
The beast kings rage

Hunter thought he could get away with hurting the Beast Kings family, but soon found out he was sorely mistaken. Kirata punches Hunter in the back so hard that his torso completely blows up, splattering blood everywhere.

"Tch, hey Arcta, hurry up and go while I fight Hunter!"


Arcta takes off to the cave safely with Wayne on his back. Hunter completely regenerates his torso.

"Hahaha! Well, if it isn't the beast king himself, we finally get to fight after these long ten years."

"Yeah, your right It has been ten years, but this time I'll make sure you go straight to hell."

"Hahaha, yes, I love that look in your eyes! This is exactly like ten years ago! The only difference is that this time I'm going to win!"

Hunter grows out his fingernails and starts to intensely scratch his neck to the point where it bleeds. He scratches his neck so hard that his fingernails break with the pressure. Hunter starts to smile because of how excited he is to fight the Beast King.

"Oh shit my nails broke! Hahaha! I'm so ex–"

Before he could even finish his sentence, fifty-five strikes of lightning came down from the sky and hit Hunter directly. The barrage of lightning strikes burns Hunter's body to a crisp. Hunter instantly starts healing his burns but doesn't realize that Kirata is already on top of him.

"Hunter, you have tormented the Moro zone long enough, and now you will pay!"

Kirata surrounds his hand with lightning and grabs Hunter in rage. With Hunter in his grasp, Kirata starts to squeeze him as hard as he can. Hunter attempts to get out of his grasp by combing the durability of every beast he's ever eaten, but even with that much durability, Kirata breaks through it.


"You will die today; I assure you of that right now!"

Kirata squeezes Hunter's body to the point where all the blood in it explodes out. Kirata doesn't stop there; he opens his mouth wide and bites Hunter's torso off. He then spits out his torso on the ground. As Hunter's torso goes "splat" on the ground, a lightning bolt comes from the sky and continuously zaps him, giving him no chance to regenerate. Kirata also throws his legs on the ground and does the same to his legs.

"Now it's time for me to do what I should have done from the beginning. The lighting will slowly destroy your body until there's nothing left, and you might as well give up on regenerating because I know you can't regenerate while taking damage. Not a single atom of you will be left!"

As he slowly dies, Hunter starts to laugh hysterically.

"Hahahaha! Oh my god, I actually pissed off the beast king, the most powerful person in the Moro zone. Hahaha! This pain is so excruciating; I've never felt this much pain in my entire life!"

"What the hell does he not know he's about to die!?"

Kirata looks in confusion as Hunter laughs hysterically while slowly being turned to smithereens. Hunter stops laughing and just grins at the sky. Both his torso and legs finally disintegrated, leaving not an atom of Hunter left.

"Tch, finally the battle is over. Now I can attend to my son."

Kirata turns around and is about to power down, but with his strong senses, he hears something coming from behind. With lightning speed, Kirata attempts to move out of the way of an incoming attack, but a shadowy figure tears through Kirata's left shoulder.

"No way, but I know I dest–!!"

"What you thought you destroyed me! Ha! You really thought it would be that easy!"

The person who put a hole in Kirata's shoulder is Hunter, who has completely regenerated.

"I don't understand; there was nothing left of you! How are you alive!?"

"Oh wow, for a beast king, you're pretty fucking stupid!"

Kirata looks at Hunter in pure confusion as he speaks.

"How the hell do you think I survived our last encounter ten years ago?"


"Haha, it's a really funny story, you know. As you know, how I regenerate is by combining the different regenerative abilities of multiple different beasts, which is why I'm able to regenerate so quickly, but what makes my regeneration abilities so strong is that as long as I have OGI and a piece of my body remaining, I can regenerate."

"Tch, yeah, so what!? That's why I destroyed every part of your body till there was nothing left!"

"Hahaha, do you realize how many times today alone I've lost a part of my body?"

Kirata's face turns to shock when he realizes that Hunter was never in danger of dying during the entire battle.

"In our encounter ten years ago, I did the same thing. When you paralyzed me and eradicated me with lighting, I already had a severed finger that I regenerated from. Every part of my body that is disconnected always has a little bit of my OGI lingering inside of it, so that means as long as my OGI tank has enough in it and I'm close enough, I can always regenerate! Lucky for me, the Anumath race can use their webs to make clothing, or I would have to go the rest of this battle with my dick out!

"Damn it, this is bad! If this battle goes on any longer, I have no hope of victory."

"Hahaha, what's wrong, Beast King? Aren't you supposed to be the most powerful? Come on now, don't make this boring!"

Hunter grows sharp wings out of his back and flies up. The wings on Hunter's back start to rain down spicks from its feathers. The spikes start to hit Kirata and leave gaping cuts on his skin.

"Damn it, he has me in a corner! Wait, maybe I can paralyze him."

Kirata throws a bolt of lightning at Hunter, which he dodges without any hesitation.

"Sorry, but I don't plan to lose to your paralysis again! I've trained for the past ten years for this moment, and I won't let it escape again!"

Kirata tries to get up but falls back to his knees. Kirata's vision starts to shake as his old age catches up to him.

"Uh, oh, it seems like someone put their all into one onslaught of attacks!"

"At this point, the only way you could beat me is by hoping that I somehow run out of energy. Too bad you don't have that energy boy with you; he would have been helpful in this fight."

Hunter flies down from the sky and starts mocking Kirata as he kneels in exhaustion.

"Hehe, this is the first time in years I've been on the verge of death. Wayne, I'm sorry, winning is impossible at this point."

"Oh, for fuck sake, you're boring! I liked you better when you were the all-powerful beast king, but I guess even the king of beasts has to fall to the legendary Hunter. Well, time to finish this."

Multiple green gems appear on Hunter's torso. The gems shoot out multiple green beams that cut right through Kirata's skin. As Kirata hits the ground, memories of his past flood his mind.

Fourteen years after the creation of the four zones, Kirata, the future beast king, was born to his mother Trish, who is also a Draibnu the same race as Kirata. This race is rare in the beast kingdom, even in the present. At the start of the four zones, only two Draibnus existed, and those two were Trish and Jack, who is the father of Kirata. It's actually pretty lucky that there were only two of these creatures around because Draibnus are the most powerful beasts in the Moro zone. If they were a full race, then humans wouldn't have lasted so long in the Moro zone war.

Jack looks almost identical to the present Kirata. A muscular, dog-like beast comes in at 13 feet with multiple battle scars all over his body. On the other hand, Trish is of the same race but a little more fragile. She's only 10 feet tall and doesn't look as vicious as her son and husband.

These two beasts have no love for each other whatsoever, but they are in a time of war, and having their race die out before it even starts isn't in any of their interests. So with that agreement, they both decided to do the deed and make babies. They have two children; the first one's name was Lege. Lege was born four years before Kirata. Lege wasn't anything abnormal; he was born at four feet and looked like a baby version of Kirata. After raising Lege together for four years, Trish and Jack had Kirata, but he was different from his brother.

It was a bright day in the Moro zone during a time of war. Trish was about to go into labor while Jack and Lege watched.

"Jack, it hurts; it feels like he's punching his way out."

"Don't worry about the pain; just make sure my son comes out correctly."


Regular beasts may sound like they are speaking in growls to a human ear, but when they speak to each other, it sounds like fluent English. Jack and Trish walk away from Lege and turn a corner to start the birth process, while Lege stands outside.

"Wow, I'm going to have a brother! I'm so excited!"

As Lege thinks about how excited he is, he hears an unbearable sound.


Chapter 34 end 

Kiratas past is in fact a shaky one

THE_GOAT_HIMSELFcreators' thoughts
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