a huge pillar in her hand.

"Eat this, you Paul wannabe!"


Blake's face turns to shock as Akira throws the pillar at him.


Blake jumps out of the way of the pillar. When the pillar hits the ground, it turns into lava and throws lava all around the area.

"Haha, take that punk! Haha, I feel like the main character right now!"

Akira lands on the ground and quickly rushes at Blake. Before she can get too close, a random rock smacks her on the left.

"Where did this rock come from? Wait, this is just like before. The rock is stuck to me."

Akira touches the rock and turns it into lava. The second she does that, ten more rocks slam into her body. The impact of the rocks hitting her starts to leave Akira with injuries.

"Ouch! Why are these things attacking me?"

Akira turns all of the rocks on her into lava. She fell to the ground from the damage the rocks caused.

"Ok, I'm not feeling the main character within me anymore."

Akira looks at her status bar and sees that her health bar has been cut in half.

"Oh, so you noticed how much damage you're taking, and it's all thanks to my power attraction! With this power, I can turn anything I want into a negative or positive, and if you paid attention in class as a kid, you would know that positive and negative attract."

A rock slams into Akira's face out of nowhere.

"For example, that rock is the negative, and I made you the positive, which means depending on how much I increase the magnetic force, it will hit you no matter where you go."

"You're so basic."


"You heard me! You're just a dumb background character with nothing better to do than bother someone like me! So sad, just another faceless background character with no life."

Tears of pity slide down Akira's face.

"This girl thinks we're in some TV show! There's no way this girl can be part of the upper class; she looks like her head never leaves the clouds."

Blake senses something under him. When he looks down, he sees a small amount of lava coming out of the sand.

"Uh oh!"

Blake jumps out of the way of an incoming eruption. A bunch of lava erupts from the ground right after Blake moves out of the way.

"She's trying to kill me!"

Blake jumps back further to get away from the lava. When he looks in front of him, he notices that Akira has disappeared.

"Oh no, I lost track of her!"

Blake quickly looks around in a panic.

"Those lava powers are dangerous. I can't get caught off guard going against them!"

Akira pops out of the ground under Blake.

"I got you now, background character!"

With her right fist covered in lava and with the flex technique applied, she punches Blake in the chin. Blake goes flying across the valley from her punch.

"Oh no you don't! You're not getting away from me!"

Akira gets on all fours and uses the accelerate technique to pursue Blake at full speed.

"Don't go too far, background character! I still have to send you back to the auditorium."

As he flies through the sky, Blake starts to think to himself.

"I can't let her get a hand on me!"

The clouds start to rain sand from the sky more aggressively.

"Damn it, not again!"

Akira's legs start to quickly get stuck in the sand as more sand starts to pile up.

"I don't think I'm going to go to the beach for a while after this!"

Akira starts to turn the sand piling on top of her into lava. Even with her efforts, the sand raining from the sky continues to fall on her.

Blake finally hits the ground, and his health bar has lowered even more.

"Damn, at this point, I'm going to get sent back to the auditorium."

Blake touches his chin and grits his teeth in pain.

"That girl left a burn on my chin."

Sand starts to pile up on Blake as well.

"Wait a minute."

Blake starts to grip the sand in his hand.

"This whole area is sand, and all the sand is pretty much touching each other."

Blake touches the sand and screams, "This is how I win!"

Akira claws her way out of the sand.

"Having to keep my body above the sand is so annoying!"

Suddenly, the sand starts to cling to Akira's body. With every passing second, more sand gathers on Akira's body. Akira quickly looks at Blake, who is standing with a proud look on his face.

"What did you do?"

"Wow, your head really is always in the clouds. It's pretty simple: I made one grain of sand negative, and since it's touching more sand, I was able to make those grains of sand negative as well. I keep making more and more sand negative, to the point where all the sand in this valley is negative. Now I'll increase the magnetic force to the maximum."

More and more sand starts to attach to Akira's body.

"I can't turn the sand into lava. Every time I try more sand, replace it."

A mountain of sand starts to form around Akira. With more sand heading toward Akira, the mountain keeps getting bigger.

"Haha, soon you won't be able to breathe, and then you'll be sent back to the auditorium! To think this battle would have such an easy solution!"

As he says that Blake notices something on the mountain of sand.

"Why does the sand look like it's about to burst? Wait, don't tell me!"

Blake turns around and attempts to run, but it's too late. A beam of lava shoots from the mountain of sand. The beam of lava smacks Blake in the back, burning his clothes and his back.


Blake's health bar gets too low before he can completely get burned by the lava. Blake vanishes, signaling that he gets sent back to the auditorium.

The mountain of sand falls, and Akira climbs out of the aftermath. She wipes the lava off of her mouth.

"I held back as much as possible on that attack. I hope he will be okay."

Akira looks around and sees nothing but sand.

"I still don't know the damn time!"

Chapter 90 end

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