
The Snachro brothers part four

Kage finds the Draco Selena was talking about. Kage has already cut his energy in half by pushing the limit of his energy barrier. Kage, while flying, takes a strong fighting stance in the face of the Draco.

As Kage fights the Draco in the sky, on the ground, a good distance away from the jet, Akira and Unknown battle Frax and Ruth. The entire area was filled with mist, leaving Unknown and Akira unable to see their oppenents.

"Hey, Akira I think the big dude's power is to create mist."

"I think you're right!"

"So we're dealing with a slasher and a mist guy. They probably plan to use this mist as a way to blind us."

"If that's true, I think it's time for me to put my powers to use!"

Akira starts to glow intensely.

"My abilities are something hard to explain, but what I can tell you is they can't hide from me!"

Akira gets on all fours and starts sniffing the entire area.

"I know both of you are still here!"

Akira catches a whiff of a familiar smell and instantly can see the location of their enemies threw the mist.

"I found them!"

"Wait already!"

"The big one is staying out of the mist by staying in the tree while the other one is walking through the mist."

"Ok, then that's perfect!"

"What do you plan on doing?"

"OK, this is the plan."

On the other side of the mist, Frax is putting on some interesting glasses.

"These shits are so ugly, but I know this won't take long."

Frax finally gets the glasses on, and when he clicks the button on the side of them, the glasses turn on heat-seeking mode. With heat-seeking now on, Frax can fight with an advantage since Akira and Unknown can't see in the mist; at least that's what he assumes.

"Okay, now it's time to find those idiots."

Frax looks up and sees Akira running on all fours toward him.

"What the hell!"

Akira jumps at Frax in an attempt to attack him. Frax dodges the attack and shoots blades from his wrist toward Akira. Akira slams her hands into the ground, which causes the ground under her to flip up. She uses the ground to block Frax's attack.

"I see you're using those glasses to see in this mist! Well, you aren't the only one who can see in this mist!"

Akira, running on all fours, rushes towards Frax.

"Oh yeah, well, good for you! You're still going to die either way!"


Akira vanishes, and Frax follows by vanishing as well.

As Akira handles Frax Unknown is ready to execute his part. Not too far from Akira and Frax's battle, Ruth is sitting in a tree, producing his mist across the forest.

"So sad. This mist is so beautiful but will soon disappear once the battle is over. So sad. My ability allows me to use this mist as my eyes, so hiding from me here is pointless."

Unknown jumps out of the mist into the tree next to Ruth's tree.

"I guess there really was no point in hiding from you, big man!"

"So sad. You refer to me as "big man" even though I told you my name."

"Well, if you're so hurt about it, why don't you just let us go and leave us alone on our field trip?"

"Sorry, I can't do such a thing; it would betray my brother's trust, so I will have to kill you. So sad!"

"OK, I understand. You gotta be loyal to the day ones!"

Unknown vanishes and uses the accelerate technique to jump from tree to tree until he gets to Ruth's blind spot. Unknown jumps at Ruth's back and tries to kick his neck with the flex technique applied. Ruth ducks Unknown's kick with ease.

"Wait, this fatass is quick!"

"So sad everyone assumes I'm slow because of my size, but in truth, I'm the fastest of my brothers."

With Unknown in midair, Ruth grabs his leg and swings Unknown into a tree so hard that he almost goes through it.

"I think I made a big miscalculation of my opponent!"

Ruth continues his attack by slamming his knees into Unknown's face, causing his body to go threw the entire tree.

"So sad"

Ruth starts to walk towards Unknown, who currently lies hurt on a tree branch, but then stops at the sound of Unknown's murmuring.

"Are you saying something over there, man with the mask?"

Unknown stands up, even with his head bleeding.

"Nah, I'm good; it's just that I sometimes whisper to myself in stressful situations like this. What is your name again, Ruth? Well, my name is Unknown."

"Hmm, you're telling me your name."

"Yeah, I think you knocked a few screws loose in my brain, but you were right; telling our names is a good idea before we fight to the death!"

As Unknown talks a big game to Ruth in his head, he's thinking differently.

"Damn it, why do I always fight the guys that are hella strong? Now I wish I did fight that purple-yellow-haired weirdo! Well, it's too late to complain now. If I just stay focused and keep away from getting hit too hard, I can win!"

As Unknown strengthens his resolve against Ruth, Frax wanders around in the mist in search for Akira, who disappeared from his sight.

"God damn it, where could that orange-haired bitch go? Does she have some type of invisibility ability? Tch, why are these heat-seeking glasses so useless? Wait, I hear something."

Frax looks around but can't seem to locate where the loud, rumbling sound is coming from.

"Wait, it can't be!"

Frax looks down, but it's too late. A pair of hands come out of the ground and grab both of Frax's legs.

"Damn it, let go!"

Before Frax could even struggle, the hands pulled him into the ground. Within a few seconds, Frax busted out of the ground and into a tree. The impact of hitting the tree broke a few bones in Frax's body.

"To think a little girl like you would be so strong!"

Akira burst out of the ground at full speed towards Frax. Frax tries to move but is slowed down by his broken rib.

"If you're surprised by that, then you'll be even more surprised by this!"

Akira punches Frax in the face, which sends him flying through ten trees. Frax sits up on a tree, holding his rib.

"God damn it, this shit hurts!"

As Frax screams in pain, he quickly realizes that his suffering isn't over yet. He looks up and sees Akira charging at him with a tree she just ripped out of the ground in hand.

"Ahhh, die werdio!"

"Wait! Wait! I give! I give! Please just let me go! I won't bother you anymore!"

Akira starts the motion to slam the huge tree on Frax's head, but then pauses with the tree right over Frax's head.

"You promise?"


"Do you promise you'll stop fighting? You can't break a promise, you know?"

"Oh yes, yes, I promise that I'll stop fighting!"

"Oh, ok, then we're cool then!"

With a smile on her face, Akira throws the huge tree to the side.

"Bye-bye, now I'm going to go help my friend! You stay there and wait for someone to help you."

Akira leaves to go help Unknown.

"Damn idiot, I couldn't move even if I tried."

Frax remembers a few words from his brother Satch.

"I know the three of us are risking our lives to live the way we live, but remember this: if your life is in danger, get out of there by any means possible. That goes for all of us!"

After remembering those words, Frax smiles.

"Shit, I'm glad I listened to his orders because that girl was for sure going to kill me."

Frax falls unconscious after his internal injuries get to him.

Not too far from Frax, the battle between Unknown and Ruth rages on. Unknown is jumping from tree to tree to avoid getting too close to Ruth.

"Damn it I got to do something to beat this guy, but if I get too close, he will overpower me with his strength, but if I lose focus, he'll use his speed to catch me off guard."

Ruth appears in front of Unknown. Unknown quickly reacts by punching him multiple times in the stomach. Ruth backs away and creates more mist around him.

"Oh, so you can be damaged? That's good to know!"

Unknown quickly goes into the mist with a full tackle. His tackle makes contact with Ruth, causing him to fall from the trees to the ground.

"You should have tried moving instead of just sitting in some mist dumbass!"

"So sad. It seems you figured the best way of winning was waiting for me to make a move first so you can come back with a counter!"

"I'm not done!"

Unknown comes down from the trees and slams his knee onto Ruth's neck.


"Yeah, from playing a lot of video games with Kage, I learned that giving your opponent a false sense of security works better than fighting head-on!"

Ruth starts choking from Unknown, slamming his knee onto his neck.

"So sad...that hurt."

"What the hell is up with you and that so sad phrase?"


Unknown looks behind him and still sees nothing but mist.

"Not over there, dummy, over here!"

After feeling a tap on his shoulder, he looks to his left and sees Akira.

"Oh, Akira, you're already done!"

"Yeah, he gave up the second I pulled the tree out."

"Pulled the tree out?"

Ruth, seeing Unknown and Akira reunited, remembered the same words Frax remembered from Satch.

"There's two of them now, and bother Frax is already down. Sorry, Brother Satch, but I remember your words, "If your life is in danger, get out of there by any means possible."

"Hey, two over there!"


"So sad, but I must throw in the towel. Please let me go in peace."

The mist clears up after Ruth deactivates level two.

"Wait, you give up!"

"Weird, the other one did that as well when he was in a corner."

"Really, well, I'm not about to continue a fight if I don't have to."

"Yes, thank you. You both are so kind!"

Akira and Unknown look at Ruth in confusion.

"Whatever, bro, just don't cause us any more trouble! Akira, come on, we have a jet to catch!"


Chapter 50 end 

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