
Ghost knight???

After Luthor's conversation with the mysterious feared legend Exploiter, he went on and cracked the encrypted message. Using his new information, he left Grava City to pursue his case. While this happened, Mr.Mink finished teaching class one about the Snschro Zone.

"OK, that is it for my lesson. Are there any questions for me?"

Mr.Mink looks around the classroom and sees no hands raised.

"OK, perfect! Now my reason for this lesson is that tomorrow we will be heading to the Snachro Zone!"

The entire class looks at Mr.Mink with a confused expression on their faces. Kage suddenly jumps out of his seat.

"You're kidding, right, Mr.Mink!"

"Why would I make such a joke, Kage? I'm serious about this."

As Mr.Mink speaks, Akira starts to think of many off-topic things.

"Wait, the Snachro zone is a great place to vacation. The best beaches, the best water parks, and the greatest resort a human can see!"

Akira jumps out of her seat with an excited expression on her face.

"Mr.Mink sir! I think going to the Snachro Zone is an amazing idea!"

"Yes, Akira! Your enthusiasm is something the rest of the class should follow!"

Selena looks toward Akira with level two activated. She then whispers to the point that only Akira can hear her.

"A resort, huh? You know this probably isn't going to be a vacation."

Akira flinches at Selena's remark and sits back down in her seat in disappointment. Mr.Mink starts to explain the reason for going to the Snachro zone.

"Earlier today I had a conversation with a teacher who just got promoted to the teacher of class four. I've known about him for a while, and I'm glad Principal Nixion recognizes his talent as well. He is the youngest teacher we've ever had, coming in at the age of sixteen."

The entire class looks at Mr.Mink in shock and yells at the top of their lungs.


"Yes, yes, I know it's surprising, but it's true. He is a kid from the Snachro zone, and I met him when I visited the zone. He wanted to be a teacher instead of a student, but it took him two years to convince Principal Nixion to allow him to teach. He might be young, but he's a natural talent and is very intelligent. He was so intelligent that he gave me the idea for this field trip."

Mr.Mink starts to think back to his earlier conversation with the new teacher named Mr.Alex. Mr.Mink casually walked into class four, where a 5'7 white-skinned teenager dressed in a green suit with spiky green hair was sitting at his front desk.

"Hello, Mr.Alex I see you settled into the place where you'll be spending most of your time from now on."

"Oh, what's good, Mr.Mink? I got settled in the second I was given the go-ahead to use this classroom."

"Oh, that's amazing. I'm glad we have someone as young and excited as you on our staff."

"Hehe, I've finally reached my dream of becoming a teacher, and it's all thanks to you giving me a chance, so I thank you for that."

"No need to thank me. It's because of your hard work that you're sitting in the teacher's seat today!"

"Thanks; I'll try to remember that, but I've wanted to tell you something I think you will find interesting."

"Oh, really, what is it?"

"Before I left the Snachro zone, I'd been hearing rumors of a special sea cave being discovered near the beach of Frinstion City."

"Oh, now that's pretty interesting since sea caves are usually pretty valuable. I heard the last sea cave that was found had boatloads of treasure, but what made it so great was that it had a new type of metal."

"Yeah, you're right, and with mass production, we were able to make stronger trains and planes to travel between zones."

"Yeah, the government had a field day with that new metal."

"Hehe, yeah, but this new sea cave is an interesting case."


"This sea cave has been rumored to be the home of some knight that's haunting the sea cave."

"A knight? Is there anything unique about this knight you speak of?"

"Well, from what I heard, they're calling it a ghost knight since it seems very ghost-like, almost out of a horror movie."

"Wow, to think such a thing would be living in a sea cave that's deep underwater, but what is your reasoning for telling me this?"

"When you talked to me last, you told me you wanted your students to gain a lesson from the Snachro Zone. What other way to get a lesson from the Snachro zone than by visiting their renowned sea caves?"

"Oh, of course, and you're telling me I should go to this sea cave since it's new!"

"Yep, this sea cave should be perfect for your class to visit!"

"Thank you, Mr.Alex! This is perfect; I will make the arrangements right now!"

"Yeah, I hope you enjoy your visit, and while you do so, I'll be busy powering up class four so we can surpass class one."

"Haha, yeah, you can keep telling yourself that, but everyone knows my class on a whole other level."

Mr.Mink, after making his remark, leaves the classroom in a rush. Mr.Mink, after revealing where he got the idea for a field trip, started telling the class the trip arrangements.

"OK, class, with that being said, I'm not forcing any of you to go, so with a raise of hands, who wants to go on this field trip?"

After his question was asked, Kage, Unknown, Akira, and Selena raised their hands.

"Alright, good, good!"

Mr.Mink looks over and notices that Paul doesn't have his hand up.

"I'm guessing you have better things to do, Paul."

Paul responds with a head nod, and Mr.Mink shrugs his shoulders and writes "four students" on a piece of paper.

"Alright class, four of you will be going, which is great. We leave tomorrow, so make sure you get a good night's rest because at one AM, we will meet in front of the school and leave at two AM by private jet."

Kage thinks about what Mr.Mink said for a few seconds and looks toward him with a face of shock.

"Did you just say we're getting there by a fucking private jet!?"

"Yep, this trip is getting funded by the school itself, so we don't have to go through the hassle of public transportation."

"Wow, that's so cool! Isn't Unknown?"

Kage looks over to Unknown and sees him with a face of worry.

"Excuse me, Mr.Mink, what about Wayne? Are we going to ask him about the trip?"

"Unfortunately, Wayne hasn't decided to come back to school yet, so I can't include him in this trip."

"Oh yeah, you're right. Sorry for asking."

"Unknown It's okay to be worried about a classmate, but you need to understand that he won't just come back the next day, especially after what he's been through. You just need to give him some time."

"Hehe, you're right as usual, Mr.Mink."

"Alright. Now that's settled, I will dismiss you all today so you can get home to prepare for our trip tomorrow. Make sure to pack well; we will be in the Snachro zone for about a week!"

With Mr. Minks's final words on their minds, all the students of class one leave the class to prepare for tomorrow. With Mr.Mink the only one left in the class, he looks at his phone. He has a message from Principal Nixion that says, "Come have a meeting with me as soon as possible."

"Oh lord, I wonder what it could be this time. Hopefully, it's nothing too serious."

Mr.Mink leaves class one and walks to the principal's office at the top of the school. When he walks into the room, Nixion is sitting in his chair, signing documents on his high desk.

"You wanted to talk to me, principal?"

"That is what I texted you for."

"Great, what do you need from me, sir?"

Nixon puts down his pen and looks at Mr.Mink with a face of seriousness.

"As you know, for this special field trip, you will be going to Frinstion City, and I have no objections, but that city might seem nice, but I'm telling you a lot is happening in that city that you want to avoid at all costs."

"Is it that bad?"

"I've been there once, and I felt the bad intentions all over the city. It could be worse now than when I went, so I'm telling you to watch those kids carefully."

"Of course, that's my job; I was going to do that regardless."

"Don't get me wrong. I trust you, but it's easy for things to go sour without you realizing it. So if it does go sour, make sure to call me first."

"Yeah, you're right, so I will call you if it goes sour, but let me tell you something. I might get into a situation where I'll need you, but trust me when I say this."

Mr.Mink's words catch Nixion's attention. Mr.Mink's face becomes serious, causing him to look Nixion directly in the eyes.

"Those kids might need this bad experience more than ever because the world is heading to a time where we will need them to be tough."

Mr.Mink and Nixion continue their conversation for the rest of the day.

Chapter 45 end

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